, The Preparedness Pro

eggsI was up late last night slathering mineral oil on dozens of eggs. Walgreens had them on sale this week, large eggs, 1 dozen, for only 99 cents. (I can’t believe that’s considered a “GREAT” deal now, can you?) Anyway, they had a limit of 3 dozen eggs so I made the runs several times throughout the week at all of the Walgreens in my area. Two of the Walgreens were ALWAYS out so I got rainchecks. Yay for rainchecks! Then I remembered last night that Target and Wal-Mart price match. So I went to Target and started picking through the large, store brand eggs. I always open the cartons up (I’m sure you do too) to check for any broken or cracked eggs. I realized that I was looking at the Medium sized eggs instead of the large ones. So I started hunting for the large. When I did, I couldn’t see one iota of difference in size between the large and the medium. I went through several different cartons. They were the EXACT same size and yet they charged $1.79 for the “medium” and $1.99 for the “large.” Is it just me, or do you think that the “large eggs” have been getting smaller over the years?”

Have Eggs shrunk in size?

eggsI took 3 dozen large eggs and 1 dozen medium eggs up to customer service; besides, they would have to handle the transaction to price match anyway. I asked to speak to the manager. When the smiling guy came up to the desk I said to him “You’re going to hate this. Either you guys are ripping off customers or “Tip Top” brand is ripping Target off. I dramatically (cause that the way I do things) showed him the “medium” egg and the “large” eggs. His jaw dropped. He was truly in shock. As it turned out, Target only price matches brand for brand, unlike Wal-Mart who will match “store brand” for “store brand.” BUT…the manager said he would give me the eggs for the 99 cent price because I had pointed out a serious problem that will save them a LOT of money in the future. *grin*

I then went to Wal-Mart. Without batting an eye they price matched the large eggs and they didn’t even hold me to the limit of 3 dozen. SO I’ve got lots and lots of eggs all slathered with mineral oil sitting in the coolest room we’ve got. While I was treating the eggs last night, I realized that there were a few things that I didn’t mention in my instructions on preserving eggs previously.

Steps to Preserving Eggs Properly

1- Take the eggs out of the carton BEFORE you start slathering them. They are really hard to grip when they are in their individual holding spots once you’ve got mineral oil on your food handling gloves.

eggs2- While you’re taking the eggs out of their holding spots, be sure to thoroughly inspect them. If you see even one ionta of what looks like a developing crack, don’t treat it with mineral oil. It will end up smelling up the whole house. All I do when I come across those is put them in my refrigerator with the eggs I’m using presently and will usually use them the next day for my omelet.

3- Check the stamps on the egg carton for the manufacturer’s expiration date. I put the ones that are the furthest out in the bottom of the container, BUT I also label with a Sharpie right on the top of the egg carton where I can easily see the date that I actually treated the eggs. I keep the manufacturer’s date towards the front of the clear storage bin so I can see that easily. I stack the eggs from left to right, with the farthest-out date to the left. Then I’m sure that when I use the eggs, I select them right to left with consideration of the manufacturer’s date and the date I write on the cartons. This way, I’m rotating my eggs properly AND if I need eggs for egg whites, I can select the “freshest” eggs for that purpose as the older eggs just don’t deliver stiff egg whites.

eggs4-It really doesn’t matter if you use the cardboard cartons or the Styrofoam cartons. I have used both with no problem. However, I do tend to prefer the Styrofoam cartons because I picture the mineral oil getting absorbed into the cardboard cartons. It’s my own “delusion” but it makes a bit of sense to me.

5- If you don’t like the idea of using mineral oil on  your eggs, then do an internet search for a product called “Ke-Peg”. It’s water glass, and a  natural way to preserve your eggs with no chemicals. It runs about $25.  Each container is enough to do 40 dozen eggs. Water glass is sodium silicate, the common name for sodium metasilicate. Water glass is also sometimes referred to as liquid glass. If you’re really adventurous, you could make your own water glass. Click here for those directions.

(Remember those colored rocks that would grow and expand in the fish bowl when you were a kid? That’s in part what those rocks are made of.)

eggs6-I had a lot of people asking whether or not they could use food grade oils on their eggs instead of mineral oil. Unfortunately the answer is no. The food grade oils will definitely go rancid when exposed to oxygen. Even grape seed oil and coconut oil will go rancid eventually. However you COULD put your eggs in a jar full of olive oil and put a lid on it. That’s one of the ways that people used to preserve eggs and even cheese.

I hope this helps your peaceful preparedness efforts! Now, off to make some deviled eggs—one of my hubby’s favorites!

Be sure to check out the other articles I’ve provided on this topic so that you get all of the information.





Preparedness Pro

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jamie l · February 13, 2012 at 10:35 pm

Perhaps it’s just me but it seems that eggs from a hen seem to hold up better over time than store bought eggs. Not longer, but the yolks and whites don’t get runny or break as easy.

Mother earth news just did a big test on preserving eggs and it was very informative and it recommend the same best practices.

    Preparedness Pro - Kellene Bishop · February 13, 2012 at 10:45 pm

    @jamie l Think I should charge them for my ideas, Jamie? hee hee just kidding of course.

      jamie l · February 13, 2012 at 11:31 pm

      @Preparedness Pro – Kellene Bishop I just found it interesting and they did the test with everything from lard, sawdust, waterglass and the conclusion reached seemed to me is do what Kellene says! Of course they didn’t come out and say it that way.

    TANI · March 6, 2012 at 1:35 am

    Since the mineral oil is replacing the natural bloom, when I get the eggs fresh from the hen, do I need to put the mineral oil on or is it safe to store naturally?

      Kellene Bishop · March 6, 2012 at 1:44 am

      My farmer friends actually put mineral oil or waterglass on top of the bloom to ensure maximum shelf-life.

    mk · June 28, 2013 at 7:44 pm

    The experiment with the eggs written by Mother Earth News was written in 1977.

brchbell · February 13, 2012 at 10:59 pm

LOL! I got hens so always buried in eggs! I’ve become a master at dealing with them all! Make sure you turn those oiled eggs once every month! I also make powdered eggs and vacuum seal that into canning jars. I make egg noodles and other pasta and let air dry until completely dry (for me about 3 days if i turn them daily. I than seal them into #10 cans. When I reach the point I think I’m going to lose it I take every egg I have down to the food pantry- that happens about twice a year. They love getting fresh farm eggs! My hens love to run and eat bugs and anything else they want all day long, they even catch and eat mice! My kids raid my egg stash anytime they come to visit. I keep on oiling those eggs and getting them all used up. I’ve done this for many years and if you do it right they really will last a year on the shelf!

    Robin · June 21, 2012 at 12:10 am

    How do you make powdered eggs? I’ve wondered how they’re made so I can put them up for emergency use. The information here is great keep up the good work.

SEAGLE63 · February 14, 2012 at 2:50 am


Loved you in “Preppers” the other night. One question: You were using some sort of machine to seal jars that had ?almonds? in them. What was that? It looks easier than using oxygen absorption packets.

    Preparedness Pro - Kellene Bishop · February 14, 2012 at 6:00 am

    @SEAGLE63 Yup, and it lasts a LOT longer than oxygen absorbers. It’s a foodsaver. Look up the topic of food saver on here and you’ll get all of the low down.

      miss burt · February 16, 2012 at 5:00 pm

      @Preparedness Pro – Kellene Bishop @SEAGLE63 hello my name is miss burt . i llve up in the mountains in az. and i could sure use some suggestions on things to save my clan is about 17. and i am the grandma. but i like you am a well oiled machine. what is it you save and use for chocolate and whats your favorite protein.what are some of the things we should be storing. when my son got home from iraq he blessed me eith 2 grandsons which are now 3 . so ireally want to make sure they get what the need worried about the nutrition. i dont want to just survive i want to thrive. hope to hear from you soon.and is there an email or phone number we can chat at on a more private level,thank you again for stepping out and sharing. (edited for privacy)

ChristineBJ · February 14, 2012 at 3:38 am

I found some eggs that were on the edge of “expiring” for 50cents a doz can I use those and oil them or are they too old to start with?



    Preparedness Pro - Kellene Bishop · February 14, 2012 at 6:00 am

    @ChristineBJ Nearly all my eggs are purchased on sale which means that they are near their expiration. Just remember, taste testers don’t create expiration dates. Lawyers do.

Preparedness Pro - Kellene Bishop · February 14, 2012 at 5:58 am

I would store the fresh eggs exactly how you’ve been doing, Jay. The mineral oil is to replace the bloom, but the bloom is what God gave ’em, so stick with it. However, you’ll get longer mileage if you store them in cooler temps in your home if you’ve got such an area.

Preparedness Pro - Kellene Bishop · February 14, 2012 at 5:59 am

None of the food-grade oils will work as they will go rancid. However, you can do the KePeg. It’s not a petroleum product.

    Terry · March 11, 2017 at 5:19 pm

    Even lard and tallow? I
    Even lard and tallow? I understood that lard and tallow are good for up to a year before you have to worry about rancidity.

      Preparedness Pro · March 13, 2017 at 2:26 am

      Storage conditions make all
      Storage conditions make all the difference in the world.

jamie l · February 14, 2012 at 6:13 am

Jay I store eggs straight from the hens. I just give them a dry wipe with a paper towel and get the poo and whatever off and then coat them in mineral oil. Then store at 55- 60 degrees F. I prefer farm fresh eggs as to store bought eggs for long term storage, more than 6 months. It’s mostly texture and look. If you fry up a hens egg and a store bought egg you see the difference. The yolks fresh from a hen tend to stand up compared to a store bought egg.

CraigMeade · February 14, 2012 at 6:35 am

The Home Mechanic book of 1896 also suggests they can be packed in salt, that dipping them in boiling water for an instant before preservation helps, packing them in milk of lime (pickling lime), and of course the above…covering them in oil to exclude air.

    NakeyToes · February 20, 2012 at 5:15 am

    @CraigMeade where can I get a copy of this book? A simple Google pulled up a site that has the chapters, but I can’t download them.

      Shannon01 · February 20, 2012 at 4:24 pm

      @NakeyToes @CraigMeade I found a digital copy at PioneerHandbooks.com. It’s the whole book (94 pages).

Shannon01 · February 14, 2012 at 5:59 pm

I don’t have a basement. Where should I store the eggs once I put the mineral oil on them?

    Preparedness Pro - Kellene Bishop · February 14, 2012 at 6:20 pm

    @Shannon01 Wherever you’ve got that’s cool and dry. Under a bed would work, bottom and back of closet. Can’t you just see it now? You’re baking and you walk to the coat closet to get your eggs? 🙂

Kings Castle · February 14, 2012 at 6:11 pm

I oiled som eggs and had them about a year (do not remember now) and when I cracked them they were really running and I was scared to use them.

Do they just look like that or where they bad?

They did not sell but were like water.

    Preparedness Pro - Kellene Bishop · February 14, 2012 at 6:19 pm

    @Kings Castle Use either of the “bad egg” tests that I share in the article. I’ve had mine runny sometimes, but I usually use them up between the 7-9 month point. I’ve not used them at the 1 year point yet and that could make a big difference as that’s 25% longer than the 9 month mark.

Teri · February 14, 2012 at 7:43 pm

I mineral oiled about 10 dozen store bought eggs tried some at 6-7 months and didn’t like the look of them. The whites were runny and the yolks tended to either be runny, too, or stick to the shell in a loose pouch. I did not ‘turn them’ once a month and I think maybe I used too much oil? Many were sitting in little puddles of oil in the cartons.

I have hens and will have excess eggs some times come Spring – I’d love to be able to store them this way.

Sonia Rodriguez · February 15, 2012 at 1:31 am


After watching you on NatGeo, my husband and I started to really think. And everything y’all stated made sense. We have started to prepare for the “What If?” is what we are calling it all. Thank you for the inspiration and u have a loyal follower now. Sorry if I may ask a lot of questions in the near future but like your husband and yourself I want to be correctly prepared.

Sonia in TX

Shannon01 · February 15, 2012 at 1:54 pm

I have a question about mineral oil…where in the store do I go to get it? What is a brand name that I should be looking for? I know stupid questions….

    Preparedness Pro - Kellene Bishop · February 15, 2012 at 7:54 pm

    @Shannon01 mineral oil is mineral oil. I just get the pharmacy brand.

      Shannon01 · February 15, 2012 at 8:18 pm

      @Preparedness Pro – Kellene Bishop Thank you! I know where to start looking now. 🙂

    brchbell · February 15, 2012 at 8:10 pm

    @Shannon01 You can get it in the Pharmacy section of the store. Mineral Oil is listed in stores as a Lubricant Laxative. Any brand will work fine. I get about 10 dz. eggs per week and oil them all no matter what I plan to do with them. My 16 oz. bottle has lasted over 2 years and still going strong. It will last you a long time. It doesn’t matter if you coat them more or less as long as the whole egg is covered. If it is not then the egg will dry out which is what makes them go bad. Cherlynn

      Shannon01 · February 15, 2012 at 8:19 pm

      @brchbell Thank you for the tips! 🙂

carriesworld · February 16, 2012 at 5:14 pm

Does it matter that the eggs are chilled in the store & then your storing them un-chilled for so long?

quigath · February 16, 2012 at 8:26 pm

Your previous egg preserving article motivated me. My first real batch of 5 dozen eggs are oiled up and in the garage.

NatalieAnnDeGraw · February 19, 2012 at 6:16 am

is there a way that we can email you or is there a section to talk to you where you could answer specific questions on how to do things?

-Natalie in Turlock CA

    Preparedness Pro - Kellene Bishop · February 19, 2012 at 9:14 am

    @NatalieAnnDeGraw yup, just the “contact us” section. the e-mails come to me there. But you could ask them on here to so that everyone can benefit perhaps.

      Reno · October 3, 2012 at 5:44 pm

      After oiling the eggs, can they be stored at anything above 65 degrees? I live in Florida, central Florida and the coolest place in my house is between 70-73 degrees, will they go bad quicker or is that just too hot?

        Kellene Bishop · October 3, 2012 at 8:32 pm

        MY suggestion is to store them at 68 degrees or lower. Anything more than that will affect how long they last. You’d be surprised at the difference in temp underneath the beds or at the back of closets.

eugenia · February 19, 2012 at 9:44 pm

I need help finding the food safe storage for preserving eggs and for rice, beans, pasta, etc. thanks for your blog. I am brand new!

LillianOrtegaNelson · February 19, 2012 at 10:52 pm

HOW LONG WILL EGGS KEEP w/the mineral oil treatment…..loved the show…..great work, keep on trucking !!!!!! lil in NM

    Preparedness Pro - Kellene Bishop · February 19, 2012 at 11:21 pm

    @LillianOrtegaNelson The search bar is your friend on this site. 🙂 There are two more detailed articles on preserving eggs. YUM-MEE!

LisaInTexas · February 20, 2012 at 5:14 am

Just an FYI – about a year ago I found a local egg farm and started buying my eggs from them. They are cheaper and fresher from there. I’m sure not everyone has that luxury, but if anyone is worried about the freshness of chain store eggs, you can go to your local egg farm!

Angelquest · February 21, 2012 at 10:46 am

Great info! Thank you for sharing! I was wondering…You recommend storing the eggs in a cool place after oiling. Would storing them in a refrigerator (if you have the extra space) be the same? Or is there a reason you would want to store them in a cool, but not cold, location?

young homesteader · February 22, 2012 at 8:12 am

ok, so I finally got to watch the prep show on natgeo just
2 hrs. ago. pretty impressive set up you have. course-you’ve never hear that one:-))))) I am currently living off the grid(no electricity) on a remote island, and used to live aboard a boat for 20yrs. and most
liveaboards would either use mineral oil or Vaseline on their eggs. I always thought there had to be a way to use softened bees wax.
I am also curious to know if you or anyone else has tried vacuum packing, then freezing cream cheese. anyway, just read 3 of your articles and have to put phone on charger for the night.
will be back tomorrow to sign up, or at least get rss on my phone. I saw on your 1st egg article about a book call estrogen alternative. and you mentioned mineral oil and estrogen issues. coconut oil can be used for that after bath/shower, just put it. in a little bottle that squirts a small stream, I keep mine in the living room several feet away from heat for an hour before bathing, then return it to a colder room afterwards.

elcheapo · February 22, 2012 at 9:13 am

When you store the oiled up eggs what is the maximum temp for the storage area? Since I do not have a basement or cold storage can they be refrigerated?

    Kellene Bishop · February 24, 2012 at 6:55 pm

    Sure they can be refrigerated, but that kind of defeats the purpose of not taking up space in the refrigerator and not having to rely on electricity.

      Dina · March 26, 2012 at 3:51 pm

      Just want to say thanks for sharing all this info with us! Saw you on tv and have been inspired to do more!! I hate to re-ask a similiar question that is already on here, but hope to maybe get a tad more insight on storing the eggs…please. I live in VA, and do not have a basement as well. Nor do I have a space that always stays around 68 degrees and dry and dark – have a garage, but that gets hot too. If I choose not to use my spare fridge to store the mineral oil treated eggs, about how high of a temp above 68 do you believe I could safely store them? If I choose under the bed or in a closet, with a house with air conditioning usually on, the temp in those areas would probably be in the mid to upper 70’s. Any insight since I am so new to this would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks.

        Kellene Bishop · March 26, 2012 at 5:45 pm

        I wouldn’t advise going above 68 degrees longer than a couple days.

Shell 11 · February 22, 2012 at 6:25 pm

How long will the Mineral oil preserve Eggs for?

    Kellene Bishop · February 24, 2012 at 6:56 pm

    As shared in the show and articles, 9-12 months.

hkflanagan · February 22, 2012 at 9:27 pm

What about storing hard-boiled eggs, can you oil them up as well? Any other advice on storing them?

    Kellene Bishop · February 24, 2012 at 6:56 pm

    There are 3 detailed articles about storing the eggs on this blog. Just do a search and you’ll get all the info you need and then some.

Lisa · February 24, 2012 at 1:57 pm

Kellene…thank you so much for sharing this. I do a lot of canning and preserving but had NO IDEA you could preserve eggs….I’m going to have to start following your stuff…I think this is awesome! After surviving Hurrican Ike, I know that being prepared for anything is important…with us it wasn’t the not having money…it was not having access. No trucks could get in, no groceries could get in at all. I was prepared, but never realized how important it was to STAY prepared…and you just gave me a new “preparedness” tip! Thanks!

    Kellene Bishop · February 24, 2012 at 6:54 pm

    So glad you found us and found something useful to your efforts!!

Becky · February 24, 2012 at 8:30 pm

Thanks for this! I just watched the NatGeo ep last night and ran across your blog as a link from somewhere else, totally coincidental. I did spend your whole segment (and a good 45 minutes after) churning over the idea of storing eggs without a fridge. We go through at least a dozen a day in my house, so it would be nice to be able to stock up during sales!

Kathryn · February 25, 2012 at 4:08 pm

Just found you. You are literally an answer to prayer. I live in deep south Georgia. I can do dark and dry, but any suggestion about cool? Here cool is 60 and that is on the winter!

Kym McMullen · February 27, 2012 at 2:33 am

I read through all your question/comments… thought I would ask about fertilized eggs??? Does it make a differnece. My hens are in with their hubby 24/7 and all my eggs are fertile. Does that make a difference for preserving??

    Kellene Bishop · February 27, 2012 at 2:59 am

    Everything I’ve read says that eating a fertilized egg isn’t bad so I don’t believe that preserving them is either.

Amanda · February 29, 2012 at 2:05 am

I just wanted to know can you do this with farm fresh eggs as well and if so is it best to store them in a frig. or in a cool dry place and how long will the eggs last once you do this to them. Any info would be great.

    Kellene Bishop · February 29, 2012 at 4:46 am

    With eggs you raise yourself you won’t need to treat them with the mineral oil. The natural bloom should preserve them. My farmer friend says he puts mineral oil on top of the bloom just in case Mother Nature missed a spot. 🙂

Kellene Bishop · March 5, 2012 at 12:41 am

You missed the part about warming the mineral oil so that it goes on thinner and you can do more eggs with less. 🙂

Doris Gruber · March 12, 2012 at 3:31 pm

Will it work to wipe the eggs with organic olive oil. I don’t use petroleum.I sure enjoy your site. I have learned so much from you.

    Kellene Bishop · March 12, 2012 at 3:51 pm

    Nope, it will go rancid. You’ll need to use the waterglass product instead if you don’t want to use the mineral oil. I totally understand the not wanting to use a petroleum product.

kahne · March 17, 2012 at 12:08 am

I bought eggs at Walgreen’s as well in December same sale, put them in a fridge in garage, but when I went to use them they were bad so you may want to check one or 2, I thought that them seemed older then the date on carton, I will not buy eggs at Walgreen’s again.

Elizabeth · March 28, 2012 at 4:01 am

Should I wash an egg that I have preserved prior to using it?

    Kellene Bishop · March 28, 2012 at 4:34 am

    It certainly won’t hurt, but it will most likely be a waste of time and water. You’d be better off wiping them down with a tea towel or a paper towel as oil and water don’t get along anyway.

Elizabeth · April 1, 2012 at 12:49 pm

When it comes to using the treated eggs, do I need to use the food grade gloves to handle? Is there any issue ingesting any of the oil should any come off in the process of cracking the eggs and cooking?
Thank you so much for your wonderful advice!

    Kellene Bishop · April 2, 2012 at 8:18 am

    Mineral oil is created to use internally. It won’t hurt you should you ingest a bit of it. If your eggs are even remotely cracked you won’t wan to store them this way.

      Susan · April 19, 2013 at 8:58 pm

      “Mineral oil is created to use internally.”

      Aaaahhhhh… NO. While the amount you might absorb through this usage is probably microscopic and perfectly safe, baby oil isn’t food grade. It’s other name is liquid petroleum, aka lamp oil.

      My Mom’s doctor said it isn’t safe to use as a laxative (it used to be) because of the danger of it causing Intussusception, where the intestine telescopes into itself to cause a blockage. Veterinarians still use it for a laxative, but animals don’t live as long as we do, and it can also cause intussusceptions in them, but then they just destroy them and send them to the dog food factory.

      The WHO classifies untreated or mildly treated mineral oil (from petroleum) as Group 1 carcinogens; highly refined oils are classified as Group 3, meaning they are not suspected to be carcinogenic but available information is not sufficient to classify them as harmless. There is food-grade mineral oil, but I doubt that is what baby oil is. Even food grade is mainly used only in candies (discouraged for children) and to grease industrial food-making machines.

      Mineral oil is absorbed into the body through the skin, and is known to impede the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A (and precursors), D, E, K and essential fatty acids. The lower grades appear to contain neurotoxins which can damage the nervous system, and it mimics estrogen. We are exposed to so many chemicals these days that we have to pay attention. The average newborn baby already has over 200 foreign chemicals in it’s body, and that’s more than enough.

Kellene Bishop · April 2, 2012 at 8:16 am

you need to warm the mineral oil, and rotate the eggs properly. You may want to read the other two articles we’ve provided on the topic

    Steph · April 7, 2012 at 8:21 pm

    Thank you, I did read the one about warming the mineral oil, will have to find the other one 🙂 Just got a bunch of eggs for 77 cents a dozen, can’t wait to preserve them 🙂

MsAmen · April 4, 2012 at 5:08 pm

So looking forward to delving deeper into this site at some point in time. Kellene Ive got to tell you I think you might be a genius. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge.

D.M. GOLENOR · April 5, 2012 at 4:24 am

wondering if you rub the eggs in oil and they stay fresh for 6 months will they last longer if refrrigerated or is refrigeration a waste of time or cause problems. cool dry place? how cool? how dry? will a refrig work?

    Kellene Bishop · April 5, 2012 at 4:31 am

    I haven’t yet experimented with how long they will keep in the refrigerator as I’m really only interested in accumulating skills that I can use without electricity or solar power generation.

Steph · April 6, 2012 at 3:41 am

My question, I have heard it both ways, when you preserve the eggs with mineral oil, can you still use them for baking as well? Also, do you need to rinse the mineral oil off the egg before use? Thank you 🙂

    Kellene Bishop · April 6, 2012 at 4:57 am

    As per the articles posted on this site, you can use the eggs for anything other than stiff egg whites. They’re quite versatile.

Robert · April 7, 2012 at 7:43 pm

So you just rub mineral oil on the eggs and that is it? How long does this preserve the eggs for? Good read thank you for the information.

    Kellene Bishop · April 7, 2012 at 9:23 pm

    All the details are available here on the site. Just do a search on “Preserving eggs”. I also put link to other articles within the body of the articles.

Steve · April 12, 2012 at 2:53 am

Sorry if I missed it, but what about canning hard boiled eggs? We buy canned boiled quail eggs (packed in water) at our local Asian market. Is this something we can do at home with a pressue canner?

    Kellene Bishop · April 12, 2012 at 3:23 am

    I’ve never attempted to can hard-boiled eggs. You can dehydrate them though, or dehydrate scrambled eggs, etc. I’m sure you CAN can hard-boiled eggs though. Again, if you see it in the store, it’s very likely you can do it at home.

Eureka08 · May 6, 2012 at 10:31 pm

I’ve been doing small things all along. I have pails of beans, some #10 cans of things. I just got the solar oven and starting to use it. I have fruit trees in the yard, and raised garden beds full of.. tomatoes at the moment. I can get eggs for free from a friend. I was thinking about doing a tandem test of mineral oil and salt barrel with lid. vacuum sealing seems interesting, as well. Oil and vacuum seal?
I use solar lamps for the desk, and use iGo-green-green energy battery charger and batteries, and solar chargers. I also have olive oil lamps, and olive trees – and will learn to make oilive oil myself for cooking and light. I didn’t think I was a prepper, just a parent on a shoe string budget that acquired things over time, when I could or I thought it would be fun to try.
I’ll let you know about the egg tandem tests.. oil, salt barrel, oil and vacuum seal. Should be interesting! I live in an area where humidity and heat will be an issue. I don’t have a basement, and the garage can get hot.
I saw you on NatGeo and love your web site. Keep it up!!! Helps all of us!

Lynne · May 22, 2012 at 6:41 pm

Loved your program on natgeo, it was great my husband and I have been preparing for a few years so we have a lot of stuff but when we saw you we looked at each other and said “we need to do more” thanks for the inspiration and great tips I love the meals in buckets idea and the egg saving idea
Thanks again

Anne · April 4, 2013 at 7:30 am

As I single person who doesn’t cook much but does love eggs, I was always buying eggs and then throwing them out when they were long past their expiration dates. Loved the idea of buying them, treating them, and then having them still around and usable for months! I finally got around to using the mineral oil on the eggs and it was so easy. I had 2.5 dozen eggs. I used my clean bare hands with small amt of oil in a little dish and just rolled them around in my hands after putting a couple drops of oil on the egg. Eventually I really only needed to roll them in my (by then, well-oiled ) hands to sufficiently oil them, but still added 1 drop of oil just to be sure. Didn’t warm the oil (I forgot that step) but didn’t feel I needed the oil to be any thinner. I barely used much oil anyway, and they were all totally covered, but not dripping in oil. When I went to use them, I found that the oil had seemingly absorbed into the shell and felt exactly like an egg that I’d recently held when it was fresh from a hen: “soft” (texture)(shell was still fully hard) and not oily at all. The egg tasted fine, not oily at all. Hope this helps fellow newbies.

    Kellene Bishop · April 4, 2013 at 5:52 pm

    That effect is completely normal.

Kellene Bishop · April 19, 2013 at 11:32 pm

I’m gonna have to agree with you on this one. Even Johnson’s Baby Oil is all petroleum product. However, it IS microscopic; but, I’ve opted to use other updated means for preserving eggs. But I believe in giving people choices. Even our FOOD isn’t “food-grade” nowadays. It’s so aggrivating.

PrettyLuckx3 · June 27, 2013 at 8:23 pm

I don’t think you have to worry about mineral oil being absorbed by your carton. Have you ever done the experiment where you put a cracker into a cup of mineral oil (or baby oil, same thing). You can leave it overnight, and the next morning when you take the cracker out of the mineral oil, you can still crack it. Nothing was absorbed. Very cool!

Robert · September 9, 2013 at 2:42 am

we sold eggs that were large
we sold eggs that were large + . many of the cartons were not flush closing . but the duffus consumer has “a dozen ” stuck in their heads !! never any regard to quality or amount of total weight . we went to the local organic market and would sell 20 dozen at 5 a doz . but now we would need 6 because feed is 30 % higher . every inquiry from the net results in zero sales everyone wants the 99 cent eggs . sorry but the farm subsidies do not flow to us . but we beat everyone on taste

Simone Smith · November 25, 2013 at 5:37 pm

Thanks for sharing. I think I
Thanks for sharing. I think I will try this. We get about 18 eggs a day, well this week anyhow. Could get up to 30 easily. I was curious about turning the eggs. Does each egg need to be turned or can I just flip the carton over? Also an easy way to test if the eggs are good is to put them in a sink full of water. If the float they are bad, if the stand up they are good and if they lay down they are real fresh. This is how I test mine out if I am unsure.

    Preparedness Pro · November 26, 2013 at 4:38 am

    I just flip the carton.
    I just flip the carton.

Linda · February 11, 2014 at 6:57 pm

Hi Kellene,
Hi Kellene,
Have just been reading your posts about preserving eggs, and hope you don’t mind a question. It’s a bit challenging to read through all the comments, so hope you haven’t already addressed this. I have about 10 dz eggs (fertile, washed) that I can keep refrigerated, that I’m trying to preserve for 3-6 months. I get different info on how long they will keep without doing anything to them, but want to make sure they won’t spoil. What are your thoughts on coating with the food grade oils since they will be refrigerated. One other site recommended using lard. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Thanks, Linda

    Preparedness Pro · February 11, 2014 at 7:34 pm

    Linda, I’m sure we’re all

    Linda, I’m sure we’re all pressed for time with busy lives.  I get several hundred e-mails a day so when I answer a question, I publish it so that I don’t have to answer them again. I’m sure you can appreciate that. If you put “preserving eggs” or “preserving lard” or “using lard on eggs” in our search bar, I’m sure you’ll find some great answers–even some answers that you hadn’t yet thought to ask. *grin*

Samantha Clark · September 29, 2014 at 11:06 pm

Does storing your eggs and
Does storing your eggs and cheese in olive oil in mason jars really work? If so how long does it last?

    Preparedness Pro · September 30, 2014 at 10:48 pm

    I assure you we have nothing
    I assure you we have nothing to be gained by providing anyone bogus information. Do some research on this method. It’s how they were preserved anciently–well, minus the “Mason” jar, of course.

jb · March 9, 2015 at 1:36 am

Best to buy local, free range
Best to buy local, free range eggs where the eggs have not been washed.

Yes, they may have some poo on them but, as the hen lays the egg she coats the egg/shell with a substance that keeps bacteria & air out.

Only wash eggs just before using.

Ain’t nature Grand!

    Preparedness Pro · March 9, 2015 at 9:52 pm

    That’s called the “bloom” and
    That’s called the “bloom” and it disintegrates after about 10 days so you’ll want to protect your eggs beyond that.

Judy McKinney · July 15, 2015 at 5:23 pm

Re the temp. to store the
Re the temp. to store the mineral oiled eggs–We have a small deep freeze that we don’t use, and is not plugged in. Could we store the eggs in it, in the garage? Or would the air get stale in there, or something, with the lid shut? Anyone know? The eggs would be out of the way there.

    Preparedness Pro · July 15, 2015 at 5:35 pm

    You want some air flow.
    You want some air flow.

Jessica · July 31, 2015 at 5:16 am

Ok I think I messed up. I
Ok I think I messed up. I just bought my eggs and warmed up the oil and just put the oil on them. I didn’t wash them. should I wash off the oil and start all over. Should I just leave them? and when you go to use your eggs do you wash off the oil before you crack, boil them?

    Preparedness Pro · August 4, 2015 at 5:01 am

    Are they farm fresh eggs?? If
    Are they farm fresh eggs?? If the bloom is still on them, then yes, I wash them first. Otherwise, no.
    And no, I don’t rinse off the oil when I use them, but I do use a paper towel just to keep them from being slippery. 🙂

Sue · February 28, 2016 at 3:07 pm

I friend that raises chickens
I friend that raises chickens is selling me some eggs. She said that they are not washed and when stored in a cool place will last 8 months. Is that true? I’m guessing they still have the “bloom” on them for preservative. Eight months seems like a long time and she didn’t mention turning them. What do ou suggest?

    Preparedness Pro · February 28, 2016 at 7:13 pm

    Your friend is mistaken. The
    Your friend is mistaken. The Bloom will NOT last 8 months and it’s the bloom that is washed off when the eggs are cleaned. Bloom lasts about 10 days is all. However, rubbing coconut oil on them after washing will keep your eggs lasting for several months IF you store them in a cool, dry, dark place AND you flip them monthly.

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