It’s been a while since I’ve shared some quick tips on video. I’m finally getting around to rendering and posting some of what I recorded earlier this year. So this week I wanted to just post a couple of quick videos that will help you in your prepping efforts.

One is just a simple strategy for easier access and inventory of your freeze-dried items AND WHY to use freeze-dried foods–they aren’t anywhere NEAR as expensvie as you think and their a big time saver.


The other video is simply showing you how I solved an indoor cooking dilemma–with the Asian style butane cooking stoves. They don’t have enough of a punch for pressure canning (I use my propane fueled stove head outside for that, but they are a way that you can finally fathom stocking up on enough cooking fuel for a year.

[video:] Enjoy!!!


ding · September 14, 2013 at 11:39 am


peggy · September 15, 2013 at 12:52 am

When is your cook book coming
When is your cook book coming out? We are all anxiously waiting. Love your posts . Keep up the good work.

John · September 15, 2013 at 2:03 am

I wonder how many
I wonder how many preservatives and chemicals are added to these freeze dried foods???

    Preparedness Pro · September 15, 2013 at 4:10 am

    I stay away from entrees,

    I stay away from entrees, John, for that very reason. They are typically no better than processed foods. I’m only an advocate of freeze-dried singular items, particularly produce. Freeze-dried produce is actually BETTER for you than much of what we get “fresh” in our grocery stores today. See this other article I wrote on the topic for further info.

Lynn · September 15, 2013 at 3:25 am

LOVE the videos! Keep them
LOVE the videos! Keep them coming.

Please. ; )

Gabby · September 15, 2013 at 3:26 am

Thanks for sharing these
Thanks for sharing these videos! I love the way you organized your cupboard. I’m happy too to learn about the butane stove. I’m going to put it on my Christmas list!

Coco · September 15, 2013 at 5:16 am

What’s the best burner to buy
What’s the best burner to buy? I saw several types, but wasn’t sure which one you used. Thanks!

Carl · September 15, 2013 at 12:03 pm

Wow, talk about timely advice
Wow, talk about timely advice, I was actually in the process of buying a whole setup for cooking with kerosene and after seeing your video switched and bought this butane setup. Much better storage, much simpler and probably safer, Thanks!
By the way, here is a vote for Pt2 of Scott’s DIY Solar System which I also appreciate very much.

suzie queue · September 16, 2013 at 12:33 am

How does the butane stove
How does the butane stove compare to the portable propane camp stoves? I have a single burner propane that works off the little propane canisters and wonder if it is comparable to the butane stove.

    Preparedness Pro · September 16, 2013 at 5:00 pm

    Propane requires ventilation

    Propane requires ventilation to use. Butane cooking on a stove like this wouldn’t be a concern where ventilation’s concerned. Remember, if you have to ventilate, then you are compromising some security.

Joann · September 16, 2013 at 8:01 pm

Kellene…haven’t commented
Kellene…haven’t commented in ages…My question is (haven’t seen it mentioned in your previous articles on butane), do you know the shelf life of butane? How many years?

    Preparedness Pro · September 17, 2013 at 6:22 am

    If kept cool, dry, and dark

    If kept cool, dry, and dark environment, you should have no problem wiht it for 10 years, easy. However, it does get more difficult to use when it’s below freezing, at which point I wrap the cans in towels all day until I’m ready to use them.

Joann · September 17, 2013 at 7:16 pm

Thanks…that is awesome! My
Thanks…that is awesome! My guess was maybe 5ish. Now you know what is on my wish list! Haven’t used my little stoves like you but have checked to make sure they are working. If you open the canister to try the stoves do you lose shelf life on the opened butane? Don’t know if you know the answer to that one. Thanks…glad your blog is doing well…and the TV appearance, etc.

    Preparedness Pro · September 18, 2013 at 2:46 am

    I don’t open a can of butane

    I don’t open a can of butane and just put it back for a while. Keep in mind that I use what I have; I don’t just purchase and hide it away.

Kathleen · September 19, 2013 at 2:56 am

Kellene, I love your videos –
Kellene, I love your videos – please keep them coming! My question is about freeze dried meats – one can will cost over $40 most of the time. I am on a very strict budget and it’s very difficult for me to put enough $ together to buy ONE can, much less 6! (for shipping purposes). But $20 worth of certain meats – well, I could pressure can them at home. Yes, I know FD meats will last longer, but……… In all honesty, in my case, I have to now skip the FD meats…..and most of the veggies/fruits, too. But they are certainly wonderful items and great if you can get them. So thanks for sharing these videos!

Linda · October 1, 2013 at 3:15 pm

You rock!!! I have a butane
You rock!!! I have a butane stove and yes, it was given to me at Christmas. I never thought of using my pressure cooker on it. Fantastic idea, looking forward to exploring cooking with dried foods and any recipe ideas that you might have to make meals. Again, I think your fantastic! keep up the good work. It’s interesting that people think that I’m crazy, but call me if they need help.

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