Well, folks. It was bound to happen. After driving non-stop for nearly a full day to Kansas City, teaching two classes, trying to sleep in a foreign bed at night, helping to take care of two sick kids with strep throat, enveloping myself in lots of stress and then driving back to Utah for a full day, I was bound to try and get a spring cold.  I knew that with my travels, I would be taken out of my normal modus operandi of cold prevention and catch some pesky little bug.  *sigh*  But the good news is that it was eliminated in less than 2 days thanks to my practicing what I preach. So, I thought I would “preach” more specifically on this particular topic of the cure for the common cold, because, as we’ve seen a lot lately, that common cold can easily turn into some not-so-common and even dangerous health issues.  So let’s make sure that the CURE for the common cold is a part of our known repetoire. .

At the first sign of the discomfort of a cold, I started increasing my Vitamin D-3 intake to 20,000 IU’s.  Normally I only take 5,000 IU’s for maintenance, but I forgot to take any with me on my road trip. (Nope, I won’t make that mistake again). Vitamin D-3 is very different to your body than is just plain Vitamin D. (Did you know that Vitamin D3 isn’t actually a vitamin at all. It’s a hormone.) It regulates T cells, which are important to the functioning of a strong immune system As an added measure of efficacy, I specifically use the chewable kind so that I can start absorbing the nutrients in my mouth instead of my intestines (it tastes pretty darn good, actually; if it wasn’t vitamins, I could pleasantly snack on the little buggers). Vitamin D3 with K2 is even better used by the body, just FYI. More on that at another time. 

Next, I started consuming lots of chewable Vitamin C (with Zinc if you can get it). I take 2,000 mg every 2 hours in accordance to the suggestions make by some notable doctor case studies. Since this is just my personal opinion, I’m going to advise the readers to do their own research on the matter. I recommend googling “doctor research on vitamin c”, just FYI.

When it comes to “vitamins” I’m a BIG believer in using nutrition that is NOT synthetic in any way. Use a whole food source multivitamin/nutrition as often as possible, otherwise you’re just putting pharmaceuticals in your body. 

In addition, I used the NeilMed “Netti Pot.” (I keep several of these in my preparedness supplies too so I’m never out).  For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s a warm saline solution that you squirt into your nasal passages to clean out all of the offending bacteria.  An allergist recommended that I use this process since the allergy medicine I was taking has such negative side effects. He said it was the next best thing and I’ve been off of my allergy medicine ever since.  The use of the Netti Pot soothes my nasal membranes as well.

Next, I diffuse two different essential oils throughout the day near my work space. One is Boost and the second is Eucalyptus, both made by Be Young Total Health Boost Essential Oil Blend by Be Young Total Health . I honestly wasn’t sure about all of the essential oil hoopla, but one of my goals in 2005 was to gain a greater understanding of their medicinal qualities and so I went down a rabbit hole that has educated me significantly more than I wanted.  For example, did you know that if you use the wrong genus of eculalyptus essential oil that may have camphor in it, and it can stop the breathing of a small child in 20 minutes?  THAT’S why I’m being specific to you as to what to use. I woudn’t recommend using a “Breathe” blend that I see everywhere because these do have the camphor riddled genus of eucalyptus in them.  Anyway, I really studied up on the content of the Boost and the Eucalyptus uses. If I’m feeling particularly congested I’ll pat a little bit of the Eucalyptus along the sides of my nose along with Cypress Essential Oil (also by Be Young Total Health).  This will clear up the congestion in the nasal passages for me every single time. 

Then I take two “doses” of Redmond Clay in my water during the day (Bentonite clay). I simply take 2 teaspoons of Redmond Clay, shake it in some water, and then drink it. It doesn’t have a taste. So long as I don’t look at the “dirty water” I’m not bothered by it in the least. The reason why I do this is because Redmond Clay is full of minerals.  Bacteria can NOT live among minerals. So I flush some minerals into my blood stream and scare the little bacteria buggers away. (Now you understand why I also use this stuff as a great face mask too! My teenage nieces LOVE it as well!)

Last, but certainly not least, I increase my water intake substantially. Water is the only way for me to guarantee that I get the necessary nutrients throughout my body.  It’s also the only way to flush out the nasties that have taken up residence in my tired body.  Water is a key source of energy and it is the first and most important nutrient that your body demands.  I drink about one times my body weight in ounces of water when I’m sick. In other words, if you weight a hundred pounds, you need to try to consume 100 ounces of water when you’re sick, recovering from surgery, or otherwise ill.

Well, did it all work?  Considering that others experienced their cold turning into strep, a chest cold, or worse, I feel quite confident that my medical repertoire was successful in isolating it to 2 days of minor inconvenience.  There are quite a few other options that I can take with various other vitamins and such, but so far this group of methods has not let me down.

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Katie · May 17, 2010 at 6:59 pm

I love this — I’m a big proponent of natural medicine. I hate that we can’t really test it (we don’t KNOW what your cold would have done, given no treatment), but I still believe in it most of the time 😉

Believer · May 17, 2010 at 8:03 pm

Thank you for the input. If I get a cold, it automatically goes into a sinus infection, then broncitis, and then sometimes pnuemonia. One thing that my doctor recommended was Xlear, pronounced clear. It is a nasal spray. It has made a huge difference for me. It is natural, and can be used as often as you want.

Lisa · May 17, 2010 at 9:01 pm

This is awesome!!! Thanks for sharing the info!

Michelle · May 17, 2010 at 10:37 pm

Thanks for this great info! I love using natural remedies (like those they have been using for thousands of years!) instead of taking OTC stuff. This is great advice!

Jackie · May 17, 2010 at 10:44 pm

I have used Young Living products for 9 years!
This is what has keep me from getting sick!
I have only had a slight cold in all those years.
I put the oils on my feet daily!
ImmuPower and Thieves are great!
ImmuPower is 10% off in May. I don’t just diffuse the RC but put it on my feet ….sinus area and chest if needed!
Thanks for all your info…….I never had tried the D3 before.

John Axsom · May 18, 2010 at 1:05 am

The last time I had a cold was 3 years ago. I stop getting colds when I started adding a few drops of oil of oregano to a glass of water each day. I also drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. I put a few drops of oil of oregano on my tooth brush that brushes in between my teeth and this has stopped my gum disease, and I never have any mouth or gum infections anymore, no more toothaches…

Oil of Oregano is a great remedy for me.

Also, I have a lot more energy now that I am drinking more water.


    Jeanne · April 8, 2015 at 2:34 am

    Is the Oil of Oregano an
    Is the Oil of Oregano an essential oil or is that something different? I use Essential Oil Oregano but it is a hot oil. Wouldn’t it burn in the mouth?



      Preparedness Pro · April 8, 2015 at 8:20 am

      If you’ve got a quality
      If you’ve got a quality essential oil of oregano, then yes, it can cause 1st degree burns so must be used with a carrier oil.

      Preparedness Pro · April 26, 2015 at 6:39 am

      If it’s got a good
      If it’s got a good concentration of constituents as it should then yes, it can indeed burn the mouth. Applied on the feet or in a capsule though with a carrier oil, it should be fine, however I only know for certain with the EOs that I use.

Ami · May 18, 2010 at 4:14 am

Thanks for the great tips, Kellene. I always drink a minimum of 10 glasses of water per day. (“You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty”!) And I definitely do a mega dose of vitamin C, use the Neti Pot and a few other things when I feel a cold coming on. However, I’ve never used the D-3 or essential oils. I’ll have to try it out next time. ;^)

Kandy · May 18, 2010 at 6:37 am

Great advice. I also nip any illness in the bud with Vit D and Vit C. I also use essential oils by Butterfly Express. I used the Sunrider products for years which got me into healthful eating patterns. Funny you should mention Redmond Clay. I have a lot of it from using it as a facial mask years ago. It’s great to know I can also ingest it for health as well!

But one thing I think everyone needs to have in their emergency preparedness supplies is colloidal silver. Instead of a Netti Pot, I just put a little into a squirt bottle, tilt back my head and pour some into each nostril, let it roll around a bit and swallow it. I’ve been getting ASAP Solution Colloidal Silver for years from Emergency Essentials. Colloidal Silver kills bacteria, yeast and fungus. It beats antibiotics hands down, with no side affects, no high costs and no prescriptions.

    Kellene · May 18, 2010 at 3:42 pm

    Just FYI, You can purchase the ASAP Colloidal Silver at a myriad of other places besides Emergency Essentials and save a lot of money.

Terilyn · May 18, 2010 at 2:48 pm

You can put theives oil on your feet too. All meridians end in the feet, so applying essential oils there does a lot of good. It has a frequency of 150, so it’s great for colds and flu.

You might also research colloidal silver. Some people use it to kill any virus or bacteria that invade the body.

    Kellene · May 18, 2010 at 3:37 pm

    Ok then ladies…tell me which oil, on the feet is good for depression? I’m still researching that one. Thnx.

      Terilyn · May 19, 2010 at 12:41 am

      Young Living has a blend called Joy. It has rose, bergamot, lemon, ylang…. among others. I am not sure what the frequency is, but you would want a high frequency oil. Go to their website and read about different blends and singles to see what would fit your needs. Essential oils have resonating frequencies. You would want a high frequency if possible.

      Another thing that will help is an EMF protection device such as a qlink or a shuzi bracelet. They help settle moods dramatically. I know it sounds strange, but they really do wonders. Both work. I wear both. Humans are electro-magnetic creatures whose bodies and brains run on electricity. When your electrical frequency is messed up you feel awful.
      And finally, research the term “reversed polarity” in humans. The electrical energy in your body runs in a circuit from your feet, up your belly, over your head and back down to your feet. If it is reversed, or running backwards, you feel ill, and moods can change. Resetting the electrical/magnetic energy in your body will improve mood.


      Here is one more link that you might try to see if it lifts your mood. It is simply a tapping technique to reset the electrical field of your body.

      Finally, here are link to shuzi and qlink EMF devices where you can read more about human (electromagnetic) energy fields.

      I paid $70 for my shuzi and $38 for the qlink pendant, so shop around. You can get them at better prices than most you see on the ads on the net.

      There are also supplements that help your body increase production of hormones that can raise your mood. I know amino acids help, as well as St John’s Wort, but I’m not sure on exact supplements. You might see a chiropractor who is versed in alternative medicine that can help you.

      Good luck.

Lynn · May 19, 2010 at 6:43 pm

I’m a big believer of Natural herbs and medicines. Up here I like to purchase the vitamins and mineral oils etc from Nature’s Sunshine. They also sell a patented Colloidal Silver called Silver Shield. You can buy this natural antibiotic in liquid form for ingesting plus gel form for outside your body on your skin for various wounds, or other things. It’s awesome! And I have a set in every emergency kit in my house.

Julie · May 23, 2010 at 11:56 pm

This is a great plan. Our family follows the same regimen when we feel “sick.” I hope more people are reading this and trying to go the more “natural” way of healing and health.

Randy · May 25, 2010 at 2:12 am

My wife and I have used colloidal silver for 15 years of so and it definitely works if you use it immediately upon feeling the scratchy feeling in the back of the throat. We also use the herbs echinacea and olive leaf to enhance the immune system. It will stop an incipient cold or flu dead in its tracks or if you don’t catch it quick enough, it will shorten the length and severity of your suffering significantly. By the way, you can purchase your own colloidal silver generator and save untold amounts of money. American Health and Herbs, by Master Herbalist Truman Berst has a great one. One time purchase, lifetime savings!

Nancy · May 25, 2010 at 11:07 pm

Just learning about natural remedies. Great info.

Adam · June 7, 2010 at 8:24 pm

Wait a minute. When were you in Kansas City? I would’ve come to your class(es). I’ve just been seeing webinars on the event schedule.

Lawrence Kirsch · October 25, 2010 at 6:30 pm

Actually on the topic of Vitamin D I just learned that these days, with the development in scientific research and technology, performing a vitamin D test can be self-administered. It is not necessary to visit the doctor anymore to get this test done. There are blood test spot kits available and you can take help of these kits to do it all by yourself. The finger is punctured at a spot to obtain some blood on a unique kind of blotting paper. The result is easy to read. I tested myself and found I did have a minor deficiency.

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