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Family of 11 and only 1 income is still able to prep!

Prepper Outreach Contest Submission

I have been married for almost seven years and before that my husband and I were in the Navy. I spent a lot of time out to sea so having a suitable food storage was not something that seemed practical to me. It’s only been in the last four years that we decided to get our act together and be prepared. I am a mother of nine. (Just recently though we have a new little boy who is five weeks old.) The amount of food that needs to be stored for that many people is massive. It is even much bigger than we thought at first.
This last December my husband and I bought our first house together. We moved across the country, after finishing up school in Idaho, for a new job and of course brought our food storage with us.
During the first three months of living in our new home we had a LOT of little projects going on to update the house and get the pasture ready for our horses. During that three months we had very little extra money to spend on food. We were living off of our food storage. We thought beforehand that we easily had a year or more worth of food storage. Boy, were we wrong! We went through almost all of our can goods and a large amount of beans. We also completely ran out of some of the grains that we like to use.
It was a fantastic wake up call. We were not as prepared as we thought. Using up our food storage has helped us to gauge what we use more of and what we can stand to store less of.
It was truly a blessing to have the food storage that we did. Even with it not being enough it helped us get through the first three months of living in a new home that needed a lot of fixing up. It is a relief to know that at almost any time, no matter what is going on in the world, we are able to feed our family. I urge any one who does not have a back up plan to get ready now for that time in their lives that will come when they really are in need of food.
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Preparedness Pro

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lilly · April 13, 2012 at 10:03 pm

Very nice, thank you

Terri · April 14, 2012 at 8:07 am

God bless your family!

Joan Hackney · April 15, 2012 at 2:00 pm

You have my vote.

Stacy · April 23, 2012 at 4:23 am

We also had to use our preps when my hubby was out of work. It didn’t last as long as I thought either.

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