Pray for America

It’s always a sad day when we hear on the news about more of our soldiers dying overseas in a war that many of us struggle to understand. Whether it’s one soldier or a dozen who sacrificed their life for their beliefs and the security of this nation, I believe it’s newsworthy. Fortunately the mainstream media feels that way as well.  But what shocks me is when we have 139,000 deaths of our fellow Americans—caused by an FDA approved drug that no one finds even remotely as newsworthy, even though such deaths are more than forty-six times the number of soldiers who died in Iraq. These poor people certainly did not die for so lofty a cause as freedom or protection; rather these deaths resulted because a patient followed their doctor’s recommendation to take a particular medication which was marketed as reducing the risk of heart disease.

Medical Red Tape Means Medical Preparedness Now

Merck and the FDA made hundreds of millions of dollars in the sales and testing, respectively, of the drug called Vioxx, which was approved for market distribution in order to aid  inflammation throughout the body.  In 2004 Merck was forced to take their “wonder drug” off of the market when other, less biased studies showed that taking Vioxx actually doubled the risk of a heart attack.  Memos from Merck proved that they actually knew of the link between Vioxx and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke before they even submitted their information for approval to the FDA—along with the millions of dollars in fees which the FDA requires to get the drug approved. To add insult to injury, Merck is actively petitioning for their drug to be re-released as a viable cancer-inhibiting drug. (Sure it might statistically help cancer because people might possibly die of a heart attack or stroke before the cancer has a chance to kill them.)

Crestor (Rosuvastatin) is another example of drugs gone wrong. It’s well known as a statin drug, one of many that were introduced to the market ostensibly to reduce cholesterol and thus reduce heart disease.  And yet the partakers of statin drugs are required to have their livers tested regularly several times a year* to ensure that the drug has not caused liver damage. If such damage is detected, the only option is to have the patients discontinue taking the statin.

Taking prescriptions as directed is the 3rd largest killer in America

The dangers of Crestor were publicized by numerous reliable medical resources three years before it was removed from the market in 2003, but were completely ignored. Several heart specialists have decried the use of statins, claiming that none of them have ever been proven to benefit heart disease and that every single research study that was conducted on statins was seriously flawed.  In fact, Dr. Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD has taken on the gargantuan task of evaluating every single study which has ever been performed on statins in which the outcome was deemed as “favorable”. He notes his findings in his book  “Ignore the Awkward: How Cholesterol Myths are Kept Alive” and shows blow-by-blow the obvious and ludicrous findings on each and every one—yes, that’s right—not a single studymedical was even remotely conclusive that statins benefit heart disease.

Now, understand that this article isn’t about statins or heart disease or inflammation, rather it’s about being medically independent from one of the most dangerous vulnerabilities we are presently exposed to—prescription drugs.  It would fill at least 30 large research books to show how time and time again, drugs which have been approved by the FDA and paraded across our televisions as being the new wonder drug, are given credibility from within a system that is inherently flawed—seriously flawed.  As independently minded people we need to remind ourselves that just because the FDA approves a drug does not mean it’s safe. Elizabeth Taylor’s marriage history got it right more often than does the pharmaceutical industry and likewise the FDA.

Fifty percent of all of the drugs approved by the FDA have had serious post-approval side effects and that doesn’t even take into account the significant percentage of FDA approved protocols which have no beneficial impact at all. More so, that number also does not take into consideration the number of treatments and actual cures in which the FDA refuses to sanction because the protocol consists of natural ingredients which are not patentable, thus not highly profitable. In fact, during the 1950’s there were several persons who were wealthy and highly involved in actually curing cancer through healthy, natural means. They were willing to pay the millions of dollars required by the FDA to test these natural remedies and thus obtain approval from the FDA. Their requests were ignored; and in many instances the Federal authorities were instead sent to padlock the entrances to the doors of all natural care cancer clinics—causing many of these invaluable resources to flee to Mexico and other nations.

Is our Medical Industry Safe?

60 Minute Episode on Counterfeit Drugs

Recently, “60 Minutes” broadcast a show in March of this year in which they exposed some serious flaws in our pharmaceutical industry, citing authorities who claimed that the pharmaceutical industry is expected to regulate themselves. As you can imagine, that’s not any type of regulation on which most would want to risk their lives. The broadcast featured billions and billions of counterfeit drugs which are dispensed in over 46 different countries, as well as our very own. Two of these countries are Canada and Mexico in which many Americans purchase their everyday medicines in order to save large sums of money. The problem though, is that these counterfeit measures aren’t just a matter of eating a sugar and chalk pill—which can cause death under some circumstances—or a name brand knock-off sold under a familiar brand name; rather these counterfeits contain harmful contaminants manufactured in disgusting conditions. In some instances a less expensive drug, such as a diabetic medicine, is repackaged to look like a more costly medication such as a narcotic. The counterfeits are done so masterfully that medical doctors weren’t able to identify the real medication from the counterfeit; neither are experienced investigators without the use of high-tech tools and a lot of time on their hands. In fact, even the manufacturers had to go to great lengths to evaluate the contents of drugs which looked exactly like the authentic medications. It is estimated that 36 million Americans have purchased their counterfeitmedical medications from realistic-looking online retailers. These drugs are also making their way into your local pharmacies and hospitals! Just as disturbing, when counterfeit drugs are brought into our country via mail, no one holds the authority to destroy the product or file charges to foreign shippers, and instead they simply return the counterfeits to the sender. So clearly there is very little recourse to bring this danger to a lower threat level by nature of any consequences.

Margaret Hamburg, FDA commissioner, says 30-50% of drugs found within other countries are counterfeit, even critical, life-saving drugs. 40% of drugs taken here in the U.S. come from other countries, and 80% of the active ingredients in drugs here are from other nations—this includes the raw ingredients. In 2008 the blood thinner, Heparin, by Baxter (frequently taken by those with chronic kidney disease) one of the raw ingredients from China was counterfeit, in which up to 80 people died! So closely did the counterfeit resemble the actual drug, Heparin, even the manufacturers didn’t detect the adulterants. The pharmaceutical companies are not being held accountable in any way, shape or form. Victorious lawsuits on behalf of the harmed patients are rare as they are always up against well-funded and powerful Goliaths. Yet we’re clearly vulnerable with most of our raw ingredients coming from China and India, which are notorious for their weak regulatory systems.

Also keep in mind that the FDA only investigates 12% of overseas facilities per year. In the world of pharmaceuticals the profits are sky high and the consequences are nearly non-existent. This foreign problem is expected to be monitored by the drug companies themselves who send in-house investigators to their manufacturing sites all over the world.  But what happens when these investigators see serious problems, report them, and their warnings go unheeded as in the case of Cheryl Eckard, former Quality Control Specialist for Glaxo-Smith Kline Pharmaceuticals?

Over a three year period of time, Eckard witnessed numerous instances in which medications were found to be contaminated with bacteria, dangerously mislabeled, with labels that did not accurately reflect the amount of active ingredients which were too strong and/or not strong enough. Imagine the consequences of such dereliction when a drug is being taken for a life or death condition?  These errors were taking place in some of the companies most popular and widely sold drugs! Eckard claimed that so much of their production was “broken—the system itself, equipment, process, communication, etc. It was the worst thing she had run across in her career” with many errors impacting the very same batches of drugs such as the use of waste water and employees contaminating product due to improper hygiene and germ protection (not so great when you’re taking an antibiotic, eh?).  She claimed that powerful medications were getting mixed-up due to a breakdown in the manufacturing process—such processes were ignored for months after she would report the problems. This resulted in different kinds of drugs being packaged in the same bottle—such as Avandia diabetes pills mixed with over-the-counter drug, Tagamet and Paxil, a medication for depression. The problems at a particular plant were so dangerous that in August 2002, Eckard contacted the VP of the company and sounded the alarm that the factory needed to be shut down, trucks needed to be stopped, and nothing else should leave the manufacturing docks. (Interesting that the FDA brought up some concerns regarding the same plant in July of 2002. Remember, FDA plant inspections are only occasional as they expect the drug companies to police themselves.) Her alarm went ignored and the FDA was never notified by GSK even after a local pharmacist called GSK five months later and alerted them to an error in a prescription of Paxil in a 10 mg. dose for an 8 year old male patient. The boy was unknowingly consuming 2.5 times the amount of Paxil than was prescribed for him and was seriously ill as a result. What did GSK do? They filed a report with the FDA about the incident and claimed that it couldn’t have happened in their factory and that there were no significant physical ramifications to the boy taking the higher dose.

Fake Prescription Drugs are rampant in the U.S.

Just as an FYI, GSK operates 80 plants worldwide. Eckard detailed serious problems in 9 plants that she visited, warning GSK that the government would seize the factories if they knew of the problems. She lost her job months later at which time she turned over her reports from GSK to the FDA. Just as she had warned, Federal Agents issued a search warrant and seized hundreds of millions of drugs. Did GSK get in trouble with the FDA? Nope. They got in trouble for “defrauding the government” since the government paid for their drugs with federal tax dollars through the Medicare and Medicaid programs—just a slap on the wrist and a large fine of $300 million dollars, while never admitting that their actions were harmful to anyone.

There are very few other systems in the world that I view as more of a “crap shoot” than the pharmaceutical industry. We rely on bogus research studies funded by the very same persons that will financially benefit from them, prescriptions provided by doctors who necessarily get their information on such drugs from the very companies who manufacture them, international manufacturing standards which are non-existent and in most cases even hidden to the doctors and patients, millions of lives being destroyed each year as a result of the addictions which accompany these drugs, perpetual supply shortages, known life-threatening side effects, accidental deaths due to prescribed drugs (now the 3rd leading cause of death), a litany of unknown side-effects that won’t be uncovered for decades until “enough” people have died or been permanently injured, and prices which are so exorbitant that they are the leading cause of bankruptcies filed in this country. Does any of this sound like a good bet?

Yes, I realize that there are medications which save lives, but unfortunately in today’s world is that the exception, or the rule?  I suspect that if a study was ever funded which accounted for every life saved and every illness cured by the elimination of harmful foods and chemicals in our life, it would be forty-six times more than the lives ostensibly saved by a pill.  Instead each medication brings with it its own set of complications, which then require additional medications and which also causes known cell deterioration over time.

Wouldn’t it be better, safer, healthier, and truly more likely to heal the core of the cause rather than just the symptoms if we looked to safe, natural, solutions which have been successfully practiced by peoples worldwide since the beginning of recordkeeping? Many of these solutions you can control every step of the way yourself with certainty.  True, the alternative world of medicine is not regulated as of yet—and I pray it never will be, to be frank. But clearly the so-called regulation of the drug industry isn’t all it’s cracked up to be either. It may take some work and research to find what the alternative solutions are for your particular health concerns, but there’s only one way to be truly independent of an industry which has been granted far too much unearned credibility over the last century.

Clearly this is a very personal and individual decision, only best made on a case by case basis, but hopefully this information will help you to make a more educated decision in this matter. As I sit back and take stock of my health over this past year in which I made some drastic changes, I am amazed at how bad off I was when I was doing things the “mainstream” way, and how much better I am now that I have taken more personal responsibility for my health and well-being. I hope today’s article will at least give you cause to pause and take stock of the solutions in which you have emotionally and financially invested and determine whether they are worthy of such trust in your life. * All statin medications come with this warning: “It is recommended that liver function tests be performed before and at 12 weeks following both the initiation of therapy and any elevation of dose, and periodically (e.g., semiannually) thereafter.”

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Russ Wayne · July 15, 2011 at 9:50 pm

There is a lot of truth in the statement that medical study results depends on who funds the study. Never the less, I’m keeping my doctor.

“…there are medications which save lives, but unfortunately in today’s world that’s the exception, not the rule,” is a complete falsehood.

    Kellene · July 15, 2011 at 10:00 pm

    I’m not sure why you bother reading this blog if you disagree with its contents so frequently, but if you will re-read the article with the numbers which can be and are verified, you will see that mathematically my statement is correct.

    “50% of all of the drugs approved by the FDA have had serious post-approval side effects”
    “and that doesn’t even take into account the significant percentage of FDA approved protocols which have no beneficial impact at all”
    “36 million Americans have purchased their counterfeit medications”
    “Margaret Hamburg, FDA commissioner, says 30-50% of drugs found within other countries are counterfeit, even critical, life-saving drugs; 40% of drugs taken here in the U.S. come from other countries, and 80% of the active ingredients in drugs here are from other nations—this includes the raw ingredients”
    “FDA only investigates 12% of overseas facilities per year.”

    So when you look at all of those numbers and add them up, tell me, do you see a “majority” of persons whose lives are saved because of medications? No, as a result, since curing with medications are the minority, they are the exception, rather than the rule.

    Oh, and don’t try pinning the “get rid of your doctor” mantra on me. I didn’t say that. But persons may put themselves in unnecessary desperate situations when the day arrives when the luxury of a doctor, ambulance, nurse, or hospital is not available. If they’ve not planned any contingencies for a lack of medical care they may be hurting…Oh wait, actually that’s already beginning to happen for over 50 million people right now as a result of a lack of insurance, a lack of doctors, and a lack of affordability–and this is according to the AMA, CDC, and Congressional Investigations. 45,000 people die every year from a lack of medical care due to a lack of insurance–that’s almost as many as died during the entire Vietnam war.

debbie · July 15, 2011 at 10:32 pm

kellene, you are so right! i work in a hospital generally in an e.r. setting, but also in an outpatient area. i have little faith in the majority of doctors i am associated with. daily i see how they order incorrect exams for their patients. patients come in with lists of drugs they are taking and frequently it is in combinations they should not be taking. doctors don’t spend the time with their patients now that they used to and so don’t really know these patients or their concerns. if you aren’t managing your own healthcare and keeping watch very carefully you can be in serious trouble. be alert, ask questions and definitely do your research.

Karen · July 15, 2011 at 11:27 pm

So scary, and so true! The problem I’ve encountered leaving mainstream medicine is this: there is such differing and opposing views with alternative choices. How to choose?

    Kellene · July 15, 2011 at 11:50 pm

    Karen, the are multiple options for alternative care as opposed to just a handful. The key though is to be thorough in your research or at least confident in the quality of the research you have read. The alternative care industry is a two-edged sword, while it’s not regulated, some can get away with anything and everything. But there are still lots and lots of options out there. Again, this is where the Spiritual aspect of Preparedness comes in handy so that you can cut through the garbage and focus your time and effort on truths.

    Connie Chauvel-Gomez · July 18, 2011 at 7:10 am

    so true…we have seen a Naturopath for three years.

    We get wonderful care and she is as qualified if not more so, to treat us!!

    We even get our supplements (based on testing)from Jane!!

denise · July 16, 2011 at 1:06 am

Once again you have got the mind churning. I have very grave concerns on this subject, stemming from experience in the last round of meds received. They came with a note that the pharmacy had changed providers and my medications would look differently. Well, it acted differently too, so much so I had to request an increase in dosage just to maintain status quo (after demanding tests to ensure the meds were correct to begin with). This has not be of any comfort to me in any manor, you and I will be discussing that at a later date…Thanks again for your thought and discussion provoking article!

William Pope · July 16, 2011 at 2:02 am

I grow my own medication….draw your own conclusions. I always know the actual contents of the education I consume.

William Pope · July 16, 2011 at 2:04 am

Medication…not education. My phone still insists it knows how to spell better than I do.

    Kellene · July 16, 2011 at 3:23 am

    LOL…I hear ya, William. I loathe that my phone does that too. 🙂

Carolyn · July 16, 2011 at 4:50 am

Absolutely right on, Kellene. My doctor and his assistant are so patronizing when I tell them about natural things that keep me off medications. My husband and I are both 69, and he takes statins (too scared about having a second stroke to stop taking them), but I make sure he gets ubiquinol at the same time, as it prevents muscle weakness, one of the side effects of statins.

Over the last two years I have grown wheatgrass in a tray in my kitchen, which I chew every morning, making sure the juice stays in my mouth for several minutes before swallowing. Absorption through the mucous membranes is very effective — I am much more energetic and I have noticed my sight is better. If I miss a couple of days, I can tell the difference. You can look it up online — it really is a miracle food, and so cheap — while using your storage foods, you get your chlorophyll and enzymes from it, and it is OK for gluten intolerant people.

I also grow lentil sprouts — the easiest thing ever — in a quart jar. Talk about great nutrition! Instructions also available online.

Keep up the good work! We’re not crazy.

    Kellene · July 16, 2011 at 5:07 pm

    I would strongly recommend contacting me about using a simple, daily liver cleanse for your hubby since he’s taking the statins. Just my two cents. I love my lentil sprouts too!

chihuahua momma · July 16, 2011 at 11:06 am

I’m so glad you wrote this. My naturopath won’t take any patients on statins who decide to stay on them. If they want to be his patients, the use of statins must stop immediately. He thinks they kill people, contribute Alzheimer’s Disease, cause liver damage…. He just won’t be part of that.

Medical care in the US is so poor. We have such high infant mortality rates compared to other nations in the world. We have so many dangerous drugs on the market that other nations have pulled off, some years ago. Yet, so many people don’t know that. We have the highest Cesarean rates in the world. It is shameful when the World Health Organization says the Cesarean rate should be no more than 10-15% to benefit mothers and infants, yet ours is around 40%. What is wrong with our thinking? So few people even know what is happening to them and how dangerous it is in this nation because we have become guinea pigs to profit drug companies. And this doesn’t even mention the shamefulness of torture that cancer chemotherapy drugs cause. How many people on chemo die from the chemo rather than the disease? It is horrendous.

And it is about time the alarm is sounded. I’m glad you did it. Americans have become lambs to the slaughter at the hands of unsafe FDA approved medications in this nation simply to profit the pockets of giant pharma.

Donnella · July 16, 2011 at 12:50 pm

William & Kellene, you can turn-off that function on your phone.

Great article, Kellene. I am fortunate to have a family physician who does take time with his patients and does listen. Unfortunately, like all physicians, all he has in his tool kit are lab tests and a prescription pad. I dutifully go once a year to compare my blood work with previous years but have told them that if they ever “found anything”, I wouldn’t accept any medication or surgery. Doctors are great if you are bleeding bad or have broken something but common sense and knowledge of God-given herbs and essential oils will alleviate most common ailments.

Holly · July 16, 2011 at 1:46 pm

Very disturbing, but so very true! I’m so grateful that years ago we decided that learning about herbs would be much more beneficial to our family’s health than putting much stock in allopathic medicine. It hits very close to home, as we’ve done so much with that knowledge with such excellent results – and just a few days ago, a colleague I’ve worked with for about 10 years died from complications related to exactly what you’re talking about. A couple of years ago I started working with essential oils, as well, but haven’t put in nearly what I should on those. My 13 year old son has really taken off with them recently (thanks to your radio show – that’s how his interest was really piqued!!)- now he is pushing me to really work with him to understand and use them, and so the other kids and I are learning more and again! Just in a few weeks he’s seen great results with a joint (that’s as in bones and moving parts, lest anyone misunderstand!) problem he’s had since birth – I love that he wants to be in charge of his own health, and that he has tools available – your saying “Knowledge is free – applied knowledge is freedom” has become somewhat of a mantra at our house! This is just another area we need to be knowledgable about!

    Kellene · July 16, 2011 at 5:13 pm

    BTW, I LOVE your e-mail address. 🙂

Charlene · July 16, 2011 at 3:00 pm


I agree with 100% +1. However, I am at a disadvantage. Can you recommend a really good herb book or two. I would especially like to know how grow, harvest, and use them. So many books just focus on pieces of this and so many of them have far too much “fairy” content in them for me. I’m also interested in learning about essential oils. Within our family, we have two major medicines to work on replacing with natural things. One is bipolar and the other is high cholesterol The bipolar use to take 200mg Zoloft a day, but in the past two years has been able to ween to 50 mg a couple times a week. Hoping you might have some ideas where to look and research further. Thanks so much.

    Kellene · July 16, 2011 at 5:12 pm

    Last week I did a show on essential oils that you can download. Also, there’s a great show on after mine every Saturday which you can also download. It’s the Mad Herbalist Show. Contact me directly. I have some suggestions for you regarding your personal scenario. Take care!

      Charlene · July 21, 2011 at 9:45 pm

      Kellene, I tried to send you and email after you indicated I should contact you directly. Don’t know if you received it or not. Is there another email address you want me to try? Thanks for your help. I’m kind of computer stupid.

Beth · July 16, 2011 at 9:41 pm

Great article, as always, Kellene! I have really gotten into growing my own herbs (I still cannot get over all of the things that cilantro does that are amazing for the body!) and learning more and more about natural treatments/medications for what ails our bodies at times. My husband had a serious (had gone on for two months) congestion in his throat this past spring – probably brought on by allergies, but it was very, very bad. The doctor wanted to put him on prednisone and antibiotics…I said to let me give it a try before he went that route…he looked at me stunned – just because I hadn’t wanted to try another “route” BEFORE he went to the doctor! 🙂 Anyway, we did the ginger, anise, lemon thing in tea three times a day, eventually reducing it to once per day and it went away! Not immediately, but he got relief immediately. It has recurred a few times since, but as soon as the symptoms start, we made tea. I am going to look into your Mad Herbalist show. I also would love to know your thoughts regarding a good herb book…I have purchased one and have looked through others and have been a little disappointed (seems like you have to purchase multiple books to get all of the info. you might want).

Kathleen · July 16, 2011 at 10:54 pm

I think a lot of the responsibility for the failure of medical system is our own fault in this country. First we want and demand medications to cure and fix such silly problems as toenail fungus, grow longer eyelashes and have a pill to fix our sexual problems etc. Then we advertise the heck of these things so we think they are important. This causes the pharmacatical companies to look for medication that earn them big bucks and ignore real problems. Like finding saver less sexy medications for problems like heart disease and diabetes or AIDS. And to stop making essential life saving medications for Cardiac arrests or surgery. Also the profit’s made from pushing one med while the patent is active is a huge money maker for them. I have been a nurse in a hospital setting for almost 30 years. I have seen a lot both good and bad. It is interesting that the oldest medication Aspirin which costs about 1 cent a piece is also one of the best medications to take when having a heart attack or stroke. And I work in a HMO hospital that works to keep costs down. I am now seeing old medications being reused again for treatment like blood pressure. Some old things are good when reused. You don’t have to have the new med that is really just a combination of two meds put together in one pill.

The second reason we have failed is that we quit taking responsibility for our own health by our bad habits. Smoking, drinking, recreational drugs and Obesity. One out of four Americans are obese, not just fat . This sets up a cascade in our bodies that leads to other problems, diabetes , heart disease etc. When I started as a nurse having a diabetic or morbidly obese patient was rare, not now having all my patient not be diabetics or weigh over 250 lbs is rare. We eat things now that didn’t exist 30 years ago, (snacks and fast food) in sizes that would have fed a family instead of one person on a special occassion 30 years ago. And we move a lot less, children don’t know that you can actually walk someplace. I see far to many people my age 57 who have bodies of 87 year olds. It’s our own fault the system is overwhelmed. This doesn’t let the pharmacutical companies off the hook for bad business practices.
Or doctors who get fed up and get greedy.

But just remember for everyone of those unethical people there are many in place who do care, who take pride in their knowledge and skill and work damn hard to make real medicine work. And to save and improve lives. Just as many nontraditional practioners do. Mutual respect and taking responsibility for our own bodies is essential. Number one priority for any one who is interested in Preparedness.

Micki · July 17, 2011 at 2:57 am

THANK YOU for writing this post. I’ve never taken the time to check the facts or statistics but just seeing the difference in those who are bound to prescription medication and those who use healthy habits or alternative health routes proves the truth of what I have known for a while and what you have written. I don’t even like taking tylenol for my headaches.(Love my peepermint oil for that.) I worry for people who must depend on taking such chemicals into their bodies and I’m so grateful I’m healthy enough not to have to worry about it! (Knock on wood ;D)

KB · July 17, 2011 at 3:50 am

Back in 2000, I got really, really sick with multiple sclerosis. The first thing they want to do is stuff you with drugs. My initial neurologist told me, “You need to be on an MS drug.” He then handed me a bottle of gabapentin, stating, “Take these if you want to keep working.”
If you don’t already know, MS drugs make you feel like you’ve been kicked in the head by a stubborn mule — the drug was definitely worse than the disease for me. Gabapentin made me feel like I was having some type of seizure … nausea, then electrical charges, involuntary muscle contractions, and a killer headache afterward. Took those drugs for a very little while and then stopped against my neurologist’s advice. My neurologist said, “If you don’t take this MS drug, you’ll only get worse.” Switched doctors.
New neurologist got very, very angry when I told him I wouldn’t take gabapentin (seems to be their drug of choice for neuropathic (nerve) pain).
Switched neurologists.
I then had enough and received a wonderful blessing, changed my lifestyle totally in terms of food, stress, etc., and started visiting an Eastern medicine/Shiatsu practitioner. I am doing amazing. I take no MS drugs and haven’t since that initial spate.
Last neurologist I went to, we didn’t get along either as she didn’t like that I would think for myself and could figure out my problems way, way better than she could. She said, “If I hadn’t seen your MRIs, I would think you are lying about having your disease,” because I haven’t had any MS symptoms in several years (I have had MS since 1994).
I am now basically MS-symptom-free and, thankfully, neurologist-free. I can play tennis. I can walk, jog, you name it. I take no Western drugs except metformin and an occasional Antivert (for their anti-inflammatory and antihistamine benefits). Everything else I take are supplements, which I research until there is no more research to be had before I take.
As a side bar, the FDA has recently issued a “Draft Guideline” regarding supplements and the fact that they want to make any supplement ingredient formulated after 1994 basically “illegal.” You all better stay aware because they are once again trying to ban supplements.
P.S. Any practitioner worth his salt would tell you that supplementing with Coenzyme Q10 is a must if you take any sort of statin drug because they tend to stop the body’s production of Coenzyme Q10; hence, the muscle problems.
P.S.S. Why would anybody take a drug that comes with a warning stating, “…and may cause heart attack, stroke, and even death”?

    Kellene · July 18, 2011 at 4:45 am

    Statins have repeatedly been studied and proven to have NO benefit on the body whatsoever and yet they come with a litany of guaranteed side effects.

    I’m grateful to hear of your success in battling your health problems as you’ve felt led to do so!

    Part of the reason why I’m “sounding the alarm” is so that folks can stock up on what they need now whether it be seeds, supplements or essential oils–not only for preparedness reasons but as a preemptive move in the event the FDA feels like they can stick their nose into such business. I’ve been aggressively purchasing and working with the essential oils and herbs for over a year now and have a goal to have a hefty supply so that I could take care of any non-emergency medical scenario for me and up to 100 others for one year. Fortunately, seeds and essential oils don’t take up much space. 🙂 This not only requires supplies, but a disciplined schedule of research and application. But the efforts and expenses have already paid off several times over.

      KB · July 19, 2011 at 9:15 pm


      If it is okay with you, would you please pass along my email to Beth? It is [email protected]. If it is not what you usually do, could you please suggest another avenue that might be open for me to contact Beth, so that I may let her know the supplements I take? Thank you!!!

    Beth · July 18, 2011 at 8:15 pm

    KB, I would love to know more about what supplements you are taking. I have had recurring issues for the last four years (thus my interest in herbs, etc.) and they are starting to narrow me down to having MS. I DON’T want to take prescription drugs to alleviate/prevent issues with the illness and have done extensive research on-line, but cannot seem to find anything definitive. Any information you would have that you would be willing to share would be so appreciated. Thank you!

    KB · July 19, 2011 at 9:21 pm

    Kellene: P.S. If I inadvertently failed to thank you before for your assistance, THANK YOU!!!..(happy face!!!)

JayJay · July 17, 2011 at 2:16 pm

And just wait till the FDA gets their hands on (or ours off) of supplements…
I just ordered herbal Belladonna from a Natural Health store to see if it will do for me what the prescription I have been taking for 25 years will do.
I’m concerned about my liver and(or)if TSHTF and you can’t get your prescription filled….so, even if this only helps, I have a little back up.

    Kellene · July 18, 2011 at 4:39 am

    one drop of peppermint and one drop of lemon essential oils in a tablespoon of FRESH SQUEEZE lemon juice is one of the most effective yet gentle ways to keep your liver in tip-top shape. I do it every morning but also add a drop of basil essential oil since my body is so toxic from years of pain medications.

JayJay · July 17, 2011 at 2:18 pm

And as for supplements, I take fish oil for healthy heart, garlic tablets for immune system booster, D3 for muscle spasms in left leg.

JayJay · July 17, 2011 at 2:25 pm

Kelleen, let’s be fair..I can’t get through a week without reading one article informing the public what awful crap is injected into our animals…and the hormones injected is half of our weight problem…
Studies just revealed that there is also something given to animals that actually when processed in our bodies tells our brain to shut down our (paraphrasing here)repressive hunger gene…in other words, our brain doesn’t tell our bodies, we’re full.
I can say that I am 5″1″ and have gained more weight in the last 5 years than ever–NO LIFESTYLE CHANGE AND NO CHANGE IN DIET.
I can relate to the article’s findings.

    Kellene · July 18, 2011 at 4:38 am

    One of the most impactful books I’ve ever read is “Why We Get Fat.” It turns the traditional medical and USDA eating school of thought on its ear!

CJ · July 17, 2011 at 11:50 pm

Hi Kellene,

Thanks for the information!

I have thought I should be going to herbs for years but my husband is negative herbs and so are most of my family. I am now on so many pills a day and have so many health issues. I would love a good beginning book for growing and using. I would also love some incite as to what I should do… as a diabetic, heart fibulations, high blood pressure and much more. Yes I am like the nurse describes health wise.


AutumnGal · July 18, 2011 at 1:39 am

To late in the evening to absorb all this info but just had to add my “glad you addressed this issue”! I’m always astounded at the “side effects” from all the meds, or as my accupuncturists calls them, “chemicals”. After receiving a toxic dose of (undisolved) sulfite from a salad bar, I am seriously allergic to so many things like preservatives, flavor enhancers etc and especially prescription drugs. I get hives all over my body with just one dose of every antibiotic I’ve taken.
Kathleen, isn’t it unkind to pass judgement on people with a weight problem? Not everyone appears to have anything “wrong with them” and after years of trying to explain, it’s no longer worth the effort for me. Only from God’s mercy I can walk and am not in a wheelchair or paralyzed.
Kellene, all book suggestions are appreciated on the subject of natural health and healing…. and especially herbs.

Sarah · July 19, 2011 at 5:25 am

When my mom got cancer 8 years ago, she did the whole traditional chemo/radiation route. People tried to tell that broccoli cures cancer, but it sounded so crazy. Later, I got into alternative (I like the name “complementary”) medicine, and learned that Far Infrared (among other things) is a cancer killer, and is even used in Japanese and German cancer centers. When I told my mom all of the amazing (and cheaper, and more gentle) things that work on cancer, she said “why didn’t I know about any of this?” We didn’t even know that there were other legitimate options out there. It’s one thing to say “broccoli cures cancer” and quite another to say that green vegetables help to make your body more alkaline, and cancer needs an acidic environment to survive/flourish.
When I talk to people – especially my family – about complementary medicine, I always back it up with studies and facts. For example, did you know that Vitamin C is good for itchy eyes because your eyes need 25 times the amount than your blood? Your body robs your eyes of vitamin c to fight the allergy, making them itchy. The day I learned that changed my life!
For me personally, if the possible side effect for trying an alternative remedy is mild (like getting the runs from too much vitamin c, which has never happened to me by the way), then I figure it can’t hurt to try. If we were more aware of the side effects of drugs, we wouldn’t be so easily scared off by the possible side effects of remedies.
By the way, a book I enjoyed at the library was “The Magic Teaspoon” by Victoria Zak. It talks about how to use ordinary kitchen spices for your health.

Donnella · July 19, 2011 at 3:16 pm

Kellene, I’m so excited as I just received my copy of Desk Reference For Pure Essential Oils by Dana Clay Young.

Your radio show and blog save me so much money and time as you frequently tip the scales in my decisions on which products to trust and therefore invest. I have other oils purchased from health stores and online but after your interview and learning of the “trojan horse effect”, I’m only comfortable using Be Young oils. I only purchased a couple this time but one was the Birch you recommended on your show about Dentistry When There is no Dentist.

Thanks again for all that you share with us.

    Melissa · March 24, 2012 at 9:55 pm

    I have avoided most all Doctor prescribed medicines for at least the last 10 years, I have found many many natural medicines that work great if not better then the ones the company’s are trying to profit off of. I of course would still go to the doctor if had a major concern but would research any medicine they give me and see if it is for me. I find if I know the problem I can fix it the natural way. why should I be putting money into their pockets and risk my health and the heath of my family? We have to understand they are man made chemicals we are putting into our bodies and chemicals can cause many many problems down the road.

Linda · July 20, 2011 at 12:27 pm

In one of the comments from your article, Sounding the Alarm for Medical Independence, you mentioned a liver clense. Could you let me know what that is. Thank you very much for all you do. I to would like your recommendations for books that can narrow down all the very different opinions concerning alternative and natural health.


trish · March 31, 2012 at 8:51 pm

Dental Health made simple (by an RDH)
Limit snacks to 10 min– don’t graze through the day (It takes more than 30 min for mouth to return to neutral pH after eating. Decay happens in an acidic environment). Sip only water between meals/snacks. Check for the “fuzzies” using your tongue to feel for missed plaque after brushing. Floss each day, thoroughly scraping plaque off the sides of each tooth, both above and below the gums. If you have a perio history, use any ADA Listerine each day/30 seconds. The ADA seal is towards the bottom of the bottle. If you have a cavity history, or have no access to fluoridated water, use a fluoride rinse daily/ 1 minute. Night time clenching/grinding eventually cracks teeth– get a night guard (otc is fine if you can handle their bulk).

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