We’re announcing the winners of the two drawings we just held recently.
The first one was brought to us by Gold Eagle Co. and they created a nice $90 Severe Storm Preparedness Giveaway package including the fab product STABIL. *grin*
Rebecca Alley is the winner for the Severe Storm Preparedness Giveaway from STABIL.
Next we have the winners for the MyNaughtyBaby.com drawing. We had two of these cute and fabulous cloth diapers to give away.
Rose of Prepping in the Garden won one of the Naughty Baby Cloth Diaper sets and
Matt who’s waiting on baby #6 to arrive, won the other drawing! Woohoo!
Congrats to all of our winners! And a special thanks to MyNaughtyBaby.com and Gold Eagle Co. who sponsored the special pack from STABIL and Start Your Engines. 🙂
If you’re one of the owners you need to provide me your mailing address (no PO boxes) within 48 hours so that we can ship you your prize!!!
Be sure to take advantage of our other contest that we’ve got going. There are only SIX more days left to get your apron entry in to be selected as the winner of the fabulous Brother Sewing Machine!!! Here are all of the details… http://www.preparednesspro.com/preparedness-pro-apron-sewing-contest/
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