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Canning is a vital skill in living a self-reliant lifestyle

I have always been of the prepping mindset, but recently with events happening in the world, I feel an urgency to get my house in order. We don’t have a lot of space in our house (with 5 kids) so we started putting our food storage under our house. We are finally getting to where I don’t feel so helpless if something were to happen.


I have learned to can chicken, beef, peaches, pear sauce, and applesauce to name a few. I feel so prepared to know that I have the equipment to can my own food and the experience to know what my family likes and will eat if we had to live solely off our food storage.


As we all can see, there can be any number of disasters, man made or natural, that can cause a contamination of our food and water supply. I feel strongly that more of us need to know the basics of canning so we can preserve our own food and not rely on the Government to regulate this for us. We have discovered the Food Saver that allows us to store dried goods in canning jars and so we have expanded our foods to include cookies, M & M’s crackers, etc. I feel it is important to have foods that are the norm right now for my family stored away to use in a crisis, as well as wheat, oats and beans, that we are counseled to have.


I am so grateful for the Preparedness Pro (Kellene) in teaching us to be more self reliant. I have applied many of her ideas and incorporated them into our preparedness efforts. Thank you!


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Amy Hill · April 13, 2012 at 10:08 pm

Anyone who has fiured how to store, long term, cookies and m&m’s gets my vote. I haven’t fogured it out ye.t

Candee Flamm · April 14, 2012 at 2:27 pm

This one gets my vote

Candee Flamm · April 14, 2012 at 2:27 pm

Oreos are the best when canned long term.

Candee Flamm · April 14, 2012 at 2:28 pm

Did I mention that I really want to win a prize?

Candee Flamm · April 14, 2012 at 2:28 pm

I need more votes. Thanks to everyone!

Candee Flamm · April 14, 2012 at 2:29 pm

Okay, last vote for today. I hope I win a cool prize.

Beverly · April 14, 2012 at 9:03 pm

I love canning. I have a young one and find that on Holidays she has way too much candy so I use my foodsaver and vacuum seal them in canning jars. I am like you, I store foods that our family enjoys and normally eats.

Patricia · April 15, 2012 at 12:36 am

I like the under the house idea! My husband told me no but I still love the idea.

Tiffany Gee · April 27, 2012 at 3:03 am

I love canning, we bough some land and have fruit and nut tree’s and a huge garden and i we canned a bunch of sockeye salmon this winter too. Feels so fulfilling and i love my food saver too! I bought mine with my air miles for my self as a Christmas gift lol

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