We have a winner, folks! One of Preparedness Pro’s remarkable commenters from the last two weeks will walk away with this FoodSaver Mason Jar Attachment! How’s that for sharing your two cents’ worth?
And the winner is…
Jaime Makin!
Congratulations, Jaime! Please email sarah [at] preparednesspro [dot] com with your mailing addresso so we can get your FoodSaver Mason Jar Attachment out to you!
In case you’re wondering what to do with your new prize, here’s an excerpt from a past article that will explain it perfectly:
You can stuff a Mason jar with any dry ingredient such as rice, nuts, chocolate chips, granola, etc. Place the lid, no ring, on the jar. Connect the air port from the FoodSaver to your Mason Jar attachment with the hose that comes with the FoodSaver. Place the jar attachment on top of your jar. Turn on your FoodSaver, and bzzzzzz…a moment later you have successfully sucked out the oxygen from your jar. After doing so you should store it away from heat and regular light. As such you will win the battle against expiration dates.
Preparedness Pro will keep the commenting contest going through Thanksgiving, so whenever you feel so inclined, share your thoughts and insights on any of the Preparedness Pro articles and we’ll keep giving away fabulous prizes every two weeks!
Copyright 2009 Preparedness Pro & Kellene. All rights reserved. You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Preparedness Pro & Kellene.
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