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I may be a sheepdog, but I’m not afraid.

Prepper Outreach Contest Submission

Sometimes it’s lonely being a prepper.

Many years ago I knew a woman whom I thought was a little tad on the “crazy” side of preparedness.  I wish I had gleaned more and more information from her over the year. She has always been more than willing to share.  And has helped me a lot.

Then a few years ago I started getting a feeling that I need to really ramp up my efforts to be prepared. I still have a long way to go, but I’m also running out of space in my house.  So I’m getting there.

I am planning for some of my children to head this way if a major event happens. We’ve had a son living here over the winter while working, and my “pantry” has surely come in handy for him. Some of the more major things still need to be addressed, like keeping warm when the electricity and thus the gas furnace or nada.

It’s hard when your spouse also sees you as being a long ways in outer space.  He’s supportive with food, but getting the other things, not so much.

Coupons have been a godsend, and the best godsend of all has been Kellene!  I have learned so much from her and respect her views and teachings. Now if I could only get some private gun time with her.  Shh, my husband doesn’t know about the gun yet, but I’ve got one.  Someone has got to protect us, and it seems it will be me.

I want to be able to help others around us, and I do share my views with people, but I’m also saddened at how many seem to have their heads in the sand concerning the future.  I don’t want any of my children or grandchildren to be hungry because they haven’t done their part. I think of them and their needs and try to be ready if they need to come here. Look at that cute little face. How could I possibly not prepare for him!

Thank goodness my sister and I are on the same page.  We both have someone to talk to and share things with.  I love feeling I am doing the best I can, and try to not think about “everything” that should be done.  I have a good spiritual and mental base to work with, and that gives me a lot of comfort. I’m grateful for this great country, and I hope we can help to turn it around, and if not, be able to survive until it can be turned around.  I’ve learned skills with cooking, different solar cooking, and making things from scratch.  Now I’m trying to figure out even more healthful things to do.

I’m a prepper and I’m not afraid to say it aloud.  I’m a prepper!!!


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1 Comment

Mary W · April 27, 2012 at 3:32 am

Awwww what a cutie:) love your story! My husband is ok with the food storage side also, but not so much the other parts of prepping. We do what we can for our loved ones 😉

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