
One of my dear friends who comes to my classes periodically, shared this great wheat-berry recipe with me. I couldn’t wait until Friday to share it, so here it goes!

Feta Wheat Berry Salad

1 C. whole wheat berries

1 C Feta cheese, diced. (It’s especially good with the sun-dried tomatoes in them or added to the recipe)

½ C red onion, minced (I used my freeze-dried green onions, reconstituted)

½ C cucumber, peeled, seeded, chopped (I simply could not do this recipe without these, however, if you can cucumbers in a brine, they also will taste GREAT in this recipe—otherwise you’ll have to wait until you’re growing cucumbers if you’re going to enjoy this recipe in a time of “survival”.)

5 T. olive oil

¼ C mixed fresh herbs, minced such as parsley, mint, thyme and especially BASIL

¼ cup of reconstituted freeze-dried red and green bell peppers

1 t. of roasted red peppers

¼ C lemon juice (fresh is best, but you can easily make do with the stuff in the bottle.)

1 T. balsamic vinegar

¼ C Kalamata black olives, pitted, brine-cured, chopped

2 garlic cloves, minced

In a pot of boiling salted water cook the wheat berries for 1 hour or until they are tender. (Only about 10 minutes at high presser in a pressure cooker.) Drain. Stir together the wheat berries, and all of the other ingredients except for the herbs.  Salt and pepper to taste and garnish with herbs. This tastes great after it sits for 4-6 hours before serving.  Serves 4 to 6 with GREAT satisfaction. You’ll get a lot of longevity out of this meal!

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jamie · July 15, 2010 at 7:41 pm

I have bought whole wheat grain for the first time to store. Now is that considered “wheat berries”? Or am I missing something? Are wheat berries grain not ground or sprouted?

    Kellene · July 16, 2010 at 4:05 am

    Yes, that’s wheat berries–but usually folks are only referring to wheat berries when the wheat has been cooked.

Lynn · July 15, 2010 at 8:16 pm

Oh yum!!! I love wheat berries in recipes! Cooking Wheat in my pressure cooker for only 6 minutes is even a greater way to get them cooked in a flash! So thanks. I know what I Am having for supper today. Perfect weather for it. ; D

Angie · July 19, 2010 at 1:14 pm


YUM! Thanks for sharing this delicious recipe! It was my first time using wheat berries and they turned out fabulous.


TheSurvivalMom · July 21, 2010 at 1:22 am

I made something similar to this last week and loved it!!! I added tons of fresh herbs from our garden, and I think I probably ate the whole thing. Yeah, I’m pretty sure I did! The texture of the wheat berries goes so well with the other tangy ingredients, and for me, the balsamic vinegar was the finishing touch.

Karen · July 22, 2010 at 11:42 pm

I just had to try this myself and they are wonderful!!! I soaked them overnight and then cooked a cup of them in my rice cooker. They are so good, I am going to have fun trying them in different ways. Thank you for mentioning them in your wonderful website!!

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