Preparedness Pro's blog

Prepping--Old School Style

I really don't remember when it began, I was a kid.  Born and Raised in the U.S. Air Force, everything we did had to fit the Military income and Lifestyle.  I was Born in Massachusetts, but never lived there, and My sister was born in Hawaii.   I went to school in Both Upper and Lower Peninsulas of Michigan, Junior High in Selma Alabama (I'm an Eye witness to M.L.

Why I Prep

My mother was brought up during the depression, so with 5 brothers and 3 sisters, I was brought up to pinch and save also.  We did not have a bathroom till I was 6 or 7 years old.  We had an outside pump and an outhouse.  We raised sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, along with lots of puppies and kittens.

Survivor From the Big Island

Seven years ago my husband and I moved to the Big Island of Hawaii. We had both spent the majority  of our lives on the mainland and were used to the convenience of living there.  One day, I went down the yogurt aisle and found it void of yogurt. When I asked the cashier about it she said that the yogurt was expected to arrive in a few days. The Big Island depends heavily on shipments coming into its harbor. There are so many things that can cause disruption to the island...

Nordstrom's Shopping Addict Cured by Prepping

From Nordstrom's shopping addict to a Prepper addict?

What do you get with a young and vain generation that has had the major part of society telling them there self worth comes from how they look or appear to others? You get a person who was addicted to shopping, in a lot of debt, fighting with her husband about buying MORE CLOTHING because of her shopping addiction, because she is allowing others to determine her self-worth based on what they think of her!

Good for the Body and Soul

Since May of 2011 I have thrown away several no longer needed prescription drugs, and I have lost 40 pounds, because of things I learned and practiced while prepping.

I learned a lot of great stuff from Kellene. I learned about the right oils to use, including essential oils. I learned about the proper intake and use of vitamins.

I am a much stronger and better health nut today because of prepping. I went from being the pickiest child in the USA to eating kale, spinach, quinoa, chia and flax seeds, and liking them.


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