Conspiracy Abounds

conspiracyThere is a bumper sticker that I was indelibly impressed with when I was 13 years old. It said “Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after me.” I share that with you today because people seem to have a heightened sensitivity to the word “conspiracy.” Any time they hear something that sounds like it is a conspiracy, they dismiss it. Well folks, “Just because it’s a conspiracy, doesn’t mean it isn’t real.” You may not like the word or meaning of the word conspiracy, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t upon us. Frankly, it hasn’t left us since Cain killed Abel. (Even earlier than that if you want to delve deeper.)

What does all of this have to do with financial preparedness? I’ve discovered personally that if you understand how money REALLY works, then you may very well be sickened by the state we find ourselves in. However, in understanding it, you may also survive the ill effects of such a conspiracy. That’s kind of like having to perform an emergency tracheotomy with a straw, a knife, and some tape. It’s not easy on the stomach, but it will indeed save a life.

This monetary information is critical for us to know now in order to be better prepared and it’s critical information to know for later—in the midst of the aftermath—so that we do not repeat these mistakes when our country needs to be rebuilt after a financial collapse of any kind.

Money is representation for value of goods or services exchanged

Money is representation for value of goods or services exchanged

Before I delve into the real life players of this conspiracy, I really need to make sure that we’re all on the same page as to what money really is. Money was intended to be one thing, and one thing only—a universal representation of the value of the goods or services that have been exchanged.

Goods and services are produced. They are created based upon materials that are available or assembled, or they are based upon expertise and skills provided to another person. The value only exists when they have value to another person. For example, I wouldn’t give much more than a bowl of Cheerios to listen to some pious Harvard professor spout the merits of the environment. And yet someone, somewhere is willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars just to have access to his expertise. This same philosophy is manifest in every single thrift store in America. The store is full of goods that no longer hold any value to the person who donated it. However, the thrift store is able to put a price tag on each item based upon the value that another person may see in that item. Now suppose we didn’t have money as a universally recognized symbol of that value. This would mean that someone would walk into a thrift store and offer to pay for that item based on the goods or services that they possessed. What if the only service that person possesses is the knowledge and experience of a running back for the Dallas Cowboys. Famous or not, it’s not likely that anyone in the store would be interested in exchanging a vase, a desk, some shoes, etc just so that this guy could run with a ball, right? It would be just as difficult if someone walked into the thrift store armed only with tofu which they wanted to use in exchange for their product, or homegrown Chia pets. So, instead of hoping that the store or service company we go to is in the market for our tofu or Chia pet, the currency system was created. Currency was presented into our nation ONLY to provide a universally recognized symbol of the value of the goods or services that were exchanged.

So here’s the rub. Money has no value in and of itself. Just like the having the registration to a vehicle is worth nothing in and of itself. The value is in the vehicle. So, if money has no value, then how does anyone with a logical mind accept that money compounds its own value simply by sitting there?! This insanity is perpetuated for no other reason than by those who are willing to move this deceptive agenda forward as well. In other words, everybody knows that something inanimate does not compound in value or go up in value simply by sitting there. And yet we all fall for the deception when it comes to money.

A lie told often enough becomes truth” -Vladimir Lenin

FederalReserveSystem-Seal_svgOriginally there was some rationale to this deception. In order to avoid an all out falsehood, the original plan was that currency was only to be issued in direct correlation to the amount of precious metals of gold and silver that the U.S. Government had to back it with. At least the value of gold and silver could go up in value based on supply and demand. If the amount of currency that was issued never exceeded the amount of gold or silver in reserve, then the system would be sound. However, such has not been the case since the “Federal Reserve System” came into play. There have NEVER been any reserves to back up the currency that is now in circulation and there never will.

I won’t be able to address this issue fully in one part. So I’ll wrap this portion up with one critical point. Wealth is not based on money. Money is not wealth. Money is inherently barren. It cannot breed more money. Only produced goods and services are wealth. The wealth of which is based on goods and services that are necessary for the sustenance and comfort of life. So, in the name of preparedness, I implore you to use this worthless currency while you can, to obtain as much real goods and services as you need to survive for at least a year. Then you will be truly wealthy, not deceived.

Tomorrow we’ll discuss the Federal Reserve System. The deception begins simply with the name. They are not federal. There is nothing in reserve. And it is certainly not a universal system.

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Believer · November 12, 2009 at 9:38 pm

So, how long do you think it will be before the dollar is no longer accepted as currency? It seems like when this happens, the whole deck of cards will come tumbling down. What is the trigger that all of sudden causes the dollar to fail so suddenly? I had the same question when the housing market tumbled, and the mortgage companies all of a sudden fails. It’s like death. One minute the person is alive, and the next minute he is dead. To me it is hard to comprehend.

Kellene · November 12, 2009 at 10:00 pm

the bail outs of Wall Street, the banks, the auto industry, and the mortgage industries only happened because it would have brought the curtain down on the Federal Reserve. They were an indicator that it was already a house of cards. A war in an oil rich area of the world will also bring it down. A quarantine/real epidemic would bring it down. An EMP strike will kill it. A well placed earthquake in DC and NY would brink it to smithereens. Our whole financial system is just one jolt away from crumbling.

lon2000 · November 13, 2009 at 2:09 am

As I have studied our financial system (and I’m certainly a novice at understanding it all), I have realized that all my money just really amounts to a bunch to numbers residing on various computers. Like you say, money has no intrinsic wealth to it, true wealth is ownership of goods, and we’d better get them while we can.

razr · November 13, 2009 at 3:53 am

I have to say I agree. We are headed for disaster. I have been stocking up like a chipmonk. and adding “tools” to my stash that do not require Electricity. Unfortunatly many think that this is crazy, in time of emergency they will be the first to knock on the door for help. Sad but true. I have even pulled out what little I had in stocks, I will keep some cash on hand but know that there may come a time when there will be no place to spend it. Think I would rather have a good supply of freeze dried foods and water. It would seem to me that anyone can see what is happening but are just too lazy to be prepared.

Barbara · November 13, 2009 at 5:50 am


Another expose begun and well stated. It is understandable why some sort of financial exchange system came about when one considers trying to trade or barter goods and services beyond a very tight environment. Imagine if I had a cow and you had two chickens; you wanted beef and I wanted eggs. It would be challenging to work that trade. I think though that in the future when the cards fall we will resort to some sort of barter system to be able to exchange goods and services for other things we want/need. It will be very interesting to see how long it will take before someone decides that we need to have a currency to make exchange easier and the whole debacle starts again. It has been stated that a bushel of wheat will be worth more than a bag of gold – and it is likely to be worth more than a wheelbarrow of greenbacks soon. Now is the time to increase our personal storehouse with the necessities including stored water, food, medicine and first aid supplies, warm clothing and bedding, tools, fuel, and other commodities of true value. Thanks again Kellene for stressing the importance of preparedness awareness!

LH · November 13, 2009 at 4:14 pm

Kellene, Great start to your series. I have found it is hard to know who to trust in the Financial world especially if they are spouting the Government line. I was however very impressed with a couple of Web Sites that delve into what is going on in the Financial System. Yes, it will be very bad. You may want to take a look, I sure have got an education from them:
As for me and my family we are spending our dollars quickly to secure our future. Think…What if all stores closed down tomorrow, what would you 1)need 2)want 3)charity, there will be a lot of hurting people when all is said and done.

TODD · November 13, 2009 at 5:33 pm

Kellene I’m going to agree with you on the speed. I’ve also given this a lot of thought and I’m not convinced that gold or other metals will suddenly have value. As you said the value is because people are willing to accept it. I’m not convinced that money wouldn’t still have value. People are going to need to trade and a currency will allow that. That is not to say that cash will have the same value as today, it might actually be more valueable. Consider how much actual cash is in circulation, not a lot. I would guess that most families are doing good if they have more than a few hundred cash on hand.

I think the idea of buying hard goods now is a great one.

As for when?? Well I think if the recovery keeps going it will hit quick. We will see the massive inflation due to all the money printing. Currently even though the money is printed, the banks are holding it. Until it hits our hands, we can’t spend it.

    Kellene · November 13, 2009 at 8:11 pm

    Todd, your sentiments echo mine about a year ago when I did an even more indepth study on the matter. In a nutshell, hard assets will not have value when currency falls for some time because they will have no value to survival. Part of the reason we got into the Revolutionary war was because the Continental dollar was deflated to be only worth two cents. That tells you a lot about what the hard asset was worth as well.

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