Prepper Outreach Contest Submission
Sometimes Prepping takes a little stubborn defiance!
I live with my Brother. It has it’s good points, and bad. One of those bad points is that he doesn’t believe in being prepared. As “Man-Of-The-House”, he is opinionated. My brother has lectured me on foolishness and ORDERED me not to store food & water in my room (because of ants). I have been called on the carpet like a 4 year old because I’m trying to DO SOMETHING. Why am I doing this? No one else will take care of my brother and I. From a power outage to whatever. I am going to take care of my own! ( And NO he can’t have the stash of Twinkies. I really want to see if they WILL survive 20 years.)
I have gathered little things every month on my tiny Soc Sec check. My bathroom shelves are stocked with coffee and little vacuum bags of rice/beans& pasta. My bedroom closet has first aid and non-food/lighting items. I already had a tent and sleeping bag plus I make scrap quilts as a hobby. I find things at the dollar store and thrift shop to squirrel away. Today I asked at the bakery for some icing buckets. I was tickled to find that they had lids AND a rubber gasket that runs around the inside edge to seal them! So far I have at least gathered enough supplies to surpass the 72 hour kit.
It doesn’t take a lot to start prepping. Albertons has 6 bottles of water for $1-ish, Granola bars come in packs of 2. Buy one to eat – stash one…there is food. Got a bucket? (Remember the FREE icing buckets with lids??) Put the water bottles in the bottom. Add an old blanket and some dollar store tea candles in a baggie. You can get a book of matches for free at the convenience store just for asking! there is food, water, warmth and light. Add a small pot and lid for cooking from the thrift store – make a Tuna Can Stove from old melted candles and scrap cardboard – and a cleaned out liter soda bottle of beans and rice. A bit of salt in a little jar…You can survive for a day or 2 on this alone if you have to. Band-aid here – Ketchup packet there…Ei Ei Oh.
Happy Stashing and KEEP GOING!!!!
Val Hurd · April 6, 2012 at 10:53 pm
I’d go ahead and eat the Twinkies. Years later, my husband still won’t eat them after biting into a Twinkie that looked fine on the outside, but had blue mold on the filling!! LOL
Kathy · April 10, 2012 at 5:20 am
Thanks! LOL I had heard they would never go bad and wanted to test the Urban myth. I ate most of them now and just left a couple to see what happens.
Kathy · April 7, 2012 at 4:06 am
I’m voting for this one!
Carolyn · April 8, 2012 at 9:18 pm
The thing I like about this person’s story is the determination & resourcefulness. It’s the every lit bit counts theory. Against lack of family cooperation and money this person keeps pluggin away until one day.. there will be quite a good size stock pile of supplies.
joyce · April 9, 2012 at 3:35 pm
I think this person is very smart to stash a little here and a little thier. Too bad about the brother being a ding dong does he not know that thier will be no ants when every thing is sealed as it should be?
Kathy · April 10, 2012 at 5:14 am
Hi – Well my Brother is Ant Phobic. Everybody has their least favorite creepy crawly, and his is ants. My little stash came in handy when we had a power outage a few nights ago. I knew just where to find the candles!!
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