What’s Happening in the Preparedness Pro Calendar

PreparednessThis update highlights upcoming classes taught in Colorado Springs, a lifetime of FRESH nutrition for under $200, and a teaser of what’s next for The Preparedness Pro–Hollywood?? Just to name a few… Catching everyone up with the past 4 weeks feels a little more like trying to catch the jet plane from Salt Lake City after it’s already landed at JFK airport, but I’ll do my best because I’d feel awful if I looked back a few weeks from now and realized that I never shared a few important tidbits. So here we go… Self-Reliance Expo and The Preparedness Pro Coming to Colorado Springs, CO May 18th and 19th: I’m warming up for the summer with the first major appearance. I have been asked to participate in the Self-Reliance Expo that will be held in Colorado Springs, CO on the 18th , 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and 19th of May, 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 each (though there are all kinds of discounts available, including for seniors, kids, and online purchases.) This will be held in the Freedom Financial Services Center. (more details here http://www.selfrelianceexpo.com/colorado-springs/ )   Rape Prevention for Couch Potatoes Class—Colorado Springs, CO, May 18th and 19th:   Now Self-Reliance Expo really strives to take these events seriously. They’ve got lots of really respected and well-seasoned professionals scheduled to help educate, energize, and assist in living a self-reliant lifestyle. As a part of that, they’ve asked me to specifically focus on the self-defense aspect of such a lifestyle (which falls under the Mental and Physical Principles of Preparedness). As such they’ve scheduled me to teach my physical self-defense class at several times throughout the 2 days. This will be the same class that you may have seen snippets of on the “Doomsday Preppers” class. It is indeed a rape prevention course, but it’s unique in that it’s intended to be seriously helpful to any female at just about any level of physical strength and endurance. Perhaps that’s why I call it “Rape Prevention for Couch Potatoes”. While there will be physical demonstrations and practice, I teach a great deal about having the mind in the right place  and using leverage and strategy instead of having to rely on strength to get out of a horrible situation.   There is a $5 donation requested for the class.  Normally I’d opt to teach these for free to the community, but lately it’s simply not been “free” for me to take these courses into the rape crisis centers and the women shelters so I ask that everyone who comes and benefits from the class pass on that benefit to someone else who might not be in a part of their life’s journey that allows them to do so. Now, that being said, Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy, Ron Douglas of Self-Reliance Expo, Scott Valencia of Self-Reliance Expo, an anonymous caller on the radio show I did recently on the Preparedness Radio Network and even the producer from that show have all put up their OWN money to pay for a whole lot of women to come to take this class regardless of whether or not they have the money—yes, it’s that important that nothing get in the way of you getting this excellent education if you possible can make it there. So, if you don’t have the donation $$–come anyway. And if you have more than the suggested donation, donate and know that you’re helping to pay for the expenses of helping others who’s lives can be bettered because of this critical training. That’s not just a bunch of fluff, by the way. There have been several research projects on women studies done which have shown that just the act of a woman going through a class like this can give her a NINETY-PERCENT improvement of her chances of avoiding or fighting off an attempted rape attack! I’d say that’s $5 well spent, wouldn’t you? I hope to see you there, Ladies! By the way, here’s the archive of the show, if you’re interested in listening:   From 11:00 a.m. to 11: 45 a.m. and again at Noon to 12:45 p.m. on the 19th there will be an expert panel consisting of “The Ladies of Preparedness”:  Nurse Amy Alton (of Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy  Show—Doom and Bloom) will speak on medical matters, Lisa Bradford (The Survival Mom) will address financial issues,  Jackie Clay (Backwoods Home Magazine) will expertly cover canning and gardening, Patrice Lewis (Rural Revolution) will speak to home schooling and being self-employed, and myself addressing self-defense in general. This portion of the expo will have us taking questions that have been sent in from Facebook, Twitter and other e-mail followers as well as some live questions from the attendees. I’m excited to be a part of this with all of these stellar women.   The Spiritual Roots of Preparedness Fireside, Colorado Springs, CO May 20thTentative: We’ve also tentatively scheduled a special fireside presentation to be given at one of the LDS Stake Centers while I’m there too. We’re still working out the details on that. Anyone ages 12 and up will be welcome regardless of their religious affiliation, however I will be  addressing topics which may be more familiar to the LDS faith at this particular event. Also, Sunday dress is suggested as it will be held in the chapel portion of the church.  This is by far one of my most favorite topics to address as it gives the “big picture view” as to why living a self-reliant lifestyle. More deets to follow, folks.   Preppers Outreach Contest Feedback and Reminders: I am so pleased with how things have turned out thus far with our Preppers Outreach Contest. The vendors were SO generous and we’ve received 129 contest entries and I can tell you that so far, just with what I’ve been able to track, we have successfully impacted the lives of over 1,700 individuals who have become more curious, open, and interested in living a more self-reliant lifestyle! I literally could not have asked for anything better! It means that not only do I get to feel great in being able to witness it, but so do all of those who submitted their entries! We’re presently in the voting phase of the contest in which all of the entries are vying for one or more of your votes and they only have until April 26th at midnight to get them. The person who gets the most votes will get first pick at the 37 prizes; the 2nd place winner will get the second chance to select their prize, and so forth. And Lindon Farms (Prepper Outreach Contest Vendor), Self-Reliance Expo, and others have said that they’d like to play additional roles in this contest and make sure that no one goes away empty handed—so everyone will get a little something as a show of thanks for their effort in participating! I encourage everyone to VOTE and to SHARE these great entries. I know I voted for my favorites!   Where Will Preparedness Pro Show Up Next?   Well, I can’t believe I’m saying it, but a whole heck of a lot has happened since February 7th, 2012.  If someone famous like Mark Burnett were to call you up, would you call it “a whole heck of a lot?” Yeah, probably not, but I really don’t know how else to say it. Suffice it to say I can’t reveal any specifics just yet, but I have been approached by agents/managers as a result of all of the hullabaloo and now I officially have a fantastic guy as my agent right outta Hollywood, and who’s helping me handle all of this…stuff. Whoda thunk that there’s some guy sitting in Los Angeles that’s a seasoned part of that scene, who voted for Obama, but who also shares a lot of the same passions that I do for America, firearms and physical self-defense, and even prepping??—but shhhh…don’t tell his wife. He’s a closet prepper. *grin* He’s also a blessing and a curse. I thought I was busy before, but now—whew! He’s actually got me working and doing it in such a way that it won’t embarrass either of us when it’s done. I’ll keep you posted and tell you what I’m able to once I’m officially permitted to.   An Endless Supply of FRESH Nutrition for less than $200:   If you haven’t learned about it yet, Five Star Preparedness does a monthly group buy special each month in an effort to provide preppers with at least one necessary product at a great cost at or even below wholesale. Rather than requiring a single person to meet the minimum purchase requirements to purchase at wholesale, Five Star Preparedness (a Prepper Outreach Contest Vendor) does it for us and then enables all of us together grab highlighted products each month. This month they have several packages of sprouting seeds available, the largest packet being just under $200. If you haven’t discovered yet, sprouts are shelf-stable for years and years, but provide fresh, absorb-able nutrients to the body. In fact, just a couple of days of sprouting a whole grain, nut, or seed, you increase the nutritional value of it by 500-600%!  Just a handful of sprouts each day give you a full days worth of the nutrition typically only available in fresh fruits and vegetables. And if you play your cards right, you can grow some of the seeds and then reclaim that much more sprouting seeds for the future—providing you with a never-ending supply of such amazing nutrients! Now here’s a little secret though—sprouting seeds have increased by over 80% over the last 8 months and I don’t see anything in the news or research articles that gives me any reason to believe that will be changing any time soon. So I can confidently say that investing in some sprouts today will pay off invaluable dividends later. Did I mention that sprouting is SO easy?!   Anyway, if you’d like to be informed about this and other monthly group buys by Five Star Preparedness, then just go here, http://www.fivestarpreparedness.com/groupBuy.php drop your e-mail address, and the PDF with all the details will be delivered to your inbox. *I can’t wait ‘til you try my sprout salad with pear gorgonzola salad dressing! Yum!*   Preparedness Pro Webinars Returning in May: Keep your eyes open for Preparedness Pro classes being brought to you via webinars beginning in May. For those of you who aren’t familiar with these, it’s like being able to take a class from me, live, but you watch it on your computer. You’ll be able to ask questions just like you would in a live class and you’ll see pictures and demonstrations to help as well. I’m really, really excited to get back to doing these as well as kicking things up on some great YouTube videos for you as well. Details coming soon.    Krav Maga Deal for Central Utah! One last thing to mention for those of you who live in the Central Utah area. It’s a whole other topic for another day, but suffice it to say that I’ve begun taking Krav Maga (self-defense classes.) Krav Maga is the method which is most well known among Israeli soldiers. It is the least restrictive martial arts discipline as it focuses on getting out alive rather than staid positions, strikes, and moves. It’s a great workout too that will kick our butt. After doing quite a bit of research I chose Krav Maga Utah as my school of choice. There’s a great husband/wife team that owns it, and the head instructor, Joseph Gleed is impressive not only by my standards, but by other experts in the field with special forces, other military and law enforcement experience. He’s the go to guy for this kind of thing. They only charge a month fee, but as of May this fee will be going up substantially as they are moving into a new location in Utah County where they will then begin adding additional classes such as yoga, Krav Maga for kids, Muay Thai (another discipline I’m very interested in), fitness training fitness bootcamp, and so much more, all for one monthly price. This essentially will allow a person to take classes 6 days a week if they want to (and if their muscles can handle it.)  The dynamic duo were recently featured on a local news station after the occurrence of a disturbing crime committed against a woman in broad daylight along a jogging/walking path. You can see the story here in which Joseph and his power-pint of a wife show how anyone can come out alive in such a situation with the right no-nonsense training. Check them in action here. Anyway, I wanted to give you all a heads up because you can still get their best prices through the end of April which is a GREAT deal once they offer the 6 days a week options. They have locations in Sandy, Provo, and the new facility in Pleasant Grove. So if you’re so inclined, perhaps have been sitting on the fence and just waiting for the proper motivation, I’d suggest that you take advantage of the remaining days in April and get in on the best savings you’ll ever get. Just go to: http://www.kravutah.com/ for more information. As an additional consideration, it would be GREAT to see some of you folks in a class or two with me…might help me feel a little less retarded as I truly am the WORST one in the room. *grin*  At least I’d be among prepper friends. J

Preparedness Pro

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Denise Russell · April 25, 2012 at 2:48 am

*I can’t wait ‘til you try my sprout salad with pear gorgonzola salad dressing! Yum!*

Okay, I must still be in comfort food mode, because I REALLY need this recipe….sigh….can’t wait to hear more on the secret squirrel project!!!!

Melinda McCulley · April 25, 2012 at 5:17 am

This is wonderful and I appreciate you so much! My dilemma is $ 200 is a great deal of money, actually out of question. How can i prep with coupons easier and how can I get something to hold a cast iron pot over a fire? Can’t seem to find one in mid-Missouri. Also I would really appreciate recipes for your eggs etc. Thanks so much.

    Kellene Bishop · April 25, 2012 at 5:35 am

    First I just want to be clear about something. Let me ask you this…if I were to give you a month’s supply of produce for $50, that would be a very, very good deal. So $200 for an endless supply of shelf-stable, non-gmo, heirloom produce for life, is not “a great deal of money.” It may be more money than a person has at the moment, but it’s definitely not a great deal of money for what a person is getting.
    Sprouts like this are the maximum amount of nutrition for the least amount of money.
    Secondly, couponing is about setting a specific price point for yourself and using the coupons to get that price point. Did you look at the details of the special? The price under $200 was their most expensive product that they have and it is at a cost below wholesale. That’s “couponing” in my book. I’d check and see if there are any of their group buy sprout deals that are acceptable to your budget. We have to have one and we all have to stick with one. *smile*

    That being said, when it comes to couponing, while I’ve been able to get SOME produce through couponing, it was not the norm, let alone the norm for non-gmo, heirloom produce that has an long shelf-life. Couponing isn’t about just getting what you can get, it’s about getting what you want and will use for the best, most aggressive prices possible. So, when it comes to produce, I make use of Bountiful Baskets (check for a location near you–you’ll never go back to store bought produce again) and I make use of sprouts–a LOT. Bar none it’s the best option where you can get the most food, for the least amount of money.

    Check with Lehman’s (Lehman’s.com) or Sportsman’s Guide for your pot brace.

    There are lots of recipes available on the site. Just put “recipes” in the search bars. Many of the articles have them included.

    teresa · April 25, 2012 at 3:32 pm

    Not sure what you consider central MO, but I know someone who blacksmith’s as a hobby. He can make you one. Is there away to exchange contact info here? I’m in Callaway County, which is about as central as you can get.

KA0GRC · April 25, 2012 at 5:55 am

We may have to drive up to the springs from Pueblo after I finish the open range Saturday. Hope my wife and I can say hello.

Sammiec · April 25, 2012 at 3:34 pm

How come all the events are in Northern Utah. Couldn’t we get something down in Cedar City or St. George. Cedar is cool this timeof year with plenty of hotels and the college has lots of space. St. George is hot already but we sure would like to have access to these things without driving 4 hrs. and having to spend the night.

Deanna · April 25, 2012 at 8:13 pm

Can’t wait to maybe meet you in person at the CO Springs EXPO!! I went to the one in Denver several months back and it was awesome!! Lots of products and great deal!!

I even met Dave Cantaberry from Dual Survival!! Got a photo with him too!! Maybe I can get a photo with you as well to add to my “Celebs and Me” collection!! Lol!!

Vicki Walton · May 2, 2012 at 8:27 pm

Sounds like you are one busy woman!

Just went through some old posts about vacuum sealing. I noticed that you said you could seal mason jars with the Foodsaver jar adapters with a reversed bicyle pump if there was no power. I recently discovered that you can simply use the Ziplock pump that Wal-Mart sells for $4.25. It was made to seal bags, but I found the bags would leak so I wasn’t impressed. I am impressed with the pump sealing mason jars.

DebC · June 24, 2012 at 11:23 pm

Do you have a recommendation on the best hand grain mill (besides the Country Living Grain Mill, which is too expensive for us)?

    Kellene Bishop · June 25, 2012 at 1:26 am

    I’ve just recently reviewed the Wonder Mill Jr. Deluxe. It’s nice–not the Country Living, but nice. I also own the Family Grain Mill.

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