The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear. – Herbert Agar
I know that the three financial preparedness articles I wrote last week weren’t exactly uplifting or exciting. That’s probably the reason why so few of you responded to them. 🙂 I also am aware that the “Lights Out, Now What” class I taught on Saturday was a bit challenging to hear. Sitting through 90 minutes of what would cause a prolonged electrical outage and who the most vulnerable victims would be could be a bit disheartening. (Although, of course I also covered what you can do now to be prepared for it.) Frankly though, if you look at that which may cause one to rely on their preparedness efforts, it’s typically not happy news. But what IS good news is having an ill-timed event come into your life and knowing that you are prepared sufficiently to handle it well. That’s called preparedness. Perhaps peace is essentially useless if there is no comparison of chaos to measure it against. Stocking up on drinking water may seem crazy when you can simply turn on a tap and get what you need. But that drinkable water turns into proverbial gold when there’s no water to swim in, right?
Read Truth Here
As some of my readers know, when I post a story regarding the food and crop shortages that America is presently experiencing, I do tend to attract some naysayers. Yet recently it was announced all over the mainstream media that pumpkins are in shortage this year due to the soggy crops preventing their harvest.
Additionally, this story (Wave of Debt Payments Facing U.S. Government) made the front page of the New York Times. In my opinion it reinforces the warning that there is indeed a financial collapse coming. This amount of monies which are due from the federal government on our national debts could easily be the first of many debilitating waves.
Truth: We need more water storage
Also, this story (Toxic Waters) was also posted prominently in the New York Times today. To me it reinforces the need that we all have to store sufficient water for our families that is NOT exposed to exterior pollutants. The water crisis need not come from an act of war, an earthquake, or something by which a Hollywood blockbuster is made. It could result from a simple engineering error.
My point with today’s article is that those who are willing to pay attention and hear the truth will be those who are prepared. You don’t need to pollute your day with the hype of “fear mongers” as there is plenty of truth readily available to put us into action as it is. But yes, to be prepared, you must be willing to hear the truth. May you hear it loud and clear and act accordingly.
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