Finally, practical and professional preparedness information.
Preparedness Pro is devoted to providing guidance and encouragement for Peaceful Preparedness. We provide a balanced, prioritized approach to a self-reliant lifestyle by teaching about the Ten Principles of Preparedness© in all of our writings which consists of:
We strongly believe in the importance of self-reliance in today’s society as well as a more challenging one in the future. We do not subscribe to the mindset of “emergency preparedness” for we believe that a true emergency cannot be anticipated by very nature of the term “emergency” thus we believe in a logical, rational and prudent approach towards strengthening our self-reliance on a DAILY basis. We believe that only this approach has sufficient efficacy to help us survive and thrive amidst more challenging times.
About the Founder/Author:
In addition to being the Director of Training for Preparedness Pro as well as a personal Self-Reliance Consultant, Kellene is a professional copywriter and an award-winning marketer. Kellene was the editor-in-chief of Monetary Intelligence Magazine, a ghostwriter for several industry-specific magazines on matters of commercial finance, and is a professional copywriter for marketing businesses all over the U.S. Her creative marketing campaigns have earned her much notoriety in international marketing circles, including acknowledgment as one of the top three marketers in the world as voted by her marketing peers. As such, she has frequently been called upon to teach “street smart skills for marketing” for today’s entrepreneurs.
She has been teaching and writing about preparedness matters for over a decade. She possesses a particularly strong background in international finance and international marketing. In the spirit of ultimate self-reliance, she is also the founder of Women of Caliber, specializing in the private training of women in matters of physical and firearm self-defense skills. She is a former certified Utah Concealed Firearm Permit instructor but permitted her certification to expire as she chose to focus more on the skills of self-defense, not permission. She is the highest certified female NRA Instructor (NRA#69538938) in the Western States with certifications as a Chief Range Safety Officer, Certified Pistol Instructor, Certified Personal Protection In The Home Instructor, Certified Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor, Certified Rifle Instructor, and Certified Shotgun Instructor.
She’s been featured as an expert guest on NRA News Radio, The Dr. Prepper Radio Show, and other local radio talk shows. She’s frequently requested to be the keynote speaker on matters of independence, entrepreneurship, and preparedness all over the nation. She’s also been courted by several cable stations to consult or take part in episodes which would highlight her expertise. After only four weeks as the host of two of her own weekly radio shows on the Preparedness Radio Network, she escalated to be one of the top three listened shows every week and went on to be the most widely listened-to preparedness-themed radio shows. Sadly, other demands for her time required these wonderful experiences to take a back seat to her time better spent elsewhere. However, archives of her shows may be downloaded on
As a professional writer, Kellene devotes her research skills and experience to providing regular articles on matters of preparedness, self-defense, the U.S. Constitution, and other matters pertinent to the freedom and agency found in our great nation. While most “researchers” simply use regurgitated information on the internet, she goes to great lengths to conduct personal interviews with known experts, researches published white papers, and uses quality published works as a foundation for her information. While she’s passionate about educating on the entire, balanced approach to a self-reliant life (via the 10 Principles of Preparedness), she’s particularly fond of alternative medical, financial, and culinary matters of preparedness. She’s also been featured as a culinary instructor at two prestigious cooking schools in her local area. She absolutely loves creating delicious dishes from shelf-stable foods as well as rediscovering practices of preserving and preparing non-traditional shelf-stable foods.
In addition to cooking, she loves to skeet shoot, read non-fiction books, train her four dogs to be an asset to a self-reliant lifestyle, writing, and reading non-fiction. On her days off, she prefers to organize her home and strengthen her position of self-reliance–along with playing with her four dogs, spoiling her nieces and nephews, and indulging in a bit of chocolate. She has appeared with her ex-husband on Season 1 of National Geographic Channel’s “Doomsday Preppers.” Her episode was one of the top two watched episodes of the most successful show in National Geographic Channel’s history of broadcasting. A few of her additional credits include appearing on France’s “Enquette Exclusive” (akin to the American “60 Minutes”), UK’s Chat Magazine, featured guest on Radio France, featured in “Marie Claire Magazine” (UK), “Anderson” (Anderson Cooper talk show), and “Fox and Friends.”
All of these appearances and putting herself out there have the downside of bringing unwanted adversarial and contentious attention, but Kellene continues this blog, fills speaking engagements, writing, and publishing to her YouTube channel instructions with an unrivaled passion and commitment to help others take control of their lives and be independent and at peace in every way possible. Whether it’s one person or a thousand who embark on a more self-reliant journey, she refuses to back down to the petty sniping of others or allow them to mar the culture or environment that she attempts to foster on this site for others. She’s written over 1,000 articles for this site that readers from all over the world can access free of charge. You can also stay updated on more time-sensitive news on her Facebook page.