Preparedness Pro's blog

Left-Leaning Feminist, Democrat, Liberal Prepper

Okay so I admit it.  I'm a left leaning, Feminist, Democrat,science believing Liberal Prepper.  Ah,  I feel so out of the closet here. How could such a thing happen? Come TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI when the Zombies go after the Mormons, NRA's and Preppers to steal all the goodies. Hopefully my family and I will still be hanging around. Eating, reading, growing things and living to tell the tales to the next generation.

A Return to Self-Reliance

I grew up on a farm in Idaho.  My father had a day job so he could only work on the farm at night and on Saturdays. This left my sisters and I to help in the fields and tend to our very large garden. In the fall, we helped pick and can all the produce. We even picked the wild asparagus growing on the ditch-banks! That, along with the beef we raised, we had food to eat all year.  It was a great example of how to be self-reliant. I was also taught many other skills such as, sewing, baking bread and woodworking, which I have been grateful for as I have raised my children.

Prepping by Faith

I've been a prepper for more than 30 years so it no longer takes much thinking to keep the basics covered...even had a time when my kids were all grown when my stash greatly diminished...but now I have two adopted kids and three foster kids and prepping seems hugely important again.   We live on 11 acres with a creek so it is a good place to be.   I read and talk to people who believe they need to have guns to protect their stash from others and at times I wonder if I should be doing that also but then I remember:   I am doing what I've been called to do and I'm living where I am called to

I'm a Prepper and I'm Not Afraid

Sometimes it's lonely being a prepper.

Many years ago I knew a woman whom I thought was a little tad on the "crazy" side of preparedness.  I wish I had gleaned more and more information from her over the year. She has always been more than willing to share.  And has helped me a lot.

Then a few years ago I started getting a feeling that I need to really ramp up my efforts to be prepared. I still have a long way to go, but I'm also running out of space in my house.  So I'm getting there.

Prepare for ANY Event

Hi!  My name is Sallie, and I am a Newbie Doomsday Prepper.  Watching the Nat Geo show has opened my eyes and forced me to face the realities that are right before us.  I work for a state agency that assists families in need.  We receive over a 100 new applications each week, in just my office.  Whoever said the economy was getting better, LIED!!  I see the truth every day.  I want to thank whoever thought to bring this issue to light.  I can and will do ANYTHING to protect my family.  My 10 year old and I are alrea


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