You’ve heard the announcement on the TV of a pending emergency. What’s your first reaction? Well, if you’re like 95% of the adult population it’s to go to the store and stock up. But if you already have key items on hand and know how to discern between that which is needful and that which is foolish, you’ll avoid the chaos that will inevitably be present at any store after such an announcement.
Want to know what to be sure you have on hand in the event of an emergency? Here is a list of items that typically were scarce or flew off of the shelves first in other areas of the country when a disaster hit. Obviously, if these items are the first to go when doom and gloom is forecast, then it is logical to believe that these are items that people will value most in an emergency. However, while I will highlight these items as those which individuals hoard in an emergency, I will also address why you may be smart to avoid the hoarding inclination.
NOTE: I don’t typically post blogs this long, though I realize people may want to print this off as a reference. This is a very thorough list, but if you read nothing else, read #58.
Supplies to Have on Hand–Emergency or Otherwise!
- Generator: If you must get one of these, do not skimp. Get a good quality one. However, I don’t recommend that you waste good money on this when you don’t have everything else ready. A generator should be the last thing you acquire because it is a luxury item. And worst case scenario, you can trade some of the many other valuable items you have for the temporary use of a generator. In order to use one of these, you will need to store gasoline which does not have a long shelf-life. It will also be a target of thieves and it makes its share of noise too. You will also need to be prepared to perform repairs on it as well.
- Water Filters/Purifiers: Iodine tablets, charcoal based purifiers, gravity fed purifiers, etc, are ideal. You can also use a solar oven to pasteurize your water. Also, store regular Chlorox to purify your water as well.
Portable Toilets: This item has been increasing in price on a regular basis. You can purchase an inexpensive 5 gallon bucket and a “toilet lid” for it as well. Be sure to store lye or some other available products to break down the waste. Chlorox is useful for this as well. Also store plenty of heavy duty plastic bags to line the bucket with. It’s smart to have shovels on hand as well to provide alternative resources or to dispose of the waste as well.
- Seasoned Firewood: While it doesn’t necessarily need to be seasoned, that’s simply what hoarders go after. It usually costs about $100 per cord; Your regular wood can take between 6 to 12 months to become sufficiently dried. It takes a great deal of wood to use as a heat, light and cooking resource. I recommend that you store alternative types of fuel instead such as propane, kerosene, or Isopropyl alcohol. Obviously, whichever fuel you have you’ll want to make sure that you have the appropriate items which USE such fuel.
- Lamp Oil, Wicks, Lamps: Too often folks forget to have multiple wicks. I’ve read and seen situations where there were plenty of oil, but not enough wick. Considering they are inexpensive it’s a shame not to have them on hand in abundance. Be sure to buy clear oil. You will be happy to have as much of this as is legally possible to store. I store lamps which function on kerosene instead of the more traditional expensive lamp oil.
- Coleman Fuel: I’m not advocating this particular fuel specifically, it’s just the first to go in the event of a looming emergency. While this may not be important to you, it may be urgent for your less-prepared neighbors. The cost is between $2.69 to 9.00 a gallon, depending on where you go. Ultimately, Coleman fuel is white gas. It burns hot and clean. You can also purchase MSR fuel which is more expensive, burns hotter and cleaner. In fact, if you have a problem with a stove that’s not burning right you can burn MSR fuel through it and it will do better. This is definitely something that I would have plenty on hand!
- Self-Defense Tools Other Than Guns & Ammunition (such as Pepper Spray, Knives, Clubs, Bats, Slingshots, etc. Sometimes a firearm isn’t appropriate but the need for security always will be. Go with what you’re comfortable with though and what you have the mental fortitude to use.
Hand-Can openers & hand egg beaters, whisks: If you’ve relied on these items electrically, be sure you have the skills to get the same task done without the electricity.
- Honey, Syrups, white and brown sugars Honey is your bet all purpose sweet item. It stores well, longer than sugar, and has a better glycemic affect on the body than sugars. Consider storing the sugar in a 5 gallon bucket, but use one of the stone sugar preservers (mine are all in the shape of gingerbread men). They keep the sugar soft and nice.
- Rice; Beans; Wheat: White rice is now $12.95 – 50# bag. Sam’s Club. White rice stocks in store all over are depleting often and then being replaced with the more expensive Jasmine Rice. So bottom line, when you see it on the shelves for a price that doesn’t feel like our national debt, get it. Rice, wheat, and beans will cook faster and with less hassle in a Pressure Cooker. I highly recommend you embrace this way of cooking. You may also want to consider adding flax seed or millet to your collection of grains as well as they are an asset to your digestive system as well.
- Vegetable oil: for cooking, baking, maintenance, etc. You’ve got to have oil so that your hormones and joints will function properly, so don’t try to skimp on using such a commodity. Peanut oil burns very hot and can store for a long time. We’ve stored ours for as long as 5 years, and that’s after using it. Olive Oil also has a good shelf life and is also good for you. However, the best oil to store is expeller pressed coconut oil. It doesn’t taste like coconut in your foods, and has a very, very long shelf life.
- Charcoal & Lighter fluid: While this may be OK for an immediate source of cooking, it’s unrealistic to think of this as a long-term solution. Being able to store enough is not likely and the lighter fluid is combustible, so not ideal to store either. Think in terms of more long-term solutions such as the fuels I’ve mentioned previously. However, these two items will become scarce very, very quickly if a news report breaks out of a coming catastrophe.
- Water containers: In my opinion, if you wait for the news report to try and obtain these, then you’ve waited too long. You should be acquiring these now. Only use hard clear plastic. Do not use milk bottles as they break down very quickly. It’s important to think in terms of all different kinds of sizes so that you can have portable water as well as primary sources. You can live without food for 3 days, but you cannot go very long without water. It’s necessary for the 200,000 gallons of blood your heart pumps through each day, and the several thousands of gallons worth of water than your kidney and liver go through each day as well.
- Fuel-based heater: It would be a shame to have plenty of food and water on hand but still perish due to cold weather. Cold weather will also compound any illnesses that you and your family may be experiencing as well. If you use a kerosene heater, you can use it inside in an emergency situation, but you will need to have ventilation as well.
- Grain Grinder: Yes, these get hoarded in an emergency situation. You need to have a non-electric one on hand. Flour will fly off the shelves with the right newscast. And it’s significantly more expensive than the whole grains of wheat, millet, etc. So start looking now for the ideal model while you have the luxury to do so in order to not have to do with whatever is left.
- Propane Cylinders: Another highly hoarded item is the grills that go with the propane cylinders. Be sure that you have a quality grill on hand now and some spare propane cylinders as well.
- Lamps such as Aladdin, Coleman, etc.: YOU will not successfully be able to light your environment without something more substantial than candles. A human being will function an average of 8 hours each day when there is no natural light on hand. You’re probably more reliant on light that you realize. So be sure to think in terms of long-term lighting solutions now. Be sure that you have appropriate hardware to hang a lantern someplace as well.
- Baby Supplies: Diapers/formula/ointments/aspirin, etc. These items were some of the most asked for items when the Teton Dam broke. I would suggest that if you have little ones in diapers that you at least store some cloth diapers and pins for an emergency as well. Even though we do not have children, we have put them in our storage as a great trade item should things come to that.
Washboards, Mop Bucket w/wringer: Sanitation is critical in an emergency. And having clean clothes is a serious component of maintaining a sanitary environment. There are also small hand-cranked clothes cleaners you can purchase at emergency preparedness supply stores. Your biggest downfall will be if you think in terms of “short-term survival” and think that you won’t need clean clothes. Be sure that you have liquid laundry detergent on hand as well!
- Cookstoves: such as propane, Coleman, and kerosene. I would suggest that you get these now while you have the luxury of selection and also be sure that they operate properly. Having to live off of such a small cooking surface can be daunting. The use of a pressure cooker will help you conserve fuel as it takes less to heat them up and keep them hot. And you’ll still end up with very hearty and satisfying meals with them as well.
- Vitamins: I’m relieved that such an item is hoarded. Do not underestimate this asset. It is critical. Due to the lack of serious diseases in our culture so many of them are off our radar, but in an emergency when you are making your meals from what’s dead and processed on your shelves, supplementing that food with sheer vitamins is critical. Vitamins C, E, and B are the top of my list. If you’re involved with a nutritional network marketing company, be sure to store a year’s supply of the health product of your choice! (I prefer Reliv to everything else I’ve tried out there over the last 3 decades… Not only is it the highest quality of nutrition I’ve found, but I could live off of it too if I had to.)
- Propane Cylinder Handle-Holder: Small but important. The small canisters are actually dangerous to use without them.
- Hygiene products: such as feminine products, shampoos, toothbrushes and paste, floss, deodorants, and lotions. There is a reusable product called a menstrual cup made from either latex or medical-grade silicon. They work much like a diaphragm. I recommend the DivaCuptm. Also be sure you have combs and brushes on hand. For some reason there was a run on women’s hair bands after the Teton Dam broke as well. Guess when you don’t care what you look like, you just want to pull that hair back and get back to work. Be sure that you also have baby wipes also. Using them to “bathe” with will conserve your water and your energy. So will anti-bacterial liquids such as Purell.
- Thermal underwear: Remember tops and bottoms.
- Bow saws, axes and hatchets & Wedges: Remember the honing oil as well.
- Aluminum foil: If you have to select between regular or heavy duty, get the heavy duty. You can wash it and reuse it under many circumstances. (Great Cooking & Barter item)
- Gasoline containers: I completely disagree with this item, but if you’ve got to flee in your vehicle, it is smart to have on hand. However, for long-term survival, gasoline is impractical. It’s dangerous and it will only put a target on your back from looters who can’t think to survive any other way.
Garbage bags: This is one item that you do not want to skimp on. If we fail to take care of sanitation, then everyone within a 50 mile radius will be dead within 90 days. It’s impossible to have too many of these.
- Paper products: such as toilet paper, Kleenex, paper towels. Do you even know how long one roll of toilet paper lasts in your home? Better find out. Also paper plates and plastic cups and utensils will help to conserve your water supply as well as your energy.
- Milk: Think in terms of powdered or condensed milk. Be sure the shake the canned milk every 90 to 120 days. You can make a whole lot of your ideal dairy products with powdered milk such as cheese, yogurt, sour cream, butter, etc.
- Garden seeds: (Non-hybrid) Do not buy canned seeds – they must be aerated.
- Clothes pins/line/hangers: This should be a “duh” item, but most of us take our electric dryer for granted.
- Canned meats: Thank goodness for the big wholesale warehouses that sell quality canned beef, chicken, turkey and tuna. Also, I’d rethink your negative stigmas of the canned “meat” Spam. I’ve made several great dishes with this recently. And Spam stores for a very, very long time.
- Fire extinguishers: Where there’s chaos, there are fires. Be sure you’re prepared. It would also be smart to have very large boxes of baking soda on hand for the same purpose as well.
- First aid kits: Ideally you can also have a military field surgical kit on hand as well. This is an area that is significantly underrated and will be used more times than a toilet in an emergency. Be sure to remember aspirin, ibuprofen, and cough syrup as well.
- Batteries: You’ll want to be sure that you have all different sizes on hand. In my opinion though, you’re best off if you have rechargeable batteries and invest in a solar battery charger. Be sure to be mindful of the expiration dates on the batteries your purchase.
- Spices and baking supplies: Be mindful of flour, yeast, salt, garlic, and other spices that you use on a regular basis. Be sure you have bouillons and soy sauce, plus mixes for soy sauce, vinegars, gravy mixes and soup mixes on hand as well.
- Matches: While matches are an asset, you’d be better off getting a magnesium stick with a striker. However, if you’re going to purchase matches, be sure to get the “strike anywhere” kind. Keep in mind that the boxed and wooden matches will go first in an emergency.
- Writing paper/pads/pencils/solar calculators: Don’t make me expound on this one. Just make sure you have plenty paper and writing utensils on hand J
- Insulated ice chests: Ice chests have a dual purpose in both warm and cold weather. In the warm weather they obviously can prevent items from overheating, but in the cold, they can keep items from getting freezer burn or just plain getting too cold. Think of them as an insulator for what ever temperature you want to maintain.
Labor attire: such as work boots, belts, gloves, jeans, etc. You’ll find yourself much more active in an emergency. So your everyday clothes that you may wear for fashion as opposed to function just aren’t going to cut it.
- Flashlights, light sticks, and torches: Portable lighting will be invaluable in an emergency.
- Cast iron cookware: When you’re cooking on raw open flames you definitely don’t want to you use your standard cookware. Be sure you have cast iron cookware available.
- Fishing supplies/tools: While this is a resource for getting “protein” in your diet, the likelihood of fishing supplies really coming in handy during the initial phase of an emergency is slim. Waters could be poisoned in the event of an earthquake or terrorist attack, and you will be much more focused on taking care of your family right where you are rather than expending energy to forage for food in the lakes and streams. This is yet another reason why you need to have food stored that you can use in your home, and not kid yourself into thinking that you can fish your way through a disaster.
- Pest and Insect repellents: Consider sprays, creams, or lotions. The oil made by Avon, called Skin-So-Soft is actually a VERY effective mosquito repellent and obviously has multiple purposes. In the event of a disaster which requires you to live without your standard comforts, get ready to make friends with the bugs. Keep traps and bug sprays on hands as well. When all heck breaks loose, the varmints will come from everywhere they normally are foraging for survival just like you.
- Duct tape: You will NEED duct tape. And lots of it for a whole lot of reasons. We have purchased cases of it at the warehouse places.
- Shelter Materials: Be sure you have heavy tarps, stakes, and rope on hand to ensure that you do not go without shelter. You will also need the tarp to section off rooms in the cold so that you’re heating just small spaces instead of your entire home. You’ll want to be mindful of screen patches, glue (super glue, craft glue and fabric glue), nails, screws, nuts and bolts.
- Candles: While these do run in short supply very quickly in the event of a looming disaster, they are extremely ineffective as a source of light. See comments on lamps for more details. Spend your money elsewhere.
Backpacks & Duffle bags: in the event that you’ve got to leave your home and travel with sufficient supplies elsewhere, backpacks are necessary. These are also ideal for a 72 hour kit if you choose to have those handy as well.
- Sewing supplies: Clothes will need repairs; fabric will need modified, so be sure that you have a really good quality of scissors. If you don’t know how to sew, it will serve you well to take a couple of basic classes. Regardless of what your financial circumstances are that may prohibit you from purchasing the preparedness items you need, you have no excuse not to hoard knowledge. You’ve got the internet, the library, and a whole lot of cheap or free classes available so that you can learn these types of necessary skills.
- Canned goods: such as fruits, veggies, soups, etc. Be sure to have your own canning supplies on hand as well such as the jars, lids, and paraffin wax. This makes plug #3 for a pressure cooker a wise investment so that when you do can foods, you ensure your jars seal properly.
- Knives: Be sure to have the foresight for sharpening tools as well. Obviously these are good as weapons, tools, cooking aids, etc. Don’t skimp on something so critical. My husband periodically takes solely a knife and hikes into the wilderness. It’s the most important tool he takes with him.
- Bedding: While you may believe your own bed is comfort enough, you’re very likely to be taking others into your shelter in the event of an emergency, or to need to flee elsewhere with transportable bedding. Think of having sleeping bags, cots, self-inflating mattresses, pillows, sheets, blankets, and ground mattresses on hand. You’ll be useless if you can’t get quality rest at night.
- Games: such as board games, cards, dice, etc. I love seeing that these are items that are in high demand in the event of an emergency. Many have the foresight to take care of the mental needs of themselves and their loved ones.
- Water enhancers: such as chocolate or strawberry powder, Tang, Kool-Aid etc. While it takes much less energy to add a flavor to stored water to make it taste good, it’s not the best way to intake your daily dose of water, especially in an emergency state. Your body even treats water with a simple lemon in it completely different than it does straight water. It has to exert energy to filter it prior to it being used by the kidneys and the rest of your body. Your body needs WATER. Just plain WATER to function properly. Try to avoid relying on flavors to get your necessary intake. Instead try pouring the water from one container to another to aerate it to make the taste more pleasant.
- Easy foods: Such as graham crackers, saltines, pretzels, trail mix, beef jerky, peanut butters, and nuts.
- Lumber: 2 x 4s and sheets of plywood are the first to go. Having a few of these pieces on hand will save you a great deal of stress later.
- And last, but definitely NOT least… Guns and Ammo: While many so-called emergency preparedness experts tend to shy away from discussing this need, it’s naïve and frankly derelict in my opinion to do so. If there’s an emergency, chaos will ensue. There’s no guarantee that those behind bars will stay there after an earthquake or massive power outage. And there are PLENTY of persons who are not prepared for such a disaster that will be desperate and highly motivated to get the resources they need—from your supplies. You can say to yourself that you would be willing to die if someone needed your food and other supplies that badly. That’s fine. That’s your choice. But are you willing to make that same choice for your children? It’s naïve to believe no one will be interested in your supplies and that those that are won’t be in a “desperate state of mind.” Are you willing to watch idly by while those you love have their virtue threatened at the hands of violent criminals as well? In order of priority, get a handgun first, then a shotgun, and then a rifle. Be sure that you have at least 1,000 rounds of ammo for each gun type you have. And last but not least, be sure you get sufficient knowledge so that you can actually use a firearm in an emergency. Mark my words, there will come a time in which ammo is worth more than the currency you carry in your purse or wallet. So even if you have no intention of defending yourself, you may want to at least have something of value on hand to get what you need. If you don’t believe that these items will be important in the event of an emergency, understand that sales have increased over 40% from last year just because of an administrative change in our government. People will be more aware of this need in the event of a disaster. Having the supplies are one thing. Being assured that you get to benefit from them is another. Ok. If you’re going to store guns, then be sure you have stored at least 1,000 rounds of ammo for each gun. Yes, one thousand. If all heck breaks loose, your ammo supplies will be worth more than your cash! Whatever it is that you store to ensure you are not the victim of civil unrest or lawlessness, be sure you know how to use it properly (see for more information on this topic)
Michelle · March 1, 2009 at 7:42 pm
great post. I’ve been trying to find a list of the things that were in short supply or rationed during the depression. Any suggestions as to where to find one? Thanks for your work
Michelle · March 1, 2009 at 7:42 pm
great post. I’ve been trying to find a list of the things that were in short supply or rationed during the depression. Any suggestions as to where to find one? Thanks for your work
N. Palmer · March 3, 2009 at 1:01 pm
A great, thorough list!
N. Palmer · March 3, 2009 at 1:01 pm
A great, thorough list!
Susan · August 31, 2009 at 10:27 pm
I would also include latex gloves and surgical masks in case it is a disease-related emergency or if diseases develop over a period of time – maybe these are in the surgical first aid kit, not sure.
Kimbery · February 24, 2014 at 2:14 am
Bleach for virus related
Bleach for virus related outbreaks….i hav watched the mutation of Ebola since ’80 it is mutating and has transferred from rats to bats…was every 8-10 yrs….now its rearing its ugly head every 2-3 yrs. in Africa and since it has a incubation period….one can get on a plane and be in the US without showing signs of it….80% kill rate Nigerian and 60% kill rate Ugandan. Bleach is the only way to kill the virus….and speading of. It effectively kills thru airborne/ventillation abillities. Only one person….a nurse was cured after contracting Ebola….only from an IV blood transfusion from a bushman who’s main diet consisted of the infected rats meat. Good luck finding a bushman with blood and an IV readily available! Soak ur masks in Bleach and let dry….but most important in an outbreak stay the hell away from the general population and its sneazing….seal up ur home and hang tight till the aftermath…..a few weeks to a month later. Then sanitize anything you touch with bleach….wear gloves and face mask. Burn corpses and infected buildings or bleach on a large scale. Good luck to humanity….mother nature will cleanse when she wants….to period. Quarantine is the key to stopping this disease.
Preparedness Pro · February 24, 2014 at 9:03 pm
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your opinion with us. I’m happy to say that Bleach is NOT the only way to kill the virus. Standard Data collects ALL of the clinical trial resuls conducted over the years all over the world. There are actually several options, the most effective of which are some essential oil constituents.
Susan · August 31, 2009 at 10:27 pm
I would also include latex gloves and surgical masks in case it is a disease-related emergency or if diseases develop over a period of time – maybe these are in the surgical first aid kit, not sure.
Kimbery · February 24, 2014 at 2:14 am
Bleach for virus related
Bleach for virus related outbreaks….i hav watched the mutation of Ebola since ’80 it is mutating and has transferred from rats to bats…was every 8-10 yrs….now its rearing its ugly head every 2-3 yrs. in Africa and since it has a incubation period….one can get on a plane and be in the US without showing signs of it….80% kill rate Nigerian and 60% kill rate Ugandan. Bleach is the only way to kill the virus….and speading of. It effectively kills thru airborne/ventillation abillities. Only one person….a nurse was cured after contracting Ebola….only from an IV blood transfusion from a bushman who’s main diet consisted of the infected rats meat. Good luck finding a bushman with blood and an IV readily available! Soak ur masks in Bleach and let dry….but most important in an outbreak stay the hell away from the general population and its sneazing….seal up ur home and hang tight till the aftermath…..a few weeks to a month later. Then sanitize anything you touch with bleach….wear gloves and face mask. Burn corpses and infected buildings or bleach on a large scale. Good luck to humanity….mother nature will cleanse when she wants….to period. Quarantine is the key to stopping this disease.
Preparedness Pro · February 24, 2014 at 9:03 pm
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your opinion with us. I’m happy to say that Bleach is NOT the only way to kill the virus. Standard Data collects ALL of the clinical trial resuls conducted over the years all over the world. There are actually several options, the most effective of which are some essential oil constituents.
Logan · August 31, 2009 at 11:52 pm
Hey Kellene,
Hoarding has a really bad connotation but I understand your meaning. Your list is a good comprehensive outline of items to prepare with. I thought you and your readers may be interested in an old thread in the long-term planning forum. This link goes to a discussion on stockpiling, prep and legal codes relating to “hoarding”.
Logan · August 31, 2009 at 11:52 pm
Hey Kellene,
Hoarding has a really bad connotation but I understand your meaning. Your list is a good comprehensive outline of items to prepare with. I thought you and your readers may be interested in an old thread in the long-term planning forum. This link goes to a discussion on stockpiling, prep and legal codes relating to “hoarding”.
Kellene · September 1, 2009 at 2:10 am
Logan, thanks for your comments. You are correct that to hoard has an unnecessary negative connotation. (Don’t get me started on why that it is, I may never stop.) But in actuality it simply means “a supply or fund stored up and often hidden away.”
There are some discussions about attempts made that would make the storing of food and supplies illegal, but such attempts would be unconstitutional, and thus ultimately null and void in this nation.
As for your link, I have specifically written two articles addressing how I feel about those who say “I’m coming to your house when things go South.”
You can check those articles out at the following two links: and
Kellene · September 1, 2009 at 2:10 am
Logan, thanks for your comments. You are correct that to hoard has an unnecessary negative connotation. (Don’t get me started on why that it is, I may never stop.) But in actuality it simply means “a supply or fund stored up and often hidden away.”
There are some discussions about attempts made that would make the storing of food and supplies illegal, but such attempts would be unconstitutional, and thus ultimately null and void in this nation.
As for your link, I have specifically written two articles addressing how I feel about those who say “I’m coming to your house when things go South.”
You can check those articles out at the following two links: and
William · May 26, 2012 at 12:59 am
William · May 26, 2012 at 12:59 am
winona · May 26, 2012 at 2:46 am
i would add pet food live stock feed to the list, i don’t recall seeing it. sea salt and honey.
winona · May 26, 2012 at 2:46 am
i would add pet food live stock feed to the list, i don’t recall seeing it. sea salt and honey.
Sheri · May 30, 2012 at 11:00 am
Bibles and books should be on your list, as well.
Sheri · May 30, 2012 at 11:00 am
Bibles and books should be on your list, as well.
John Sinnott · September 10, 2012 at 11:43 am
I must say, I do not agree with the Generator post, for several reasons:
1) You can easily make your own generator from a 3hp lawnmower engine and a vehicle alternator
2) You do not have to run your generator on gasoline – you can quite easily build a wood gasifier and pump wood gas straight into the carburetor, bypassing the fuel tank.
3) There are much easier, and more efficient ways to generate electricity than a generator – connect a vehicle alternator directly onto a bicycle wheel windmill and you have unlimited renewable energy flowing into a bank of 12v car batteries. Use an invertor to convert the 12v to 110/240v. There are many videos on YouTube detailing how you would do this.
Bobby · September 27, 2012 at 6:05 pm
this may work for you but not all of us a mechanically inclined, I have a generator.
John Sinnott · September 10, 2012 at 11:43 am
I must say, I do not agree with the Generator post, for several reasons:
1) You can easily make your own generator from a 3hp lawnmower engine and a vehicle alternator
2) You do not have to run your generator on gasoline – you can quite easily build a wood gasifier and pump wood gas straight into the carburetor, bypassing the fuel tank.
3) There are much easier, and more efficient ways to generate electricity than a generator – connect a vehicle alternator directly onto a bicycle wheel windmill and you have unlimited renewable energy flowing into a bank of 12v car batteries. Use an invertor to convert the 12v to 110/240v. There are many videos on YouTube detailing how you would do this.
Bobby · September 27, 2012 at 6:05 pm
this may work for you but not all of us a mechanically inclined, I have a generator.
bitherwack · September 23, 2012 at 3:43 pm
Don’t buy matches, buy lighters.
Matches don’t work when wet… lighters work fine.
bitherwack · September 23, 2012 at 3:43 pm
Don’t buy matches, buy lighters.
Matches don’t work when wet… lighters work fine.
SwampCatNana · September 27, 2012 at 11:06 pm
I’m a senior citizen and on a limited budget. When I see what is listed I get very depressed. I doubt I could afford even 1/3 of what is listed, much less have a place to store it.
People like myself are doomed if something disastrous happens. We have no backup.
Any suggestions for our survival?
Sherry · April 6, 2013 at 6:58 am
your family should all help you…
SwampCatNana · September 27, 2012 at 11:06 pm
I’m a senior citizen and on a limited budget. When I see what is listed I get very depressed. I doubt I could afford even 1/3 of what is listed, much less have a place to store it.
People like myself are doomed if something disastrous happens. We have no backup.
Any suggestions for our survival?
Sherry · April 6, 2013 at 6:58 am
your family should all help you…
Kellene Bishop · September 28, 2012 at 12:59 am
Focus instead on what you can do as noted in the 10 Principles of Preparedness on this site. Just put “ten principles of preparedness” in the search bar.
Kellene Bishop · September 28, 2012 at 12:59 am
Focus instead on what you can do as noted in the 10 Principles of Preparedness on this site. Just put “ten principles of preparedness” in the search bar.
David O · October 14, 2012 at 12:41 pm
You forgot ammunition. My late grandfather told me that before the Great Depression that a box of 50 x 22 LR rounds cost a dime, but during it you could trade a single round for a nickel’s worth of anything.
Kellene Bishop · October 16, 2012 at 7:11 pm
I agree ammo should be at the top of the list. There’s no such thing as “extra ammo” or “an extra magazine” in our house.
David O · October 14, 2012 at 12:41 pm
You forgot ammunition. My late grandfather told me that before the Great Depression that a box of 50 x 22 LR rounds cost a dime, but during it you could trade a single round for a nickel’s worth of anything.
Kellene Bishop · October 16, 2012 at 7:11 pm
I agree ammo should be at the top of the list. There’s no such thing as “extra ammo” or “an extra magazine” in our house.
Claudia · October 16, 2012 at 6:46 pm
How important is all of this going to be when I, as an older person, run out of my prescription medication that I need to take on a regular basis. I try to keep the meds refilled before I run out, but there is no opportunity to stockpile any of that. My daughter-in-law is insulin dependent and cannot get an extra supply of that either.
Kellene Bishop · October 16, 2012 at 7:10 pm
For those answers I’d suggest you look up our articles on Medical Preparedness. Out of the 10 Principles of Preparedness, Medical Preparedness is #4 in order of prioritization. There most certainly ARE ways to get more prepared in that regard. Just use our search bar OR you can simply click on the rotating icon that has the Red Cross on it to see all articles that are written specifically for the Medical Preparedness aspect of things.
snb · December 6, 2012 at 12:58 am
Insulin is not a prescription required medicine. You can store extra in the fridge and rotate. I get mine from WalMart for $24.88 (currently). Store extra needles as well. And glucose sticks and possibly backup meter. Again I use WalMart ReliOn brand-cheaper. I’ve had the meters checked at my doctor’s and they were accurate.
Pat RN · March 20, 2013 at 2:35 am
Actually that depends on the state you live in. In Illinois a prescription is required to purchase needles and I have yet had a patient be able to buy a vial of insulin without calling me for a refill order. As far as I know the only thing behind the pharmacy counter you can purchase without a script is true Pseudofed type products. (and the powers that be are trying to make that controlled too.)
Claudia · October 16, 2012 at 6:46 pm
How important is all of this going to be when I, as an older person, run out of my prescription medication that I need to take on a regular basis. I try to keep the meds refilled before I run out, but there is no opportunity to stockpile any of that. My daughter-in-law is insulin dependent and cannot get an extra supply of that either.
Kellene Bishop · October 16, 2012 at 7:10 pm
For those answers I’d suggest you look up our articles on Medical Preparedness. Out of the 10 Principles of Preparedness, Medical Preparedness is #4 in order of prioritization. There most certainly ARE ways to get more prepared in that regard. Just use our search bar OR you can simply click on the rotating icon that has the Red Cross on it to see all articles that are written specifically for the Medical Preparedness aspect of things.
snb · December 6, 2012 at 12:58 am
Insulin is not a prescription required medicine. You can store extra in the fridge and rotate. I get mine from WalMart for $24.88 (currently). Store extra needles as well. And glucose sticks and possibly backup meter. Again I use WalMart ReliOn brand-cheaper. I’ve had the meters checked at my doctor’s and they were accurate.
Pat RN · March 20, 2013 at 2:35 am
Actually that depends on the state you live in. In Illinois a prescription is required to purchase needles and I have yet had a patient be able to buy a vial of insulin without calling me for a refill order. As far as I know the only thing behind the pharmacy counter you can purchase without a script is true Pseudofed type products. (and the powers that be are trying to make that controlled too.)
dee · November 9, 2012 at 3:19 pm
dee · November 9, 2012 at 3:19 pm
Linda Miller · November 11, 2012 at 10:42 pm
you had plastic trash bags on the list to dispose of waste that could cause disease. But how would you dispose of the bags full of rotting stuff? wouldn’t it be better to burn it or bury it?
Linda Miller · November 11, 2012 at 10:42 pm
you had plastic trash bags on the list to dispose of waste that could cause disease. But how would you dispose of the bags full of rotting stuff? wouldn’t it be better to burn it or bury it?
Kellene Bishop · November 12, 2012 at 9:10 am
you’ve got to PUT IT IN something in order to get it where you want to dispose of it. Sturdy trash bags are ideal for that.
Kellene Bishop · November 12, 2012 at 9:10 am
you’ve got to PUT IT IN something in order to get it where you want to dispose of it. Sturdy trash bags are ideal for that.
Cathy · November 14, 2012 at 12:36 pm
Great list! This last hurricane helped us realize how very unprepared we are! Will definitely be referring to this list to start stocking up on items. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
Cathy · November 14, 2012 at 12:36 pm
Great list! This last hurricane helped us realize how very unprepared we are! Will definitely be referring to this list to start stocking up on items. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
apryl · November 18, 2012 at 4:47 am
great list. we have about half of these things already. do you precook the rice, beans and wheat and can them in a pressure canner? what about the dried corn out right now for deer feed? can that be used?
Kellene Bishop · November 19, 2012 at 8:40 pm
I do not pre-cook my grains as heat compromises their nutritional value.
Dried corn can be finely ground into corn flour and it will have a longer shelf-life than corn flour will. However, I would not recommend using anything that’s not food grade as the standards for food in our nation is pathetic enough, imagine how much more lax it is when it’s for animals.
apryl · November 18, 2012 at 4:47 am
great list. we have about half of these things already. do you precook the rice, beans and wheat and can them in a pressure canner? what about the dried corn out right now for deer feed? can that be used?
Kellene Bishop · November 19, 2012 at 8:40 pm
I do not pre-cook my grains as heat compromises their nutritional value.
Dried corn can be finely ground into corn flour and it will have a longer shelf-life than corn flour will. However, I would not recommend using anything that’s not food grade as the standards for food in our nation is pathetic enough, imagine how much more lax it is when it’s for animals.
oNiSaC says · December 27, 2012 at 8:13 am
When the stuff hits the fan chaos comes knocking. Law enforcement ends within 3 weeks. The National Guard ends at about 6 weeks. So at 7 weeks it’s every man for himself.
Those that have readied themselves for such chaos are ahead of the ordeal. But the key to survival is low profile, as in unnoticed as long as possible. If nobody knows you are there, they wont come to steal from you and possibly kill you.
Here in the United States we are ignorant to survival under chaotic conditions, void of law enforcement. Must of us can’t live without electricity. Let alone water, food, auto, and cell phones. Now add to that situation the fact that there will lately be no law and order, and thieves everywhere.
It would be much easier to avoid allowing the stuff hit the fan…
oNiSaC says · December 27, 2012 at 8:13 am
When the stuff hits the fan chaos comes knocking. Law enforcement ends within 3 weeks. The National Guard ends at about 6 weeks. So at 7 weeks it’s every man for himself.
Those that have readied themselves for such chaos are ahead of the ordeal. But the key to survival is low profile, as in unnoticed as long as possible. If nobody knows you are there, they wont come to steal from you and possibly kill you.
Here in the United States we are ignorant to survival under chaotic conditions, void of law enforcement. Must of us can’t live without electricity. Let alone water, food, auto, and cell phones. Now add to that situation the fact that there will lately be no law and order, and thieves everywhere.
It would be much easier to avoid allowing the stuff hit the fan…
Beth Ann · February 12, 2013 at 4:09 am
What are the stone sugar preservers that you are referring to? I would like to know more about what I need to do in order to store flour, rice, and sugar in buckets.
Kellene Bishop · February 12, 2013 at 4:11 am
Look up “brown sugar bears” on Google Images and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Bed Bath and Beyond carry them.
Pat RN · March 20, 2013 at 2:39 am
I don’t know how much the bears cost but I go to the greenhouse stores and just buy the saucers for the clay pots. (at Michael’s you can find smaller ones too.) I soak them about 30 minutes and pop them in with my brown sugar and such. Works well for me.
Beth Ann · February 12, 2013 at 4:09 am
What are the stone sugar preservers that you are referring to? I would like to know more about what I need to do in order to store flour, rice, and sugar in buckets.
Kellene Bishop · February 12, 2013 at 4:11 am
Look up “brown sugar bears” on Google Images and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Bed Bath and Beyond carry them.
Pat RN · March 20, 2013 at 2:39 am
I don’t know how much the bears cost but I go to the greenhouse stores and just buy the saucers for the clay pots. (at Michael’s you can find smaller ones too.) I soak them about 30 minutes and pop them in with my brown sugar and such. Works well for me.
Joyace · February 12, 2013 at 4:54 am
Kellene, I used to be able to copy off your web pages so I could print out (like this list) to have on hand (when internet is down) or so I could check off items when completed. Since you changed servers (I think that is the reason) I can no longer do so. Could you make your articles print friendly so we could just hit a button and print out the article if we can not cut and paste into a word doc.? Many of your articles I would like to have on hand for reference.
Kellene Bishop · February 12, 2013 at 6:17 am
I’m sorry but this is as “printer friendly” that we’ll be able to offer due to significant numbers of copyright infringements that we’ve dealt with. You can still print the pages for your own personal use, however, you’ll have to use the Print feature on your toolbar and be sure to view it first via the Print Preview option so that you don’t end up with any blank pages.
Fortunately we’ll be coming out with book formats of the best of our blog information with extensive amounts of references, footnotes, and sources as well as clarifying information so you’ll be able to have the best of our content easily accessible in a book format.
Sara · April 18, 2014 at 4:28 am
I would LOVE to know when
I would LOVE to know when your “blog book” will be coming out! I have been thinking about this as I’ve been studying your articles for days (I currently have 15+ tabs open of your various articles!). I’ve been reading one with the intent of closing it after I read it, only to open two more :). Do you have an expected date for your book? Can I get a signed copy?! 🙂 I look forward to it and hope that it is SOON! I have been learning so much and feel like I have a better overview plan for food ‘storage’ and E-Prep in general! Thanks for your time and energy in sharing!
Preparedness Pro · April 18, 2014 at 8:47 am
Sorry, not ETA yet, my friend
Sorry, not ETA yet, my friend. I’m working on it though. A cookbook is coming out first. 😉
Joyace · February 12, 2013 at 4:54 am
Kellene, I used to be able to copy off your web pages so I could print out (like this list) to have on hand (when internet is down) or so I could check off items when completed. Since you changed servers (I think that is the reason) I can no longer do so. Could you make your articles print friendly so we could just hit a button and print out the article if we can not cut and paste into a word doc.? Many of your articles I would like to have on hand for reference.
Kellene Bishop · February 12, 2013 at 6:17 am
I’m sorry but this is as “printer friendly” that we’ll be able to offer due to significant numbers of copyright infringements that we’ve dealt with. You can still print the pages for your own personal use, however, you’ll have to use the Print feature on your toolbar and be sure to view it first via the Print Preview option so that you don’t end up with any blank pages.
Fortunately we’ll be coming out with book formats of the best of our blog information with extensive amounts of references, footnotes, and sources as well as clarifying information so you’ll be able to have the best of our content easily accessible in a book format.
Sara · April 18, 2014 at 4:28 am
I would LOVE to know when
I would LOVE to know when your “blog book” will be coming out! I have been thinking about this as I’ve been studying your articles for days (I currently have 15+ tabs open of your various articles!). I’ve been reading one with the intent of closing it after I read it, only to open two more :). Do you have an expected date for your book? Can I get a signed copy?! 🙂 I look forward to it and hope that it is SOON! I have been learning so much and feel like I have a better overview plan for food ‘storage’ and E-Prep in general! Thanks for your time and energy in sharing!
Preparedness Pro · April 18, 2014 at 8:47 am
Sorry, not ETA yet, my friend
Sorry, not ETA yet, my friend. I’m working on it though. A cookbook is coming out first. 😉
Katherin Keegan · February 14, 2013 at 9:21 am
A short time ago you showed how some preppers were using soda bottles to store grains and beans in. I started collecting such bottles so I could transfer my rice and pinto beans into them. The article also mentioned using 2 bay leaves per bottle to keep the bugs out. I started transferring my rice first. I used the 2liter bottles and the smaller individual sizes, since I live in Ca. the 7lb containers I had used originally were to big and heavy. After finishing the rice I started on the beans. After emptying about 3 containers, I noticed the beans didn’t look right from the 4th container. Too my horror I discovered this container had been infested with maggots! I had not used bay leaves originally because I didn’t know about them. The containers had screw on lids I thought were seal tight. Over half of the beans from that container were ‘sampled’ and had to be thrown out. After some research, I put all of the bottles of beans in the freezer and plan to leave them in there for 2 or more days. This should kill any bugs I missed removing from the beans.
I plan to do the same with the rice. I think it is alright but I don’t want to take any chances. I’m not sure on the best way to remove any moisture from the bottles afterwards, if all else fails I guess I will heat them on low in the oven. If you have any better advise, I would appreciate hearing from you. I’m so glad you shared that article. If it hadn’t been for that, I wouldn’t have discovered my unwanted ‘guests’ until after the emergency! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us.
Kellene Bishop · February 15, 2013 at 2:27 am
Weevil are already in your grains whether you can see them or not. I’m not sure where you saw it, but I personally do NOT use soda bottles to store grains and beans etc. in. I only use thick walled 4-gallon square buckets alone with food-grade diatomaceous earth so that the weevil/maggots, etc. don’t flourish. plastic is NOT oxygen proof. The more oxygen beans are exposed to the harder they become over time and thus the more fuel they’ll need to cook. (You’ll also want to add a pinch of baking soda when cooking them.)
Also freezing doesn’t necessarily kill bugs…it can simply put them into hibernation. If that were the case, then any food we bought in the winter time that was no doubt exposed to freezing temperatures while sitting in large open warehouses would never have bugs in it. Unfortunately, that’s now what I’ve found to be the case.
I also am a big proponent AGAINST oven canning/preserving. Heat is one of the exposures which lessens your shelf-life and your nutritional content.
Katherin Keegan · February 14, 2013 at 9:21 am
A short time ago you showed how some preppers were using soda bottles to store grains and beans in. I started collecting such bottles so I could transfer my rice and pinto beans into them. The article also mentioned using 2 bay leaves per bottle to keep the bugs out. I started transferring my rice first. I used the 2liter bottles and the smaller individual sizes, since I live in Ca. the 7lb containers I had used originally were to big and heavy. After finishing the rice I started on the beans. After emptying about 3 containers, I noticed the beans didn’t look right from the 4th container. Too my horror I discovered this container had been infested with maggots! I had not used bay leaves originally because I didn’t know about them. The containers had screw on lids I thought were seal tight. Over half of the beans from that container were ‘sampled’ and had to be thrown out. After some research, I put all of the bottles of beans in the freezer and plan to leave them in there for 2 or more days. This should kill any bugs I missed removing from the beans.
I plan to do the same with the rice. I think it is alright but I don’t want to take any chances. I’m not sure on the best way to remove any moisture from the bottles afterwards, if all else fails I guess I will heat them on low in the oven. If you have any better advise, I would appreciate hearing from you. I’m so glad you shared that article. If it hadn’t been for that, I wouldn’t have discovered my unwanted ‘guests’ until after the emergency! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the rest of us.
Kellene Bishop · February 15, 2013 at 2:27 am
Weevil are already in your grains whether you can see them or not. I’m not sure where you saw it, but I personally do NOT use soda bottles to store grains and beans etc. in. I only use thick walled 4-gallon square buckets alone with food-grade diatomaceous earth so that the weevil/maggots, etc. don’t flourish. plastic is NOT oxygen proof. The more oxygen beans are exposed to the harder they become over time and thus the more fuel they’ll need to cook. (You’ll also want to add a pinch of baking soda when cooking them.)
Also freezing doesn’t necessarily kill bugs…it can simply put them into hibernation. If that were the case, then any food we bought in the winter time that was no doubt exposed to freezing temperatures while sitting in large open warehouses would never have bugs in it. Unfortunately, that’s now what I’ve found to be the case.
I also am a big proponent AGAINST oven canning/preserving. Heat is one of the exposures which lessens your shelf-life and your nutritional content.
Salem · February 23, 2013 at 1:02 pm
I really like this site and the list is impressive. However, I think it is WAY too comprehensive, especially for most people. Way too many processed foods were listed for my liking. I would never invest in frankenfood storage, especially since we don’t eat refined foods now. Vegetable oils? Okay, so they are rancid to begin with, but they go really bad really fast. This list gets expensive and unhealthy really fast. I think I could do fine with a third of the list at most. For the rest of it, I think I’d rather have a book about how to make do with what is in nature.
Salem · February 23, 2013 at 1:02 pm
I really like this site and the list is impressive. However, I think it is WAY too comprehensive, especially for most people. Way too many processed foods were listed for my liking. I would never invest in frankenfood storage, especially since we don’t eat refined foods now. Vegetable oils? Okay, so they are rancid to begin with, but they go really bad really fast. This list gets expensive and unhealthy really fast. I think I could do fine with a third of the list at most. For the rest of it, I think I’d rather have a book about how to make do with what is in nature.
Kellene Bishop · February 24, 2013 at 3:18 am
Out of over 800 original content articles that have been posted on here, it’s a shame you’ve chosen to focus your comments on this small article which may contain foods that I myself may not relate to, but which DO relate to a large demographic of our readers. Perhaps the articles on sprouts, wheat meat, wheat usage, alternative grains, coconut oil, essential oils, gardening, and old-fashioned food recipes may be more to your liking.
Kellene Bishop · February 24, 2013 at 3:18 am
Out of over 800 original content articles that have been posted on here, it’s a shame you’ve chosen to focus your comments on this small article which may contain foods that I myself may not relate to, but which DO relate to a large demographic of our readers. Perhaps the articles on sprouts, wheat meat, wheat usage, alternative grains, coconut oil, essential oils, gardening, and old-fashioned food recipes may be more to your liking.
JM Kiendl · March 20, 2013 at 2:29 am
Sunscreen depending on your climate might go into the medical/first aid kit. Pet supplies are a must. Food, bowl, extra leash, bedding, meds, special comfort toy. Alcohol is totally left off the list. Grain alcohol and wine have great shelf life. This is not only a huge trade comodity, but has in our past been much like currency. If the banking industry collapses then currency may have no worth. Gold and Silver coins, diamonds and gemstones will always be trade worthy.
Kellene Bishop · March 20, 2013 at 2:45 am
Pet supplies are only a must for those who have pets–myself being one of those of course. 😉
Keep in mind that gold and silver etc are only valuable so long as people HAVE what others need AND are willing to part with them for something that may have little or no trade value for some time.
Alcohol as a must? Heck, it’s not even a must for my Swiss Cheese Fondue recipe *grin* and there’s nothing that I’ve been able to find that can’t replace the few virtues of alcohol medicinally. However, that being the case, that’s a kind of product, like pet supplies, that have the most value in the eyes of those who imbibe. So my vision on that might be a bit blurred in that regard.
JM Kiendl · March 20, 2013 at 2:29 am
Sunscreen depending on your climate might go into the medical/first aid kit. Pet supplies are a must. Food, bowl, extra leash, bedding, meds, special comfort toy. Alcohol is totally left off the list. Grain alcohol and wine have great shelf life. This is not only a huge trade comodity, but has in our past been much like currency. If the banking industry collapses then currency may have no worth. Gold and Silver coins, diamonds and gemstones will always be trade worthy.
Kellene Bishop · March 20, 2013 at 2:45 am
Pet supplies are only a must for those who have pets–myself being one of those of course. 😉
Keep in mind that gold and silver etc are only valuable so long as people HAVE what others need AND are willing to part with them for something that may have little or no trade value for some time.
Alcohol as a must? Heck, it’s not even a must for my Swiss Cheese Fondue recipe *grin* and there’s nothing that I’ve been able to find that can’t replace the few virtues of alcohol medicinally. However, that being the case, that’s a kind of product, like pet supplies, that have the most value in the eyes of those who imbibe. So my vision on that might be a bit blurred in that regard.
Pat RN · March 20, 2013 at 2:47 am
I love how you didn’t mention the cliche bread, eggs and milk runs any time the weatherman sneezes wrong. I would love to see all the french toast and bread pudding made during the 1 inch snow falls that were supposed to be 5+ inch storms. LOL With what we have on hand we don’t have to go scrambling for stuff in the event of a passing snow fall (St Louis). Where snow hasn’t lasted more than a week in the past decade and the roads are generally clear within 24 hours.
Pat RN · March 20, 2013 at 2:47 am
I love how you didn’t mention the cliche bread, eggs and milk runs any time the weatherman sneezes wrong. I would love to see all the french toast and bread pudding made during the 1 inch snow falls that were supposed to be 5+ inch storms. LOL With what we have on hand we don’t have to go scrambling for stuff in the event of a passing snow fall (St Louis). Where snow hasn’t lasted more than a week in the past decade and the roads are generally clear within 24 hours.
Kristi · October 23, 2013 at 11:28 am
Thanks so much for the
Thanks so much for the emphasis on common sense and for highlighting the potential for human interaction– violence as well as trading. And thanks for not mentioning gold which in my humble opinion WILL JUST MAKE YOU A TARGET!!! I have started just keeping a couple extra supplies in the pantry of both food and other necessities and bet we could live for a year plus trade. I’m adding ziplock bags to the list as an idea. I know people wash and reuse them but I like them fresh and use them for organizing as well as food, so I have 3-4 boxes downstairs just in case! I would also add that if you have a trade that would be needed in a disaster, keep some supplies at home so you could trade work for something if needed.
Kristi · October 23, 2013 at 11:28 am
Thanks so much for the
Thanks so much for the emphasis on common sense and for highlighting the potential for human interaction– violence as well as trading. And thanks for not mentioning gold which in my humble opinion WILL JUST MAKE YOU A TARGET!!! I have started just keeping a couple extra supplies in the pantry of both food and other necessities and bet we could live for a year plus trade. I’m adding ziplock bags to the list as an idea. I know people wash and reuse them but I like them fresh and use them for organizing as well as food, so I have 3-4 boxes downstairs just in case! I would also add that if you have a trade that would be needed in a disaster, keep some supplies at home so you could trade work for something if needed.
Robert W · December 7, 2013 at 6:00 pm
I store/faraday cage extra
I store/faraday cage extra smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Open flame and fires will be used daily in some events. It would be a shame to prep for years only to drift away in the night from co2 poisoning. Also put up some $1 solar garden lamps to use in the kids rooms. They put off enough light to move about the rooms but no risk of fire.
Robert W · December 7, 2013 at 6:00 pm
I store/faraday cage extra
I store/faraday cage extra smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Open flame and fires will be used daily in some events. It would be a shame to prep for years only to drift away in the night from co2 poisoning. Also put up some $1 solar garden lamps to use in the kids rooms. They put off enough light to move about the rooms but no risk of fire.
Terri · January 13, 2014 at 8:36 pm
Alcohol might make a wonder
Alcohol might make a wonder Molotov cocktail, or a last resort fire starter – just stand back. I’d like to add a couple of things that I have (forgive me if I repeat others, I tried to read each reply thoroughly)- extra set of prescription glasses, a weather radio some type of communication device,( I know, I know, batteries, just don’t use battery devices as entertainment), hard candy, a tennis ball for many uses (back ache, foot ache, unlock car doors, etc… not just for play, rope, life jacket, and a set of binoculars.
Terri · January 13, 2014 at 8:36 pm
Alcohol might make a wonder
Alcohol might make a wonder Molotov cocktail, or a last resort fire starter – just stand back. I’d like to add a couple of things that I have (forgive me if I repeat others, I tried to read each reply thoroughly)- extra set of prescription glasses, a weather radio some type of communication device,( I know, I know, batteries, just don’t use battery devices as entertainment), hard candy, a tennis ball for many uses (back ache, foot ache, unlock car doors, etc… not just for play, rope, life jacket, and a set of binoculars.
K.C. · February 19, 2014 at 1:24 pm
Followed the link you
Followed the link you provided to medical field surgical kits, and I realized that I have no idea how to use most of the items they include. It got me thinking — as a scout leader, first aid is one of my key areas, and I often run across courses in things like Wilderness First Aid. I’ve never taken them seriously, because I don’t take my kiddos that far away from civilization, but I’m rethinking that in terms of preparedness. Knowledge is a key asset, right? I’d love to know your thoughts on the subject.
K.C. · February 19, 2014 at 1:24 pm
Followed the link you
Followed the link you provided to medical field surgical kits, and I realized that I have no idea how to use most of the items they include. It got me thinking — as a scout leader, first aid is one of my key areas, and I often run across courses in things like Wilderness First Aid. I’ve never taken them seriously, because I don’t take my kiddos that far away from civilization, but I’m rethinking that in terms of preparedness. Knowledge is a key asset, right? I’d love to know your thoughts on the subject.
david RN · November 2, 2014 at 9:18 am
Missing the most important of
Missing the most important of all….antibiotic…wide spectrum. Amoxicillin, penicillin, vancomycin…get these and a medical book. A cut can turn gangrene in matters of days without antibiotic. Antibiotic has short exp, so when all hell breaks loose, go to ur nearest fish store and get them, they will work on human
Preparedness Pro · November 2, 2014 at 9:04 pm
There are so many things
There are so many things wrong with relying on antibotics, not the least of which is that they do not communicate cellularly in the body which is why they kill ALL bacteria, including that which the body needs! Furthermore, “when all hell breaks loose”, I’m certain that pet stores will go right along with that and thus stocking up THEN will be futile.
We have written an entire article on using fish antibiotics. You’ll find it via using the search bar.
david RN · November 2, 2014 at 9:18 am
Missing the most important of
Missing the most important of all….antibiotic…wide spectrum. Amoxicillin, penicillin, vancomycin…get these and a medical book. A cut can turn gangrene in matters of days without antibiotic. Antibiotic has short exp, so when all hell breaks loose, go to ur nearest fish store and get them, they will work on human
Preparedness Pro · November 2, 2014 at 9:04 pm
There are so many things
There are so many things wrong with relying on antibotics, not the least of which is that they do not communicate cellularly in the body which is why they kill ALL bacteria, including that which the body needs! Furthermore, “when all hell breaks loose”, I’m certain that pet stores will go right along with that and thus stocking up THEN will be futile.
We have written an entire article on using fish antibiotics. You’ll find it via using the search bar.
Simple Life Ready · June 11, 2015 at 3:13 pm
One additional thought re,
One additional thought re, flashlights/lanterns… The Hybrid style dual mode are awesome. I charged mine in natural room light, and the charged last 1 year…These are light weight and solar chargeable …Great BOB item.
Simple Life Ready · June 11, 2015 at 3:13 pm
One additional thought re,
One additional thought re, flashlights/lanterns… The Hybrid style dual mode are awesome. I charged mine in natural room light, and the charged last 1 year…These are light weight and solar chargeable …Great BOB item.
Denise · August 18, 2015 at 8:31 pm
I would add Aloe Vera plants
I would add Aloe Vera plants and/or liquid. Mild antiseptic/ antibacterial, helps skin regenerate faster from burns, cuts, abrasions, rashes, etc. Also helps with internal problems. Arnica cream and/ or homeopathic tablets because there will be pain and trauma to have to deal with
In college we learned about “survival foods” that you could grow in your yard – plants that you could survive by eating and that most people would not know were edible. I still grow some of them today. Comfrey, borage, New Zealand Spinach, amaranth, taro, chickweed, many common weeds, and many more. If everything is stolen from you, you can still eat.
If you store/ hide everything in one place there is a much better chance of having it all taken away from you so have multiple caches hidden around your property.
For flashlights consider the hand crank type. I keep one in my car also. Don’t have to worry about dead batteries!
Thank you for the great list. I completely agree with the bay leaves and diatomaceous earth. Have used them for years.
Preparedness Pro · August 18, 2015 at 8:59 pm
I believe that as our
I believe that as our Spiritual Preparedness strengthens, then the less we have to worry about being so tactical and worrying about folks stealing our stuff. Now that’s coming from a person who teaches tactical self-defense, mind you. But I’m an avid believer that fear has NO place in our preparedness efforts. Prepare for others to be fearful and desperate, yes, but I don’t allow myself to make any decisions any more based on fear.
Denise · August 18, 2015 at 8:31 pm
I would add Aloe Vera plants
I would add Aloe Vera plants and/or liquid. Mild antiseptic/ antibacterial, helps skin regenerate faster from burns, cuts, abrasions, rashes, etc. Also helps with internal problems. Arnica cream and/ or homeopathic tablets because there will be pain and trauma to have to deal with
In college we learned about “survival foods” that you could grow in your yard – plants that you could survive by eating and that most people would not know were edible. I still grow some of them today. Comfrey, borage, New Zealand Spinach, amaranth, taro, chickweed, many common weeds, and many more. If everything is stolen from you, you can still eat.
If you store/ hide everything in one place there is a much better chance of having it all taken away from you so have multiple caches hidden around your property.
For flashlights consider the hand crank type. I keep one in my car also. Don’t have to worry about dead batteries!
Thank you for the great list. I completely agree with the bay leaves and diatomaceous earth. Have used them for years.
Preparedness Pro · August 18, 2015 at 8:59 pm
I believe that as our
I believe that as our Spiritual Preparedness strengthens, then the less we have to worry about being so tactical and worrying about folks stealing our stuff. Now that’s coming from a person who teaches tactical self-defense, mind you. But I’m an avid believer that fear has NO place in our preparedness efforts. Prepare for others to be fearful and desperate, yes, but I don’t allow myself to make any decisions any more based on fear.
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