Well, I’m back from playing around and taking some time off, so your update is coming on a Wednesday. 🙂 Hey, better late than never I suppose. Wow. Can you believe it’s June already? The weather sure isn’t manifesting that. We’ve got record levels of rain, snow, and even low temperatures here in the West. Record dry weather back east. And record number of tornadoes and devastation as a result of said tornadoes. Think Someone is trying to tell us something? Wow. What a way to start off the summer season. These records aren’t just for the decades. Some of these are records for the last 150 years! It will be interesting to see what the hurricane season is like this year. We’ll be announcing the winner of the drawing for the Three Pounds of Molasses–complete with usage instructions, of course–within the next few days. I haven’t had time to decide what the drawing is for this month yet, but your comments on Facebook and here on the blog as of today will still go towards you entering to win. Yesterday I found an article stating that Russia was going to be allowing wheat exports again beginning July 1st. Yes, this bit of news
is like spitting in the ocean, and the wheat quality isn’t what we use here in the U.S., but I’m grateful that it means that some nations will get more of what they are in need of. Keep in mind that these tornadoes that have hit, have specifically hit our heartland of agriculture. Add to that the very dry weather that we’re having in other key growing areas and you’ll realize that the food pricing is not going to get better any time soon. Where we used to have 1 out of 5 folks involved in the agriculture base of this nation, we barely now have 1% What’s more important is that one percent is only able to deliver due to a heavy reliance on a very precarious transportation, chemical, heavy equipment and technological system. If anything puts a wrinkle in that system, you’re going to see the natural consequences of an out-of-whack supply and demand. Also, Goldman Sach’s came out yesterday and stated that they believed that the gas would be up to $5 a gallon relatively soon. Since, in my opinion, they are a part of the contrivers of such pricing, I have no doubt that such will be the case. That will make food prices go even higher, of course.
One other tidbit of news. I’ve had e-mails in the last two days of two key food manufacturers having to raise their food prices. This is interesting because the food industry has been doing all they can to hold off on raising prices. One of them specifically blamed the soaring costs of chocolate primarily for their rise. So here’s a suggestion for you—cocoa is not going to get any better. And cocoa has an infinite shelf-life, so if you’ve got some spare dollars this week, I’d go to your local warehouse store and purchase what you are able to now so that you can have a year’s supply on this last quarter’s prices rather than what I’m seeing happening elsewhere. We didn’t have a radio show this last weekend because the whole production team took a much needed break. (That’s a tough discipline for the entrepreneurial person, by the way, to give themselves a break, and thus I applaud them for doing so.) That means that this week will be the Do It Yourself Dental Show. I took some time to tend to my garden this weekend too—my first garden EVER—if you can believe that! I’m tickled to see things coming up from SEED. I’m using a variation of the Mittleider Gardening Method. The only reason why it’s a variation is because I didn’t learn everything I needed to do until I was in the process of putting the garden in. But I’m loving what I’m seeing so far and am especially excited to see what I can do about some of the more “exotic” variations of tomatoes, beans, and cucumbers I planted.
Somebody on here turned me on to Baker’s Creek Heirloom Seeds. I went crazy and ordered all kinds of fun variations of things. I can’t wait to see if I’m going to get this tiger striped orange melon to grow! Yum! By the way, the other day I took another taste testing tour of some newer Thrive Freeze-Dried foods. I have to tell you. I fell head over heels in love with their yogurts, sausage meat, and ground beef. (The ice cream tasted good, but it just doesn’t cut it as ice cream) I did the math based on present cost of goods and so long as you can get them at their wholesale prices, they are worth the money. They were SOOOO very delicious and I’ve never tasted a freeze-dried meat before that actually still tastes like the meat in its freeze-dried form. And what they’ve done with the exotic flavors of yogurts like pomegranate—wow! Even the picky hubby was impressed. The Ohio trip is still coming together. I’ll give more details as I get them. Lastly, I watched three You Tube videos this weekend that I thought were really well done. Good information as a supplement to the Get Out of Dodge series I wrote last week. Here are the links, parts 1 through 3. Peace in your preparedness!
Urban Danger – Part 1 Urban Danger – Part 2 Urban Danger – Part 3
Debbie · June 1, 2011 at 6:55 pm
I’m doing my first garden ever too this year…I was so excited at first…then the goats got into the peas and basically destroyed them…the tomatoes still look good…the peppers never came up and the beans are looking promising! I have to say…I will miss being able to BUY my produce!
Stacia · June 1, 2011 at 7:16 pm
For the thrive food storage what is wholesale prices? Like party pricing or the que pricing? Also which other food storage company’s are going up in price?
Andrea · June 1, 2011 at 7:53 pm
I have been feeling more and more the urgency to be prepared for whatever is coming. And I believe wholeheartedly that is it coming way too soon. Currently my husband and I are trying to sell our house so that we can get that bit of land to have our garden, fruit trees, etc. People we talk to think we are crazy for trying to sell now, but I know that if we don’t get out now, we will never get out. Thank you for all of the help and suggestions that you have for those of us who believe, and are trying to prepare.
Daisy · June 1, 2011 at 9:09 pm
It’s my first garden this year too! It’s so exciting watching things grow. This is a skill I feel really good about teaching my daughters.
Donnella · June 1, 2011 at 9:23 pm
I contacted the company last night and they have no ETA for the yogurt other than the party plan. Upon further research I found them on the Costco website but decided against it because the first ingredient is sugar.
However, I’m ordering the beef today. Thanks for the heads-up Kellene
Ray · June 1, 2011 at 9:38 pm
Thanks for the tip about chocolate, Kellene. I’m a verified chocoholic so I will definitely be stocking up! I didn’t know cocoa has an infinite shelf life..what a great thing to learn.
I’m growing my garden and stocking up on food storage. Found a source for a 15-month supply of food…long term storage food at a great price.
Kellene · June 1, 2011 at 10:10 pm
Yeah, I’ve found a food that will last hundreds of year at the best price of all and includes fresh vegetables, meat, and quality carbohydrates. It’s called wheat! 🙂
Thelma · June 1, 2011 at 9:55 pm
My first time posting… Been to busy reading all this great info! I “found & can’t find again” a combination for making your own rice-a-roni. I think it was in the body of a recent blog, maybe? I’ve had to do cook from scratch for quite a while because of all the negative reactions to the additivies in so many preprep type foods. Also, I would sure appreciate your help in locating the combo… I tried typing in rice a roni and found a place it was listed but wasn’t the mix it yourself combo 🙂
Let me say thank you to all who have shared your knowledge here. We have been married over 50 years and I still love to learn new things about food preperation. Of course it’s just the two of us now and thankfully my husband is always willing to “try a new food or combinations”.
Nancy Hill · June 1, 2011 at 10:21 pm
Rice a Roni recipe by Paula Dean. A make it yourself one I found here:
We are empty nesters too and will be married 49 years this summer. I was so happy to read you post. My first post too! Hugs, Nancy
Thelma · June 2, 2011 at 8:48 pm
Hi Nancy,
Congratulations on 49 years of marriage!
Thank you for providing this source for the Rice and Roni…. Saved it to be sure 🙂 Hugs to you too, Thelma
katherine · June 1, 2011 at 10:24 pm
Good luck with your garden! This is year three for us and we have learned loads. I love to watch everything come up and start producing. It’s a great feeling.
Grannytraveler · June 1, 2011 at 10:27 pm
Saw a headline the other day stating that FEMA didn’t have enough funding to take care of large scale disasters. Gee, why am I not surprised at that finding. Currently I am working on medical supplies. Saw some good informative videos on Youtube by patriotnurse. I’m good as far as meds go – no health problems but my husband takes a lot of meds. Trying to overcome that problem but at least insulin is not one of those problems. “One Second After” really made me sad especially since we have some diabetics in the family. Can’t wait to hear the “Do It Yourself dental” program this weekend.
John · June 2, 2011 at 1:45 am
There are some excellent videos put on by dentists that show you how to extract a tooth. Just type in the YouTube keywords, “tooth extraction”. They show and tell you in detail how to do it. You cannot store Novocaine. It deteriorates rapidly in a few months even at normal room temperatures. My dentist who is a prepper told me that you can substitute liquid benedryl for Novocaine. Load up your syringe with some liquid benedryl and inject the gums at the nerve bundle sites with a 25 gauge needle. The benedryl will numb the area up almost as good as Novocaine. Of course you will want some orajel also for topical application before you inject with a local anesthetic. I have purchased many dental tools from e-bay. I am well prepped for dental emergencies. Also, am prepped for intubation, minor surgery, and intravenous fluid. You can buy I.V. bags on the internet along with I.V. needles, and tubing.
Karol · June 2, 2011 at 2:34 am
Thanks for the great blog! I appreciate all your tips and I will definitely be stocking up on the cocoa 🙂
Vicki · June 2, 2011 at 3:11 am
I bought some bulk cocoa many years ago, and it is still great. Sometimes it is a little lumpy, but pressing it through a sieve or sifting it makes it lump-free again.
Kathleen · June 2, 2011 at 3:39 am
Ah a post about a potential Chocolate Shortage is Dire indeed!!! I found some nice dutch chocolate powder (cheap) at the local ding and dent store last fall and have that. Mmmm add some powdered sugar, some (canned) butter, little powdered milk and splash of coffee or coffee powder and make some great frosting. Coffee really kicks up the flavor of chocolate. (see Ina Gartens show).
And it sounds like you have plant Lust, ahh how many packs of different radishes do you have? I admit to being afflicted at this time of year by plant lust too. Only with the endless rain here in the Northwest I am afraid I will be arrested for drowning so many seeds! Come on Sunshine!
I am trying something different this year, I went in my pantry and pulled out handfuls of different seeds that I have there. So far my green lentils are doing great, but the expensive large Butterbeans?Limas are rotting, will replant when it is warmer.I have about 7 different kinds of beans from my storage I’m trying to grow. I’d like to challenge some of your readers to a contest to see what they can find and grow in their pantrys/food storage in addition to buying seeds to grow. Because if the worse were to happen, we may all be scrounging what ever seeds we can try and grow to survive. I found a package of Sugar snap peas in the garage from 2002 and planted them, silly things are still good! Oh and I have a package of coriander I am going to try, it’s Clintro seed. Anyone interested?
Barbara · June 2, 2011 at 3:43 am
I just finished watching the three-part urban crisis series YouTube videos. They are an excellent reminder of what has happened in the past and what the future holds. Thanks for bringing them to our attention. My father’s family survived the Great Depression quite well living on the farm with all the benefits it brought. But it was hard work and a full family effort. We had other family who really struggled during the same time as they weren’t as prepared and didn’t have the same options as the farm offered. Get out of dodge is a great option for those who have the ability to do it – and are willing to make the sacrifices required. The accompanying peace of mind and ability to care for one’s self and family though are worth it as compared to living in a Katrina-state.
Pam · June 2, 2011 at 4:32 am
So thrilled all of you took off and had a good time off…you all certainly deserve the time. Glad to hear the garden is growing well. It won’t be long & you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Thanx to all of you.
CJ · June 2, 2011 at 4:41 am
I spent Saturday preparing my garden soil the best I could. I planted all day yesterday. I wish more of my family felt the urgency I feel about the need to have food & garden and water storage.
I used to sell financial services… I was approached the other day and asked what to “invest in” All I could say was Food Storage. Thanks for your positive spin! I love reading your posts!
Jessica · June 2, 2011 at 4:55 pm
We are currently harvesting green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and kohlrabi. We are using raised beds. we should start harvesting potatoes next week. This has been the best year for gardening for us ever. The raised beds are making a huge difference.
Kathleen · June 2, 2011 at 8:54 pm
SCORE TODAY!!!! so after reading your post yesterday, I decided to wander by the ding and dent store this morning to peruse the chocolates, found some nice german chocolate Schaeffen Berger for $1.99, bypassed the Godiva since its was from Christmas (packaging). Then walked by the snacky packages of free-dried pineapple chunks, 3/4 oz packs in mylar from Costa Rica. Previously I bought them for $1.00 a pack and have been taking them to work, where everyone loves them. And my 4 year old grandson loves them, I love them. They were 3 for a Dollar!!! I bought a load! I suck at math, but know that is soooo much cheaper than you can get anywhere else. No scurvy for my family!! great healthy snack. hmmm wonder how they taste dipped in chocolate??
Then I wandered the back aisle and found a Food Saver (new version) for the bags with front suction for $20 and gallon bags (22 to the box) for $5.00. So I bought one, now I have two types. The other store in town sells the same bags 12 to a box for $8.00. Love the discount grocery aka ding and dent stores.
So the chocolate is sealed into mason jars, I will probably store the pineapple, and share some. So thank you for the chocolate tip. Life just would not be as much fun without chocolate, right girls?
Karen · June 5, 2011 at 2:13 am
Yes Kathleen you MUST dip them in chocolate!!
Glenda · June 2, 2011 at 10:48 pm
I, too, am here in the Northwest and rain until June has really stumped my garden with the exception of peas. First time planting them and I’m thrilled! They are thriving and blooming like crazy.I try to plant something new each year as part of the learning process and have been rewarded most of the time. Concord grapes are soooo easy and provide us with great juice. Raspberries are another favorite, little to no care and spread like crazy. Kellene, thanks so much for all of your work and information. I look forward weekly to your articles. I’ve been watching TLC for your episode on couponing but am mystified. Did it already air? Aren’t vacations great? Even the little ones help break up the chores and give us a new perspective.
Denise · June 5, 2011 at 6:45 pm
I am guessing I am a very lucky person as I live less than an hour from the Baker Seed Co. HQ. We went down there – AFTER – I had planted an “organic garden..next year…I am going BEFORE! I happened to buy a bunch of cocoa last Christmas when it went on sale…no reason why, but I did and am VERY glad I did. Working on the REST! Thank you!
E Kay · June 5, 2011 at 11:41 pm
Kellene, what gardening method are you referring to? I looked it up and there were books on hydroponics, raised bed, etc. and I just wondered if you were doing raised beds or something else? I’m excited to hear more about it!
Kellene · June 6, 2011 at 8:20 pm
It’s called the Mittleider Method.
Krisi · April 16, 2012 at 6:15 pm
I definitely need to add additional chocolate into my food storage!
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