baking soda makes a great toothpaste
Baking soda isn’t just for whipping up fluffy pancakes or scrubbing your sink until it sparkles like it’s auditioning for a cleaning commercial. For preppers, baking soda is the unsung hero of self-reliance, and this tiny, unassuming box of powder deserves a front-row seat in your preparedness kit. Why? Because it’s affordable, versatile, and, like your favorite cast-iron skillet, it’ll outlast the apocalypse. While it might lose its rising magic for baking over time, its household and garden superpowers never expire.
Why Every Prepper Needs Baking Soda
The secret to baking soda’s endless shelf life lies in its chemical simplicity. Sodium bicarbonate doesn’t spoil; it just sits there patiently, waiting to leap into action. Whether you’re disinfecting your gear, deodorizing the bunker, or soothing a bee sting, baking soda is your go-to. It’s lightweight, compact, and so versatile that it’s like having 75 different products rolled into one. Speaking of which, here are 75 ways to use baking soda—just in case you needed more reasons to stockpile.
Health and Hygiene
1. Use it as an antacid for heartburn relief by mixing 1 teaspoon with half a glass of water.
2. Apply as a dry deodorant by patting it under your arms.
3. Mix with water for a gentle toothpaste.
4. Create a face and body scrub by mixing it with water to form a paste.
5. Add a cup to your bath to soothe skin and soften water.
6. Relieve sunburn or insect bites with a paste of baking soda and water.
7. Freshen your breath by gargling with a baking soda solution (1 teaspoon per glass of water).
8. Use it to soothe canker sores by applying a paste directly to the sore.
9. Clean retainers, dentures, or mouth guards by soaking them in a baking soda solution.
10. Unclog a stuffy nose by adding it to a vaporizer.
Around the Home
11. Absorb odors in your fridge or pantry by placing an open box inside.
12. Deodorize shoes, slippers, or boots by sprinkling baking soda inside and leaving it overnight.
13. Freshen up carpets or upholstery by sprinkling baking soda and letting it sit for an hour before vacuuming.
14. Clean stainless steel and chrome with a paste of baking soda and water.
15. Remove crayon marks from walls by gently scrubbing with a damp cloth and baking soda.
16. Soak brushes and combs to clean them by using a solution of 1 teaspoon baking soda per cup of warm water.
17. Clean glass coffee pots and mugs by making a solution of baking soda and warm water; let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing.
18. Neutralize the smell in ashtrays by sprinkling baking soda inside.
19. Scatter baking soda around baseboards to deter ants and cockroaches.
20. Add to your vacuum bag to deodorize as you clean.
21. Remove melted plastic from a toaster by sprinkling baking soda on a damp sponge and gently rubbing.
22. Use it to repel rabbits from garden beds by sprinkling a thin layer around plants.
Kitchen Hacks

baking soda is great for polishing silver when made into a paste
23. Clean cutting boards safely by scrubbing with baking soda and water.
24. Soak produce to remove dirt and pesticides by adding 1 teaspoon of baking soda to a bowl of water.
25. Eliminate fishy smells by soaking seafood in a solution of 1 teaspoon of baking soda per cup of water for an hour in the fridge.
26. Add a pinch to tomato-based recipes to reduce acidity.
27. Keep drains clear by pouring baking soda down the drain, followed by hot water or a mixture of vinegar and hot water for extra cleaning power.
28. Neutralize odors in trash cans by sprinkling baking soda at the bottom.
29. Soak greasy pans for easier cleaning by adding 1 teaspoon of baking soda to the water.
30. Wash reusable food containers with a solution of baking soda and water to remove odors.
31. Deodorize dishcloths by soaking them in a baking soda solution.
32. Use in homemade dish soap for extra cleaning power.
Garden and Outdoor Use
33. Sweeten tomatoes by sprinkling it on the soil around plants.
34. Deter pests like ants and cockroaches by scattering baking soda around baseboards and entry points.
35. Clean patio furniture by scrubbing with a solution of baking soda and water.
36. Scrub grime off gardening tools with a baking soda paste.
37. Use it to neutralize soil acidity by sprinkling and mixing it into the soil.
38. Freshen up pet areas or litter boxes by sprinkling baking soda.
39. Remove odors from your pet’s bedding by sprinkling baking soda, letting it sit, and then vacuuming.
40. Clean birdbaths without harming wildlife by scrubbing with baking soda and water.
41. Remove mildew from outdoor surfaces by scrubbing with a paste made of baking soda and water, then rinsing thoroughly.
42. Sprinkle in compost bins to manage odors.
Emergency Situations
43. Extinguish small grease or electrical fires by throwing baking soda directly on the flames.
44. Soothe bug bites or jellyfish stings by applying a paste of baking soda and water.
45. Treat mild chemical burns by rinsing the area with a solution of baking soda and water.
46. Create a makeshift saline solution for cleaning wounds by mixing 1 teaspoon of baking soda per cup of boiled water.
47. Make a basic electrolyte drink by combining baking soda, water, sugar, and salt.
48. Absorb oil spills from surfaces by sprinkling baking soda, letting it sit, and then sweeping it up.
49. De-skunk your pet by mixing baking soda with hydrogen peroxide and dish soap.
50. Clean camping gear, from pots to sleeping mats, with a baking soda paste.
51. Deodorize emergency blankets or clothing by sprinkling baking soda before washing.
52. Neutralize battery acid spills with baking soda.
Miscellaneous Genius
53. Polish silverware by soaking it in a solution of baking soda and water.
54. Restore old books by sprinkling baking soda to remove musty smells.
55. Make a non-toxic modeling clay with baking soda and cornstarch.
56. Deodorize suitcases or storage trunks by sprinkling baking soda inside and letting it sit overnight.
57. Use as a fabric softener alternative in laundry.
58. Remove scuff marks from floors by scrubbing with baking soda and a damp cloth.
59. Freshen up sports gear by sprinkling baking soda inside.
60. Clean foggy headlights on vehicles with a baking soda paste.
61. Absorb moisture in damp areas by leaving an open container of baking soda.
62. Clean shower curtains by soaking them in a solution of baking soda and water.
63. Remove rust from tools by scrubbing with baking soda and water.
64. Unclog gas stoves by scrubbing the burners with baking soda paste.

Baking soda makes a great water softener for your laundry
65. Deodorize thermos bottles by soaking them in a baking soda solution.
66. Clean barbecue grills by sprinkling baking soda, letting it sit, and then scrubbing.
67. Remove dried-on food from pans by soaking them in a baking soda solution.
68. Brighten enameled cookware with a baking soda paste.
69. Deodorize car interiors by sprinkling baking soda on carpets and vacuuming after an hour.
70. Neutralize odors in coolers by washing with baking soda.
71. Clean Formica countertops by scrubbing with baking soda and water.
72. Remove grease from garage floors by sprinkling baking soda and scrubbing with a wet brush.
73. Clean melted plastic from ovens by using a paste of baking soda and water.
74. Freshen pillows by sprinkling baking soda, letting it sit, and then vacuuming.
75. Brighten white laundry by adding half a cup of baking soda to the wash.
76. Exfoliating Scalp Scrub: Mix baking soda with water to remove product buildup on the scalp.
77. Neutralizing Algae in Pools: Adjust pool pH levels by adding baking soda to prevent algae growth.
78. Dry Shampoo: Sprinkle baking soda at hair roots to absorb oil in a pinch.
79. DIY Snow: Mix baking soda, water, and shaving cream to create artificial snow for crafts.
80. Shoe Polish: Combine baking soda with water to clean and shine leather shoes.
81. Clean Water Bottles: Soak reusable bottles in a baking soda solution to remove odors.
82. Shine Jewelry: Gently scrub tarnished jewelry with a paste of baking soda and water.
83. Neutralize Paint Fumes: Place bowls of baking soda in freshly painted areas to absorb odors.
84. Prevent Ice Buildup: Sprinkle baking soda on outdoor steps or sidewalks for traction and to prevent ice formation.
85. Remove Stickers or Labels: Mix baking soda with oil to create a paste for scrubbing away adhesive residue.
86. Polish silverware by soaking it in a solution of baking soda and water.
87. Restore old books by sprinkling baking soda to remove musty smells.
88. Make a non-toxic modeling clay with baking soda and cornstarch.
89. Deodorize suitcases or storage trunks by sprinkling baking soda inside and letting it sit overnight.
90. Use as a fabric softener alternative in laundry.
91. Remove scuff marks from floors by scrubbing with baking soda and a damp cloth.
92. Freshen up sports gear by sprinkling baking soda inside.
93. Clean foggy headlights on vehicles with a baking soda paste.
94. Absorb moisture in damp areas by leaving an open container of baking soda.
95. Clean shower curtains by soaking them in a solution of baking soda and water.
96. Remove rust from tools by scrubbing with baking soda and water.
97. Unclog gas stoves by scrubbing the burners with baking soda paste.
98. Deodorize thermos bottles by soaking them in a baking soda solution.
99. Clean barbecue grills by sprinkling baking soda, letting it sit, and then scrubbing.
100. Remove dried-on food from pans by soaking them in a baking soda solution.
101. Brighten enameled cookware with a baking soda paste.
102. Deodorize car interiors by sprinkling baking soda on carpets and vacuuming after an hour.
103. Neutralize odors in coolers by washing with baking soda.
104. Clean Formica countertops by scrubbing with baking soda and water.
105. Remove grease from garage floors by sprinkling baking soda and scrubbing with a wet brush.
106. Clean melted plastic from ovens by using a paste of baking soda and water.
107. Freshen pillows by sprinkling baking soda, letting it sit, and then vacuuming.
108. Brighten white laundry by adding half a cup of baking soda to the wash.
Long-Term Storage Tips
• Store baking soda in a cool, dry place in an airtight container.
• Rotate smaller amounts into regular use to keep your stockpile fresh.
• Keep it away from strong odors, as it’s highly absorbent.
• Use vacuum-sealed bags for large quantities.
• Label and date your supply for organization.
Baking soda’s versatility is second only to its affordability. With this magical powder in your arsenal, you’ll be ready for everything from household chores to unexpected emergencies. So, whether you’re a seasoned prepper or just dipping your toes into self-reliance, don’t underestimate the power of baking soda. It’s the little box that could—and it’ll keep proving its worth long after the muffins stop rising.
1 Comment
Daniel L. Daugherty Jr. · February 17, 2025 at 1:16 pm
Baking soda has soooo many great uses! Here’s one that I did not see mentioned. If you have a toilet clog, or it won’t flush out the contents, simply squirt some dishwashing liquid (I prefer Dawn) add baking soda and white vinegar and let it sit for a few minutes. Yes, the baking soda and vinegar will foam up so that is normal. Try to flush. If it does not work immediately, apply the same solution and this time flush as it is foaming. It will take care of that mess without having to slosh around in the muck!