Today I’m going to provide you with just a few “just in case” words of wisdom. These aren’t necessarily the most important or the most commonly forgotten “just in case” things I think about. But they would probably be the first ones I teach to any client. So here you go.

Photo c/o Jupiter Images

Photo c/o Jupiter Images

Always keep your gas tank as full as possible. Set the half full mark as your “refill mark.”  What if you need to bug out of town, or dash for an emergency of some other kind? The last thing you want to do is stop and get gas.

Always keep a first aid kid in your car—for you and others.

Always keep a full gallon of water in your car. It’s not just for you, but also for your car, care of others, etc

Keep a “bug out box” in your car. Say you suddenly find yourself outrunning a tornado. Don’t let the location of where your home is guide your path and thus put you in danger. Get away from it ASAP and have the materials you need to survive for at least 3 days.

Yes, always keep spark plugs and a full spare tire in your car.

Be sure you know how to change a tire—just in case.

CPR Photo c/o Neatorama

CPR Photo c/o Neatorama

Learn CRP—just in case.

Keep your firearm ON your person—just in case. Statistically speaking it’s safer on your hip than in any part of your home. And it’s readily usable in a serious self-defense instance. Oh, and by the way, don’t go telling everyone that you’ve got a firearm and where it is. (See below.)

Have an alternative weapon in which you could use in close quarters such as an Asp, a knife, or a taser—just in case. I can’t even begin to tell you how many “attacks” actually are initiated between a known and “trusted” person and in close encounters. If they are known and trusted, you may be inclined to tell them where you carrying your firearm or alternative weapon. Don’t do it. If you do, then you’ve lost all of your potential to defend yourself. (“Trusted family only” is our rule.) I tend to live by the saying, “Ultimately everyone you love will hurt you. You just have to decide whether or not they are worth hurting for.”

Whenever possible, back into a parking space so that you can quickly pull out—just in case.

When you pull up to a light or a stop, never pull right up to the car in front of you. Always leave some “wiggle” room so that you can get out of there of your own accord—just in case. If you can see the bumper of the car in front of you, you’ve given yourself enough room. The same goes for when you’re stuck in traffic. Always be sure you have an “exit strategy.”

ice-in-case-of-emergency-just-in-casePut a “ICE” phone number in your cell phone address book. This is universal to law enforcement and other aware individuals that it’s who you want contacts in case of an emergency.

Have 1,000 rounds of ammo for each firearm caliber you own—just in case.

Be sure your family knows EXACTLY where to go in the event of an emergency—just in case. And also be sure that you have a Plan B and a Plan C.

Make sure that everyone in your family knows a code word for “entrance” and a code word or phrase for “we’re in trouble.” This is critical. Make sure that you practice it. Make sure that it’s not common, but that your family members practice delivering it in casual conversation—just in case.

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amber · October 6, 2009 at 4:16 pm

This was a fun and interesting little article. I am pleased to see that some of these things I already do (like the gas or changing a tire) but some I hadn’t thought of before (code words, backing into a parking space, etc).

Thanks as always!


"We call her Mom" · October 6, 2009 at 6:03 pm

“Just in case” is what I’m always telling my children.

Kellene, is there a way of getting follow-up emails to posts w/o leaving a comment? The box below only is effective when you leave a comment, correct?

Suzanne · October 6, 2009 at 6:07 pm

Kellene, you’re on my web toolbar now! I love your articles and since I am a volunteer that can be put on a call-out at any moment I second your motions!
A good point on gas, esp. with the weather getting colder. With the colder air–esp. if your car doesn’t get garaged, take out some of that gal. of water since it will expand. I also keep a dry box with three days of ‘quick’ food (mre’s, heaters, snack foods) for myself…two fold benefit: call-outs and cheaper than going through fast-food for a value meal snack.

Connie · October 6, 2009 at 8:03 pm

Code talk is such a great idea, specially for teens and kids. Sometimes it takes a trigger to get them thinking serious. And wearing a sidearm….just a note. There are some very flattering and stylish maternity blouses that give just enough extra so nothing shows. I’m tall and lean and you’d never know I was wearing a maternity top.

Marie · October 6, 2009 at 8:48 pm

Great post–when you say a word for “entrance”, do you mean one that when given would allow one into your house?
This reminded me of the practice of code words used in families that lets children know if a person is “safe” to give them a ride, etc. I saw a true story account on some kind of program of someone who told one of his “friends” the family code word, with fatal results when the “friend” used it to pick up one of the man’s children. I would say that you would need to be as careful with these code words as you would with the location of your alternative weapon.

Samuel Adams · October 6, 2009 at 10:43 pm

One of the nice things about martial arts training is that a Mag Light or broomstick are expedient weapons that can be left in plain sight. And of course, there are Japanese swords in various rooms…

Having grandkids means a baseball or glove with an aluminum bat draw no attention in the car.

Kellene · October 6, 2009 at 11:23 pm

I’m not 100% sure. Sorry. That’s a techie question. I think if you subscribe to the feed then you should be updated. I’m sorry. I’m definitely ignorant in this regard, but I’ll ask the geeks that be. 🙂

Kellene · October 6, 2009 at 11:24 pm

I forgot to also encourage folks to have a 72 hour kit specifically AT their place of WORK.

Kellene · October 6, 2009 at 11:27 pm

Yes, I mean entrance.

Donna · October 6, 2009 at 11:35 pm

These were great tips, thank you. I especially like keeping your firearm on your person at all times, have 1000 rounds of ammo, and of course, keeping your kit at work, in the car, etc.

Marilyn · October 7, 2009 at 3:13 am

Any suggestions on keeping water in your car in the winter, when it might freeze?

Alohi · October 7, 2009 at 3:20 am

I’m a newbie to this website and I must say I am very excited about it. I’m also a newbie to blogs and chatting and all things internet 🙁

I do have a question for anyone who has an answer. Where do you get a full spare tire?

Jackie · October 7, 2009 at 3:35 am

The little bats for knocking out a window in case of a fire are good to keep by the bed…can be good for protection.
I know a lady that only answers her door with a gun behind her back. Just in case.
My husband always sits where he can see what is going on all around when ever we go out to eat etc.
Thanks for all your suggestions.

kelsomom · October 7, 2009 at 4:14 am

Don’t forget to stay on top of medical and dental problems. It would suck to find out you have a cavity, stall because you’re a baby (me) and then not be able to have it attended to. This thought was my push to overcome my fear 😀

Ed Vaisvilas · October 7, 2009 at 7:55 am

I’ve initiated drills in our home. Lights go out in the house, then each has to find his/her way to where the flashlights are, the exit, etc.

Kellene · October 7, 2009 at 3:14 pm

I’m one of those people when you go to a restaurant also–but so is my husband. So we jockey for position whenever we go out to eat together. 🙂

Kellene · October 7, 2009 at 4:04 pm

yes, it might freeze, but keeping it it still a good idea. Just keep them in smaller containers so that you COULD put one in a pocket and slowly melt it with your body heat if necessary. At least you won’t die of dehydration that way.

Edvais · October 7, 2009 at 5:26 pm

Go to any neighborhood tire repair shop….the mom n pops are best…and get a rim and full size used tire.

Debbie · October 7, 2009 at 11:09 pm

My doc is 45 miles away and when I visit him I put a back pack with a 3 day supply and a pair of inline skates in the trunk, just in case (if there is an EMP hit I can skate home (hopefully) faster than I could walk.) In the winter I put a paint can with a roll of toilet paper and a bottle of rubbing alcohol plus matches in the front seat (it’s a heat source) as well as the back pack. Not in the trunk cas if there is an accident and you can’t get to the trunk it won’t be any good to you. Maybe I should think about cross country skis.

jamie · October 9, 2009 at 4:30 am

CPR has had a major change within the last year or so. If it’s been a couple of years since your last class, you need to learn the new procedure.
3 Gas Cans, 1 to use, 1 that is full and 1 you can fill. Rotate just like you do your food. Remember the Alcohol they put in gas now attracts water.

jamie · October 12, 2009 at 4:24 am

If you make a post at the bottom of the window should say.
“Notify me of follow-up comments via email.” With a check box, click the box and you will get follow up emails.

Darlene · October 14, 2009 at 2:56 pm

Problem is, then you have to worry about causing yourself to become hypothermic and you’ll die of that long before you die of dehydration.

A better choice would be to have some water in a container that you can also heat, like several stainless steel thermoses. Then make and keep with you a “soda can stove”.

Basically you cut the bottoms off of 2 soda cans. Invert the bottom of one and stuff it into the bottom of the other. The one that was stuffed into the bottom is now the “top” can. Use a push pin to punch about 16 holes evenly along the outside of the “top” can and 5 holes in a pattern in the center of it. Use a bottle of YELLOW “HEET” for fuel. This stove will also burn alcohol -regular or denatured. Look on YouTube for videos of how to make one. VERY easy to make and use. (Alcohol doesn’t freeze very easily!)

Keep water inside the car and not in the trunk. The heat from the car will help thaw any frozen water as you drive.

Or keep your car kit on your “launch pad” – the place where you put stuff you don’t want to forget. Then every time you go out, take the kit with you. Bring it back inside every time you come home. You can even take it inside at work. Then you don’t have to worry about frozen water – or FOOD.

I have a soda can stove, two 3oz bottles of fuel, a windshield for the stove, a holder for the stove, a spork and a can to use for cooking all inside a 32oz Ziplock ridged container, topped by a 16oz ridged container and placed inside a “cozy”.

I had my son use his knife to cut out the interior of both the screw off lids to the containers. I replaced the lids and used duct tape to hold the one container on top of the other container by taping the two rings together but not taping either container to the rings.

To use, heat food or boil water in the 24oz can, pour it into the bottom of the large plastic container and the screw the top container back onto the bottom. Let the food sit for 10 mins with the container put into the cozy. To make the cozy, just use a windshield sun protector(you know, those shiny metal thingies you put in your window to block the sun), and duct tape the seams together.

You can make noodles, pasta or rehydrate foods with this setup. By using the cozy, you don’t have to keep the food boiling, just bring it to a boil and blow out the stove to conserve fuel. When the 10 mins are up, use the spork to eat out of the plastic container.

This system works like a charm, takes little space and is VERY useful in a variety of circumstances.

Darlene · October 14, 2009 at 3:01 pm

That should have read “Rigid”, NOT “ridged”!
These are containers by Ziplock that are a hard plastic.

Darlene · October 14, 2009 at 3:13 pm

Yes, but in case of an accident in car, you don’t really want ANYTHING loose in the cab of the car! Whatever is loose becomes a missile in an accident, especially if the car rolls or spins. A missile that is traveling at whatever speed you were traveling at before the impact. Statistically speaking, you’re more likely to have an accident in the car than have to walk home.

We need to keep stuff in the trunk or have netting between the cargo area and passenger area in SUV’s and vans.

Darlene · October 14, 2009 at 3:30 pm

ALWAYS, ALWAYS wear a seat belt! I’ve heard people talk about how their great-uncles brother-in-law’s, mother’s,cousin would have died if he had been wearing one. But the truth is, as an EMT/Paramedic in both Los Angles and Tallahassee, I saw people who would have lived, some who would have walked away from an accident had they been buckled up. I nor as far as I can remember, my work crew, ever removed a dead person from an accident that died BECAUSE he/she WAS wearing a seatbelt (meaning the seatbelt kept them from getting out of the vehicle and that’s what killed them – not getting out of the vehicle). But I can’t tell you how many times we removed people that died because they WEREN’T wearing a seatbelt! I can never recall having to cut a person out of a “stuck” seatbelt. Nor can I recall anyone from my work crews having to do so.

However, if you’re worried about a belt that gets stuck, keep a small knife or a pair of emergency shears secured on your belt. And keep a center punch easily accessible.

When a car goes into a lot of water, the electronics shut down. So…how are you going to get out of a car? You will NOT be able to open the door until the car is almost filled with water. You can NOT roll down the window – the electronics are dead. Hence the suggestion for a center punch. Get them at your local home improvement/hardware store. Costs about $5.

"We call her Momma" · October 15, 2009 at 10:09 pm

Kellene, A post on code talking would be great along with ideas/samples of codes & what they mean. How do you work them into a sentence?

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