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an earthquake hits a residential area in MN

Prepper Outreach Contest Submission

Japan Tsunami. Hurricane Katrina. Iceland Volcano. Minnesota Earthquake. Chernobyl. Gulf Oil Spill. Leak at Prairie Island MN Nuclear Plant. Sure the Minnesota ones aren’t in the same league as the more well known world wide ones, but the fact that I can list them at all, is scary. Tornado’s in Minnesota? You betcha, then you can see me doing my best Dorothy impersonation “Auntie Em! Auntie Em!” and I don’t even have an aunt Em. But not earthquakes. Earthquakes were outside my realm of understanding for Minnesota, until last year. It’s easy to sit back and watch with horror and sympathy to what’s happening thousands of miles away, but when it starts hitting this close to home, it’s time to stop watching and start doing.

I’m a newbie at preppin’. Just started a couple months ago. I’ve been watching Doomsday Preppers’, Doomsday Bunkers, scouring the internet and reading books. I’ve got to tell you, it boggles the mind the amount of information that I’ve come across. It can be a daunting task trying to figure out where to even start. I, personally, thought it would be easiest to start with a First Aid kit. I mean, come on, who doesn’t already have a proper First Aid kit in their home? I’m embarrassed to say when I went into my closet to get the first aid supplies I had on hand, I pulled out a bunch of band aids and gauze, and that’s it. No antibiotic ointment, burn cream, tape or aspirin! I’m not sure if we are just an extremely healthy family that we never needed anything out of that First Aid kit before, or just extremely, stupidly, lucky. But I’m leaning towards the latter. It was an easy enough fix though. A couple days and a couple trips to the store later and my First Aid kit is no longer something I’m embarrassed about.

I also started picking up extra canned goods, bathroom tissue and dog food (can’t forget Fido! Or in my case Boo) on my weekly shopping trips. And what do you know, I was preppin’! Now whenever I go to the store I make it a habit to pick up something extra like bottled water, candles, batteries or a flashlight. It may sound daunting, and look daunting to prep, but it doesn’t have to be.

You can start small and before you know it, you have a stockpile. I, for one, feel a whole lot better knowing I have some supplies on hand to help my family in case of an emergency. Because if an earthquake can hit Minnesota, what’s next?

 D.O. MN

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Dirk · April 13, 2012 at 2:30 pm

Well put, it doesn’t matter how slow or fast you prepare, as long as you do prepare.

Dirk · April 13, 2012 at 3:40 pm

I would also suggest any antibiotics that you have left over, that are still good, can be stored in case of loss of emergency services.

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