This is a movement that could bring us together again as “the human race.”
I think there are more people doing this than we realize and those that think they should be doing it.  My family is just getting started.  My  youngest son is the one giving us the push that we needed.  I have always thought he should have been friends with Daniel Boone.  My granddaughter, who is nine, thinks a practice Bug Out would be fun.

People, we have all gotten soft and live like having money, making money and things that it can buy is our be all and end all.  Instead of “bring sexy back” let’s BRING AMERICA BACK.

God bless America again!


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1 Comment

Mary W · April 27, 2012 at 2:54 am

Speaking of Daniel Boone. Husband and I just finished watching the Daniel Boone series from the library 🙂 Thank you for your story. So very true!

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