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roof rescue  There’s plenty of thundering, blowing, raining and hailing going on all over the country–though some areas sure could use MORE rain. I don’t know about you, but I look at such instances as if they are giving us a much needed “trial run” to test out our level of preparedness amidst a  “surprise” situation that Mother Nature likes to throw at us.  And there are plenty of “trial runs” available. As we’ve already seen played out in the national news, the storm and tornado season is in full swing–not to mention the lightening strikes that are causing so many fires. Each year, the U.S. gets an average of 5.9 hurricanes, 1,000 tornadoes and 10,000 severe thunderstorms! But you and I both know that there are a lot of folks doing some CRAZY things and appear to have more spit than sense when it comes to being ready for a severe storm.


Stay out of flood waters!

 You know who I’m talking about. Perhaps it’s one of those crazy people who get within 100 feet of a huge tornado just so that they can post the footage to YouTube. Or maybe you’re familiar with those folks who go and purchase tons of batteries, beer, and band-aids at the last minute and THEN, after the storm has passed, they take it all back to the store for a refund. (Well, less the beer, I suppose.) I actually remember that happening after Hurricane Sandy–all of the city folks going crazy and buying all of the things that they should  have had on hand in the first place, taking it all back the next day for a refund!  That’s just nutzo!!  I don’t know about you, but I’m looking at that scenario and shaking my head thinking “Hello! Mother Nature just gave you a dress rehearsal so you’re not caught so vulnerable the NEXT time–and yes, there WILL be a NEXT TIME–and yet you’re going to negate what little bit of preparedness you accomplished as a result of this experience and return it all??!” Yes, I truly did yell that at the TV one night.


hurricane sandyThen of course there’s the situation in which a hurricane is predicted in an area that we all know is prone to hurricanes–and yet when the forecast comes, everyone is freaking out, going to the hardware store and buying up nails and plywood and such. I still don’t understand that one. It’s not like these folks woke up one day and realized that they were IN a hurricane prone area, right? So why in the world don’t they just keep the nails and the plywood and such on hand in the first place instead of subjecting themselves to the craziness that goes on in the hardware store right before a coastal storm?? I would  call that “dumb squared”.


And then, of course,  you’ve got the people who JUST buy the beer and the cigarettes and decide that they’re just going to party their way through the disaster. *Sigh* Such persons give me the greatest angst as they later risk the lives of good men and women who have to RESCUE their behinds from off the top of the roof! (That one makes me grrrr…)

How about the folks who play in flood waters that are moving fast? How about the woman who says she’s going to stay put because she doesn’t want to miss the latest episode of “Honey Boo Boo”? (True story!) How about the folks who think that they’re actually going to be ABLE to find food and batteries and such in the stores or the folks who say “FEMA will rescue me!” –as if it absolves them from taking any responsibility for their own safety and well being?

I’m grateful that I get to associate with smart people like YOU on a daily basis.  We may no know it all but we’re willing to find out the answers and to improve our state of preparedness, peacefully.


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