Disabled yet self-sufficient
Prepper Outreach Contest Submission #3
I am one of those people that the world calls “Physically Disabled”. However, my physical limitations do not prevent me from doing things to take care of myself in an emergency situation. Lack of physical strength will never deter me from doing everything I can to be self-sufficient. Food Storage does not have to come in large sizes, it can be stored in smaller, easier to handle packaging. Everything about prepping can be done by ANYONE, no matter what your personal circumstances are.
A little bit about me…. My world was great until December 1999. I was hit head-on by a drunk driver and now have a tube in my spinal cord. I am not in a wheelchair, but I am not as mobile as I once was and use a cane when I walk. Doing things like lifting heavy objects are no longer possible for me. That is not to say that I am going to just lay down and be ready to just die if an emergency situation occurs. It just means that I have to be creative in how I prepare to take care of myself. I feel that part of prepping is being able to adjust to different situations, to not be so “uptight” about having to do things a certain way.
There are many different ways to accomplish your prepping goals and learning new ways of doing things is invaluable. As long as you have your basics covered, then there is really no right way of prepping. Such as… I store my water in smaller containers and I have a “dolly” to move those containers if I need to. Also, my “bug out/72 hour” kit is in a wheeled “Igloo” cooler, so that I can move it easily, and also because it is something that I can sit on if I need to rest while evacuating the area. I cannot physically carry everything, but I sure can push something on wheels if need be.
I feel that by tailoring my preparations to my particular circumstances, needs, and limitations, that I am more able than most people to take care of myself. And yes, 99% of the people in my life think I am crazy and stupid for living like this, but I do not care. I like the feeling of independence and accomplishment that it gives me, knowing that I have done all that I could to help myself in times of crisis, physical limitations notwithstanding.
Another thing, living a “prepper” lifestyle is cheaper for me in the long run. I save money by buying things in bulk. When my accident occurred, I did not have to worry about meals, I already had the food to rely on. Food storage/prepping is a major addiction for me, and I will never understand why some people are against it. All it takes is a “can do” attitude and a willingness to try. If someone like me can do it, then everyone can….. and the world would be a much better place…..
Sierra Brown · April 17, 2012 at 2:29 pm
I am a wife, mother of two amazing teens, and until a few years ago, I was a Registered Nurse helping women, and their families, bring beautiful babies into this world. But then severe form of Lupus and Sjogren”s Syndrome hit me like a freight train and I now spend part of my life in a wheel chair. But I am not going to give up, I may not have physical strength but I have a lot of knowledge and I can still make sure my family is ready for anything. And yes, with the help of my family, we have come up with inventive ways for me to be as independent as possible during an emergency. We have purchased light weight wheel barrows, and found a “wagon” in the gardening department that can carry 300lbs, great for moving our water storage barrels, etc. I have made detailed checklists, have one bag where the emergency notebook is, and a watertight plastic box for all our “prepping” books. My family knows exactly where this things are. As a Nurse, I learned how to delegate, each person knowing what they are supposed to take care of is so important, and even if I’m having a bad day, I can still direct “the exodus” if needed. All needed medical gear is kept in bags, in one place, ready to move, (my daughter’s job) and we are in the process of purchasing a trailer that will sit in the garage, packed with all camping/emergency gear that will be ready to attach to our truck. But even though we have “bug out” plans and places to go, knowing my medical limitations, we have made more plans to “bug-in” depending on the situation of course. We have included our neighbors and friends in our plans,so we can work as a tribe, not just the four of us. We all have different situations, different families, having some with medical limitations is no reason not to have your own plans, to stay or go. I still have my mouth lol, and my mind, these I can and will use to help my family, neighbors, friends no matter what happens. Don’t let illness or medical problems keep you and your loved ones from being proactive, it might just take more imagination and more lists that’s all, you can still be ready for what may come.
Kathy Shaw · April 17, 2012 at 5:19 pm
You have my vote. I admire you for you prepping ideas for disabled citizens.
JeanneS · April 17, 2012 at 8:32 pm
You have my vote! I read a lot of prepper blogs, and invariably someone will post how “disabled” people will be a “problem” after TSHTF. But my best friend & roommate is a disabled veteran, and also an LPN (licensed practical nurse) who is currently in school to become an RN. Even if she weren’t a medical professional, she is family and there’s no way I wouldn’t include her in my preps. But since she is, hey, there’s most of my medical prepping taken care of, right there! And what’s to say that a disaster wouldn’t disable a previously-healthy person, and how many people won’t be able to cope with that? Someone who is “disabled” will be a lot more ready to handle the rough times coming because they’ve already been through their own rough times and survived.
Sandy · April 17, 2012 at 9:09 pm
She has my vote too. It’s great to see others “outside the box” prepping. It shows that no matter what your size or physical condition you can still prep. This lady rocks and has my vote too.
hamiltonflashes · April 18, 2012 at 6:17 pm
Hey, we disabled are creative also. I have a small waggon ,attachable to my wheel chair to carry my bug out “stuff” I will NOT be anyone’s problem. I camp,cook,make fire,can food,and am a DARN good shot! The “wheel chairwaggon” is only one bug out forms of travel. If you put your creative juices to work you can do almost anything. GOOD LUCK to all perppers, no matter the situation.
Kathleen · April 19, 2012 at 12:52 am
Good luck, I like your thought provoking story. Just cuz you need something different you aren’t helpless. Hope you win something that will help you.
Del · April 19, 2012 at 10:37 pm
I’m also disabled (fibromyalgia, back surgery, etc) and I prep very creatively, on a low budget, and within my body’s limitations. It’s amazing what can be done if you are stubborn and creative… Keep up the good work!!
Gina Bowman · April 26, 2012 at 7:58 pm
I vote for this one, she has really shown me that anyone can do this no matter what is going on in their life.
Pam Farmer · April 26, 2012 at 11:02 pm
you have my vote – keep up the good work & Good Luck
Lynelle Dehlbom · April 26, 2012 at 11:03 pm
Very inspiring! Thank you for sharing.
Debbie · April 26, 2012 at 11:10 pm
Gets my vote. As a person with fibromyalgia great ideas for me to use also!
Rach · April 26, 2012 at 11:17 pm
You are AMAZING JB! You have my vote,mate!
Kat · April 26, 2012 at 11:20 pm
I am a stroke survivor, fibromyalgia sufferer and am also disabled. It’s often hard to cope with limited income and physical limitations. Prepping becomes a part of everyday life for some of us. If people think we’re crazy, that’s fine. We have to do what’s best for us and our physical/mental well-being.
Pam · April 26, 2012 at 11:22 pm
Being prepared is important for everyone…but even more so for someone with limitations. Keep the prepping and ideas flowing. 😉
Sandy Roberts · April 26, 2012 at 11:29 pm
You have my vote, JB 😉 Keep up the good work !
Elizabeth Schultz · April 26, 2012 at 11:36 pm
You have my vote.
julz lee · April 27, 2012 at 12:31 am
You have my Vote it takes courage to contuine to enjoy life and to recover its a road full of heartace hardships, But also Joy and courage <3 J.B
chrissy · April 27, 2012 at 12:50 am
Youve got my vote Joni!
chrissy · April 27, 2012 at 12:51 am
Vote #2. Good for you!
Katrina · April 27, 2012 at 12:55 am
These days, independent people are a breath of fresh air. JB is a role model.
Katrina · April 27, 2012 at 12:59 am
Sorry to hear about the December ’99 collision that changed your life. It’s good you were prepared beforehand. Those life-altering events are such a test. You have passed w/flying colors!
Imogene Knowles · April 27, 2012 at 1:02 am
What an inspiration. Thank you for adding this. I vote for you JB.
Kaleigh Brock · April 27, 2012 at 1:07 am
I love this story, thanks for sharing it. I vote for you JB.
James Brock · April 27, 2012 at 1:23 am
I like this one, I vote for JB
Jackson Bowman · April 27, 2012 at 1:36 am
I vote for JB
Jan Forbes · April 27, 2012 at 2:59 am
You got my vote, cuz! Way to go!
Belle Berryhill · April 27, 2012 at 3:29 am
I think JB is a fine example of what I’d like to be like if it ever comes a time when I need to be able to take care of my family in a crisis. I think food storage is important but have not been able to afford to do much yet. I am working on this and have a bit more insight into how to go about it. Thanks JB OK, your story is inspiring, I vote for you.
Gayle Heath · April 27, 2012 at 4:19 am
Joni has my vote! Very proud of her and how she doesnt let anything stand in her way! Brave woman!!!!
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