Every month Five Star Preparedness tries to provide a special group buy so that folks can have access to wholesale pricing without having to make the sizable financial commitment to one particular manufacturer that would be required to do so. In light of the rumblings of financial turmoil, Five Star set out to create a really great deal so that people could spend their money as efficiently as possible. This month (August) they promoted a great freeze-dried fruit buy, containing produce that is not commonly available in the world of freeze-dry. By personally negotiating this purchase by the pallet, Five Star was able to make the most of the margins which typically exist between wholesale and retail.  In fact, what they’ve come up with is below the wholesale prices that I can find on #10 cans of product which I have found to be inferior in some cases and certainly in smaller quantities for more bucks out of your pocket.

Please don’t be cross with me for not sharing this sooner with you. I realize that there are only 4 more days in the month and I’m just now getting this up. All I can say is that I’m sorry and hopefully you’ll still be able to take advantage of this.

Their special is 6 cans of freeze-dried fruit consisting of 2 whole blackberries, 2 peach slices, and 2 orange segments. (These are orange segments, not mandarin orange segments.) While yes, I’ll admit it was a bit of a splurge, when I inhaled the aroma of orange segments I just HAD to make an “Orange Julius” and it was sooo dang yummy. (part of the secret is to add just a smidgen of powdered egg to the drink. It makes it nice and frothy!) I also splurged making a peach cobbler and peach pie. (After all, the stuff I get just isn’t any good to me if I can’t use it to make “normal food”)  I’m afraid to say that I didn’t do anything too special with the blackberries (except throw a few in the peach pie) because I kept munching on them whole. (they are a low glycemic food–like I really took that into consideration while I was scarfing them!) *grin*

Anyway, the cost on their website says the case is $150, which is aggressive especially given the content size. That’s 180 servings of fruit. BUT…if you put in the promo code of “Peaches” when you check out, you’ll get the case for $132.

You can access their site here

So, better late than never, I hope.  Have a SAFE and enjoyable weekend.


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MikeyDee · August 28, 2011 at 8:19 pm

Really glad that I made it in on this one. I doubt that I’ll have much to do with the blackberries. I would like to be able to do this fairly often.
Thank you for the heads up and product.

Sue Mosier · August 28, 2011 at 10:59 pm


I am interested in placing an order for the fruit. I have not tasted any freeze dried fruit. Have you purchased from them more than this order? Is their freeze dried fruit always tasty? Thank you.

    Kellene · August 29, 2011 at 12:22 am

    I don’t recommend any product blind. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed these fruits as I mention in the article. Yum! They also had mangoes, pineapple, strawberries and lots of others in the past. They are picky–but I’d like to think that I help drive that. *grin* I keep things separate between Prep Pro and all of the companies I may tout, but it’s hard to do with Five Star. The owner is none other than my hubby. 🙂 So there’s additional pressure of the stuff being good and have a long shelf-life. That’s probably why you don’t see me recommending their stuff everyday. Too much pressure. hee hee I don’t get involved with any thing that they do other than giving my two cents when there’s something I really like.

Beth · August 30, 2011 at 1:02 am

I just put in my order for two packs (12 cans); the average $22 price per can is a fantastic price. I also signed up for the e-letter so I hope there are other specials in the future. Thanks for the heads-up.

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