Over the past two years I’ve have noticed undeniable benefits to drinking raw milk. Doing so comes with its share of controversy. But I find it so hypocrytical of a government who gives a thumbs up to the VERY dangerous drug class of statins, but villifies raw mild. *sigh* Frankly,  I’m weary of a government (as well as uninformed friends and family) that try to tell me whether or not I can buy it, so I hope to soon be able to take matters into my own hands and produce it  myself. Yeah, it’s a bit of work, but I’m excited because now I’ll be able to make my own mozzarella cheese, yogurt, ricotta (which really isn’t a cheese), cream cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, and buttermilk all from my own supply of raw milk. Oh, and let’s not forget that there’s nothing better to go with homemade salty caramel brownies than a cool, tall glass of 100% pure raw milk. All that being said though, I just HAVE to introduce you to the decadent world of making your own Crème Fraîche.


What is crème fraîche you ask? Well, it’s a bit heavier than whipping cream but not as sour as sour cream. It’s a cream mixture that’s often used in fine restaurants with desserts as well as some savory dishes. I love to use it in lieu of sour cream or yogurt in some dishes and I could easily be convinced to just eat it by itself. It’s sweeter but doesn’t require sugar. (though some chefs have been known to add a bit of sugar, agave, or honey to it when serving it with fresh fruit.) To me it’s sheer decadence that I fully plan on enjoying regardless of what comes my way. I have to say though, until I discovered that I could make crème fraîche myself, I didn’t indulge in using it much. It costs practically an arm and a leg at the grocery stores—in fact, crème fraîche is so costly that many stores have stopped carrying it because they just don’t have the demand for it in our present economic state.

It’s technically a fermented food as it’s developed by introducing a bacterial culture. As such, it’s actually good for you. I like to put a dollop of it on my “fancier” soups such as Black Bean and Pumpkin or Cream of Asparagus. But I also like to use it as my base when I make an Alfredo sauce. Bottom line, it’s multifaceted and very, very easy to make. So I thought I’d share the easy recipe with you that my girlfriend shared with me years ago. It’s the easiest recipe that I’ve seen actually, and you all know that I’m the laziest preparedness person you’ll ever meet, so it was right up my alley. *grin* In fact, you don’t even need any fancy equipment or even the “not so fancy” equipment to make it. You don’t even need much muscle either. So it’s perfect for me. Even better is that it’s a secret weapon to make ho-hum foods a bit more memorable due to the fermentation. Pancakes and other batters perk up and lighten up when you use it as a substitute for the dairy. You can use it as a great substitute for mayonnaise (I love it in my deviled eggs or potato salad!) as well as yogurt and sour cream. Since it’s not as tangy as sour cream, the depth of the dairy flavor comes out more. I also like using it in my pudding recipes for half of the dairy requirement. It makes the pudding taste more like a scrumptious custard.


You can double or triple this recipe just fine. Some of you may holler at me after reading the recipe and say “Hey! How am I supposed to keep it cool if the electricity is out?” My answer is that you just may not be able to, although there are so many great ways to create your own refrigeration using clay pots, or the moon combined with a solar oven design, etc. Or hey, you might just end up only eating it in the fall and winter time where you can use Mother Nature to chill it for you. Or you can make use of your Humless Solar Generator and your freezer or just in your root cellar; whichever floats your boat. But I don’t worry about any of that because I make and use it all year round without needing refrigeration because I use it in sweet and savory dishes. It can be at room temperature when I use it for my savory dishes. Since it’s got a higher fat content, it heats really well and seems to carry the other flavors that I add to a dish so well too. And it’s TO DIE FOR in a Cold Cucumber Soup! The only time I really want it cool is if I’m using it as a dessert topping component such as the filling in a pastry tart or as a part of the frosting on cupcakes. So  I’m convinced it’s still a worthwhile recipe to share, even on a site which acknowledges the very real possibility that there will be a day coming in which there’s a massive power outage. In the meantime, enjoy.


Crème Fraîche.  


1 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon buttermilk or plain yogurt (Either powdered buttermilk made up or regular buttermilk will work just fine and yogurt is yet another dairy product that’s good for you and easy to make.)
1. Combine the cream and buttermilk (or yogurt) in a sanitized quart-sized Mason jar. (I like to add one of those round whisk balls that you get with the “Blender Bottles” to make it all mix together better and add a little bit of air while I’m shaking it. You can remove it before you allow the mixture to warm up.)


2. Cover the jar with both the flat lid and the ring (both sanitized) tightly and shake for about one minute until it all looks well blended (no chunks of yogurt or powder from your powdered dairy if you chose that type of ingredient.

3. Set the jar with the lid on it in a warm place of the home. (in the window sill where the sun comes through, on top of the refrigerator, or on top of the stove while you’re cooking or even outside in your solar oven will work, though you do not need the heat any more than 180-200 degrees in the solar oven)


4. Allow the mixture to ferment for 12 to 24 hours until it has thickened to a consistency similar to yogurt or sour cream. Ideally you don’t want to open the jar to check for consistency. Simply tilt it a bit or shake it if necessary.


5. Once thickened, place the jar in a cool area (refrigerator) for 24 hours. You want it completely cooled with no warmth remaining in the jar. Shaking the jar occasionally will speed up the cooling process.


WARNING: you should not put the jar in the refrigerator if it’s any warmer than room temperature in order to maintain the proper temperature in the refrigerator for your other perishables.




This will keep well in the jar for approximately 3 weeks if kept moderately cool.


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Cindy B. · July 20, 2012 at 12:53 pm


Here’s wishing you the best of luck in your upcomming move! I have longed also to be able to have a bit of land with room for chickens, goats and a dairy cow. I am so envious! I look forward to reading about all your adventures!

God Bless!

Heather · July 20, 2012 at 10:46 pm

You keep referring to yourself as lazy. I’d hate to see where the average person would fall in your definitions!

Becky · July 20, 2012 at 11:33 pm

First of all you are not “lazy”, you are just about the best organized person that
I have come across. May your transfer to the new land and home be one of joy.

Carol Funchesd · July 21, 2012 at 12:00 am

If you end up in the deep south, I hope we are neighbors. We could have so much fun prepping, going to garage sales and flea markets along with the local farmers markets! I have a one acre muscadine vineyard. We could make muscadine wine!

Kellene Bishop · July 21, 2012 at 12:41 am

The saying goes “Give a lazy man an easy job and he will find an easier way to do it” is appropriate for me. I”m always looking for an easy, no fuss way to do things. If it”s too complicated I just won’t do it. 🙂

Rani · July 21, 2012 at 1:35 am

Glad to have you east of the Mississippi river! Hope this will be a great new
adventure for you.

anne · July 21, 2012 at 1:58 am

We moved to SC a few years back and bought a house on 8.5 acres. Around 3 years ago I decided to try chickens and retrofitted a dilapilated shed into a coop. I was a city girl all my life but decided I needed to be more self sufficient. I had two hens go broody this year for the first time and now have an additional 9 chicks running around the yard! You will adapt just fine and you will love your new freedom. Good luck on your move. I also agree, you are NOT lazy just work challenged!

Lissa · July 21, 2012 at 4:31 am

Kellene, That is so wonderful! congratulations on your move. I similarly know what your talking about. My husband and I have been city slickers for over 40 years and last year we moved to what seems like ” a whole nother part of the world” …. even though were still in the U.S.

Out in the Country …. but, not to … too… far from ” stuff” This year we planted the largest garden we’ve both combined ever planted and purchased 3 goats … ( which now the mama goat just had 2 babies… that makes 5) …. We have 2 pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, and rabbits here.

What a 360 degree difference from our previous lives!!! But, I must say it’s all been worth it. It’s a lot of work. But, we love it!! And, we know were doing good things here for our future and 2 boys. Did I mention it’s a lot of work!!! 🙂

Anyways, I know you and your husband will enjoy it just as much as we do … If not more!

Blessings to you … and happy moving! there’s nothing satisfyingthan making my own goat cheeses, soap, canning our garden vegetables, and knowing were that much closer to being prepared for the inevitable.

( now if I could only learn to cook like you do!) 🙂

thanks for all you do Kellene..


Kellene Bishop · July 21, 2012 at 4:40 am

Well, hopefully my cookbook will help you out with that, Lissa. 🙂

Tom Mayberry · July 21, 2012 at 5:36 am

Congratulations on your move to greater self suffcientness. A cow is great because you will get a calf (beef) each year . I personally like the Jersey breed the best , they have a higher butterfat content in their milk and are a gentlier breed . More suited for a “family ” cow . Good luck .

Kelly · July 21, 2012 at 6:20 am

OMG, I am So Stinkin’ EXCITED about the thought of you being closer to my neck of the woods!!! 🙂 You so have to spill the beans on which state will be blessed with you & Scott as new residents.
FYI, I AM a farm girl & you already have the makings of a Great one!. You already have most everything down pat. I cannot wait to see a post on shelf stable food & meds for large animals! That will be GREAT!;)
If yall are moving to the South, you’ll even discover additional vocabulary words that aren’t listed in “Websters”
Best Wishes!:)

Sandra · July 21, 2012 at 10:35 am

This is a post after my own heart…creme fraiche…the center of good cooking!

Deb · July 21, 2012 at 11:19 am

Greetings Kellene – Congratulations on your move (if it’s to Pennsylvania – welcome!) In living in the countryside, gardening, canning and chickens are part of my daily life; I’m sure you will come to love it. Thank you very much for the Crème Fraîche recipe – I rarely use Creme Fraiche because it’s so expensive but this will make it possible – Happy Dance time! My apologizes, but I didn’t know you had a cookbook available – would you share the title and how I can purchase it! Again, good luck with the move!

    Kellene Bishop · July 21, 2012 at 8:41 pm

    still working on it, Deb. Not out in print yet. Believe me, when it is, you won’t miss the news. hee hee

crisco · July 21, 2012 at 12:09 pm

Speechless…and that’s rare. I don’t envy you the move but ‘that which does not kill you will make you stronger’. Your motivations are on target. To be self sufficient is a goal we all desire. It will be a delight to have you share the “journey” of creating your farm with us and to have your presence somewhere here in the east. We transplanted from NY to NC 15 years ago. You will experience culture shock, weather changes, diversity, shopping challegnes, and yearn for “back home” but your faith, friendliness and adventurous spirit will carry you… success will follow. OMG what I would not give for a “Bessie” cow. Our prayers are with you.

buni · July 21, 2012 at 12:29 pm

Made a move ourselves 17 years ago, have 15 acres and we LOVE it. I am sure when you land and get unpacked you will be so happy you are farther from the rush and bustle of the city. One thing I love is in our area we have many who are self sufficient as we are. Our nearest neighbors are a good 1/4 mile up the hill, but we know they are like minded. and being a long commute from the big city of Kansas City we feel the miles are a bit of a cushion from the wandering hoards if things get really bad. Good luck, be careful and remember it takes alot of work but you will be so glad you did….many hugs buni

Deborah · July 21, 2012 at 12:45 pm

Congrats on the move. my husband and I have been in the country for 4 yrs now and we have decided on cows,chickens, and bees…and a donkey. This is all happening in the next 3 yrs. He has always been a city boy and I lived in the country when my daughter was a little girl. I work full time and he is on disability. We live in NW GA and Love it. If you are near Rome Ga give a shout and we can go to a couple farmers markets….I know this is such an adventure…have fun

Carrie · July 21, 2012 at 2:04 pm

Thank you for the yummy recipe! I look for the simple and if it’s difficult I just won’t attempt it. Best wishes on your move. I know it’s overwhelming but if you are being led it will all work out. I am hoping we will be able to make a similar move to the country. I garden now mostly in containers and tubs but would love to have a few acres to really do it right. I’m looking forward to your cookbook! A cooking video would be great too if you ever consider that.

TJ · July 21, 2012 at 2:07 pm

Although we live in the middle of a small city, we are still able to have our little 1.5 acre farm. It’s not ideal (the city is growing!) we love having dairy goats, sheep, chickens, ducks (take a look at the benefits of duck eggs for preparedness!) and soon a beef to raise for the freezer! I’m glad I don’t have cows, though. The ‘piles’ are bigger and I’m not quite sure what I would do with 6-8 gallons of milk a day 🙂 Two gallons a day from the goats is plenty!

AutumnGal · July 21, 2012 at 2:23 pm

Oh my goodness Kellene! I can’t tell you how happy (and totally green with good envy) I am for your guys and your soon to be new found friends!! I grew up in the country close to a small town and I can tell you, you already have “the things” that will make you feel so right at home. Adjustment? Sure but with that “can do, I’d rather do it my self” personality of yours, you will absolutely have the time of your life…. About the packing?? Well look at it this way in the process you’re gonna find things you forgot you even had or needed 🙂 Start with the things that mean the most to your heart, pack them well. These things don’t have to matter to anyone else but then the other “things” will be easier to deal with… (experience here).
You are so wise to make this type of change now rather than later on in life. The little things you will be doing on a daily basis, that like Lissa said, it is tons of hard work yet at the same time tons of fun learning from the hands on doing. Did I mention I am so happy for you and your husband and your new neighbors too?? Can you tell us if you’ve you already purchased a place?
Your reasons are absolutely spot on! I so understand that “we’ve got to do this”… Go with God, dear ones and please keep us nosey friends updated 🙂

Stephanie · July 21, 2012 at 4:17 pm

Sounds like you have a plan…unfortunately you cannot have a plan with a farm…LOL! If it CAN happen it WILL happen on a farm. However it is a wonderfully challenging lifestyle and if you are challenge driven like I am it is a wonderful way to live. The things I find most challenging on the farm is really not the work or milking by hand twice a day at ages 60 and 70, not the pulling weeds from the 1/4 acre food garden, not the planting, not the mucking out of stalls and flies. I don’t mind the rainy season where I end up in mud that sucks the boots right off my feet, I don’t mind the looking for the twin kids that mama hid in the pasture among the trees while she came in to be put away for the night, getting the eggs from the mean old biddies that take a chunk out of my skin while I try and be “nice”, I don’t mind plucking pin feathers from the chickens I raise for meat as long as my DH does the killing, I don’t mind working till after midnight everyday knowing that even tho I have my dehydrators going full steam, I have canned several dozen jars of food, made and served dinner and I still have to finish the laundry before bed. I really don’t mind all that. It’s a price I pay gladly for the priviledge of living where and how I want to. I work much harder now than I ever did when I had a regular “job”. But I find the work much more fullfilling. It took a few years to learn the ropes of living out this far (can’t just run to the corner store when you forget something). The only thing I do mind is not being able to just pick up and go somewhere for the day. Everything has to be planned around the farm. We didn’t take a vacation or even go for a weekend for 21years. Being semi self sufficient is an everyday job. Some folks have this romantic idea of a Waltons or Little House on the Prarie lifestyle. It just isn’t like that. There are animal illnesses and loss, preditors, birthing problems, failed gardens, poor weather (doesn’t matter if there is a terrible storm, Bessie still has to be milked.) The government puts its nose in your business too. I have to file a report every year of how many chickens I have, what I do with the eggs, how many 4 legged creatures I have and what I do with them. Refusing to do so is a 10,000.00 fine and they are quick to tell you so. My home owners insurance has tripled because someone got sued somewhere because their livestock caused damage or injury. It’s just not the Waltons! But I love this lifestyle with all it’s ups and downs. I now have a neighbor who retired and will come and care for my animals while I am gone. I just set things up so its easier and I expect that not all the things I have to do will be done by the neighbor. Hopefully you will be able to love your new lifestyle as much as I love mine. Start slow and make sure each thing you decide to do is something worth the time and work it will take to do it. It takes a lot of maintenance to keep a farm going, that is time, money and commitment and a lot of each but it can be so rewarding. When you fall into bed each night you will have such a feeling of accomplishment! I wish you so much luck on your new endevor. (ps if you have any goat questions let me know, I’ve been doing goats for show, meat and milk for 20 years including being my own vet)

Mel · July 21, 2012 at 5:25 pm

If you’re looking for cows take a look at the American Miniature Jersey cows. They eat less but put out a decent amount of milk. And they are simply adorable. All the best on your move.

james peless · July 21, 2012 at 5:50 pm

Cool!……my wife and I are city clickers that moved to the country about 2 years ago……..we now have a huge garden, an orchard, chickens, ducks, and two goats that we milk twice a day…….it is wonderful. Hope that you are thinking about moving to The Republic of Texas, as I’m sure you would love it here.

My wife and I have moved about 9 times in 25 years, so I know what you are going through, though all of our moves have been expensed by the company we worked for. Our last move was our own expense, and I can tell you one thing to be aware of – you have more “stuff” than you realize! The other thing I can assure you of is this – you will survive, though there will be many times that you will doubt that! Good luck – and let me guess – is it OHIO?

Doris Gruber · July 22, 2012 at 1:15 am

I am happy for you. I live in the country, always have and I love it! I am triyng rabbits for the first time. My Dad raised them and I know they have great meat, so this is a first for my. Any advise from the pros on rabbit raising?
Good luck with the farm!

    Stephanie · July 24, 2012 at 2:59 pm

    Make sure you have a lot of pens before you start. The kits have to be taken from mom when they are weaned, then sexed and separated. Once they have reached adulthood they need their own pen and can’t share. Breed only in the cool months unless you have a rabbitry protected from the heat and sun. We had one of those canvas “carport” type structures with walls and doors and even roll up windows. We had misters woven thru the supports in the ceiling and a swamp cooler at one end that kept our rabbits alive during our harsh summers. We still had to put frozen 2 liter bottles of water in each cage. It was funny to go out there and see the rabbits draped ove rthe bottles sleeping.. We enjoyed having the rabbits but even with the watering system and bulk feeders it became more hands on than we needed it to be with all the other work. I ended up selling them all (32) to a family down the road with a lot of kids. If I need rabbit meat I can buy from them. I do miss the pelts though. You can do a lot of things with rabbit pelts.

Doris Gruber · July 22, 2012 at 1:15 am

I am happy for you. I live in the country, always have and I love it! I am triyng rabbits for the first time. My Dad raised them and I know they have great meat, so this is a first for me.. Any advise from the pros on rabbit raising?
Good luck with the farm!

Teena Rose · July 22, 2012 at 1:38 am

My money is on Ohio. After all, you were just in the Columbus area visiting family — were you farm shopping too? Your recent blog post talking about the the 80MPH wind gusts hit home for me. We lost a huge shade tree and several blackberry plants.

Having been a resident for 10+ years, I can honestly say Ohio is a great state. Full of self-reliant Amish (never tire of seeing horse and buggies in and around Holmes County). Lots of small farms, gardens, and clothes lines here in Ohio too.

If Ohio, I may be one of the “winners” to have you as a “within driving distance” neighbor, too, as I’m located a hop-and-a-skip west of Columbus in Springfield — about a 30-45 min drive. I would make the quick trip to attend your target shooting and self-defense classes.

Please tell me you’re moving to Ohio! =]


Judy Laquidara · July 22, 2012 at 1:40 am

I’m so happy that you’re moving to the country. Good luck with the move. Just stirred up the creme fraiche. So anxious to try it. Thanks for the recipe.

Gayle · July 22, 2012 at 2:49 am

Congrats on your upcoming move. It will be quite an undertaking, for sure. We have lived in 7 states over the years and all the moves to and in those states make me shudder as I remember each one AND when I think about what you have before you. I know you are up for the challenge and also believe you will thoroughly enjoy sharing your experiences. You will love being in the country. I look forward to your posts about it all. You and your hubby will be in my prayers as you move forward with this.

susy beaty · July 22, 2012 at 5:31 am

your life will totally change, for the better. you will LOVE IT. hard work but so rewarding. i so miss it and wish i were back in the country. maybe someday, but not as much work as have bad back. enjoy your new life. every breath of fresh air you can consume. good luck. susy

Doris · July 23, 2012 at 5:41 pm

I hope all works out well for you in your new home. I join the list of those who look forward to you being a bit closer. I’m planning on attending my first self-reliant conference this fall and hope its one you’ll be where you’ll be too!

Melody · July 25, 2012 at 12:27 am

Good luck with your move!! Hope you are coming closer our way ( TN/NC border)
I hope you find everything you are looking for where ever you are headed.
Good luck again and God Bless!

Elaine · July 25, 2012 at 1:45 am

Please please please put all your yummy ideas into a cookbook!

Kristin · July 25, 2012 at 3:22 pm

Since you are moving–are you having a yard sale soon?? Do you need to get rid of some preps, so its lighter when you move–let me know–I’ll be there!!

    Kellene Bishop · July 25, 2012 at 3:52 pm

    LOL…garage sale, yes but selling preps? No way. It’s all coming with us. 🙂

Rebecca · July 25, 2012 at 6:30 pm

Are you going to tell us where you are going and when? Are you done doing classes? That is sad for us but great for those in your new area. We will miss you. Good luck!

S J West · July 26, 2012 at 5:46 pm

Congratulations on your move.
I just wanted to tell you my husband grew up on raw milk, and is perfectly healthy! they were dirt poor,8 in the family and had a small mini farm,chickens,milk cow,pigs,horse and gardens galore,if you decide to, try and get a few pigs,they will love the left over raw milk after it spoils and curdles.
By all means keep us posted on the big move,I enjoy your website and hope you continue with it after the move.

Linda · July 26, 2012 at 8:43 pm

I also buy raw milk from a farm. It is the only way I can drink milk due to a lactose problem. But that being said I thought I would send this info- for what it’s worth to anyone.

Food Safety News_ tracks health issues related to the consumption of fluid raw milk in the US.

As of May, “So far this year, at least 18 people have been sickened by Campylobacter from raw goat milk sold in Kansas, 80 people became ill from Campylobacter-contaminated raw cow milk produced by a Pennsylvania farm, and 9 were infected by Campylobacter from raw milk products sold by a San Benito County, CA dairy. Fourteen E. coli O157:H7 infections have been linked to raw cow milk in central Missouri and a raw milk outbreak in Oregon has sickened 19 people with E. coli O157:H7 infections, one with Cryptosporidium and one with Campylobacter.” Three children have needed kidney transplants.

If you are going to consume raw milk you should be a consenting adult. This is not merely a matter of “knowing your farmer.”


    provident planner · August 1, 2012 at 7:48 pm

    While I agree that it’s important to realize the risks of consuming raw milk, I do believe that you are narrowing the scope only because raw milk is targeted by the big dogs. The fact is, all food is a risk, including the food you buy at the grocery store, and the food you grow in your gardens. Once you realize that any and all foods have the potential to heal or harm you, then you can start making decisions based on this fact. Would you rather be able to vouch for the food in your own garden/farm? Your neighbor’s farm? The farmer down the street that got approved for raw milk distribution (which means they must adhere to VERY strict guidelines and are watched like hawks in these parts), or the food you get at the store that has passed 20 or more hands, come across floors, vehicles, shelves, and the like, been cleansed with chemicals, overcooked, or irradiated, etc….I’m sticking with the good stuff…

Holly · July 27, 2012 at 9:27 am

Hi Kellene and fellow preppers,
You mention creating ones own refrigeration, and I’ve wondered how it can be done. I haven’t had a chance to research ancient methods yet. You mentioned solar and the moon…now I’m intrigued! Any info is much appreciated!


Patricia Adams · July 31, 2012 at 5:49 pm

Hi Kellene: Good for you on the move. We have a small acreage farm and raise Nubian and Boer Goats and Lowline Black Angus Cattle, few chickens, rabbits and pigeons….lotsa fruit trees and berries. On Milk ….Nubian goat milk is the richest sweetest tasting and highly recommend it. If wanting to raise cattle,
Lowline Black Angus are gentle and very efficent for small farms. They are also hornless which is nice. Wish you were moving to the beautiful sunny Tri-Cities (Kennewick, Pasco, Richland) in Eastern Washington. The weather is perfect here and we are withing a few hours of many major cities.

    Kellene Bishop · July 31, 2012 at 8:02 pm

    Nah, sorry. I prefer to live somewhere that has a better respect for family unity, gun laws, and homeowners rights. 🙂 Remember, I keep up on that kind of stuff and those particular issues aren’t Washington’s strong points. but you’re right it is sooo beautiful up there all the time.

provident planner · August 1, 2012 at 7:40 pm

Kellene, I’m so excited for you! We made the move to the country last year and have been loving it! I can’t wait to see some of the posts you’ll have coming up! But, one question, why the east?

    Kellene Bishop · August 1, 2012 at 7:47 pm

    Oh, that would take forever for me to answer, but let’s just say that it all begins with the First Principle of Preparedness. 🙂

Quiverfull4x · August 6, 2012 at 5:04 pm

Kellene, We will also be making a cross country move, in the oposite direction! We have about a year, but I feel overwhelmed just looking around at all the things that we have been prepping! And with 3 of our children going with. Would you keep us posted on specifics like packing, ways to save money on such a move, how many trucks and trailers it took (if you are doing this yourself), etc. We are not taking bulky stuff like the couch but boy, tools and food are a major weight issue! Thanks for all you do and blessings on your move!

Melinda McCulley · August 27, 2012 at 5:52 am

You will just love having fresh cows milk! Years ago my neighbor was a dairy farmer and sold me a gallon for….are you ready???.25 and my 2 y/o loved it! I just wish we could still get that and her delicious butter. Congratulations….I sure don’t think you will be sorry for moving. Please send some simple recipes for those of us who can’t farm or garden. Thank you for all you do.

Brian · September 14, 2012 at 2:26 pm

Congrats on the impending move, Kellene! I have been wondering about live stock for preppers. Rabbits and chickens are obviously very popular for a number of reasons. However, I was curious about sheep and goats. It seems that they would both be cheaper, easier to care for, and require much less space and resources than cattle while at the same time providing milk, meat, and in the case of sheep, some very lovely wool. Any insight?

    Kellene Bishop · September 14, 2012 at 2:32 pm

    I’ve written about rabbits, but that’s about it so far due to our reader base. But when we move, inevitably there will be more articles on such because I just gotta have FRESH meat too. 🙂

      Brian · September 14, 2012 at 5:23 pm

      Let’s not forget about goat and sheep’s milk cheeses! Yuummmm.

      Fudge, now I’m hungry. 🙁

Frankie · June 19, 2013 at 8:19 pm

Couldn’t be happier for you, Kellene! You know we just made our move to the country 7 weeks ago and we are SLOWLY making progress becoming more self sufficient. Planted a garden, put up a deer fence AFTER we had nibblers! Building a house, out buildings, etc. And we’re 70 & 75 yrs old. We feel great & ‘getting younger’ all the time! Can’t wait to hear about your adventure! All the BEST & prayers coming your way!

Jenesse · February 17, 2014 at 12:46 am

I hope you decide to write
I hope you decide to write more about natural refrigeration soon. Currently a phoenix dweller and the thought of trying to keep things cool without electricity gives me anxiety. Maybe I should move. 😉

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