eggs As I’ve been writing and researching recipes for my Emergency Preparedness cookbook, I’ve had an aversion to using any of my recipes which include eggs except for baking recipes.  While you can use the old egg-substitute concoction of gelatin*, or dry packed eggs, these alternatives are really only good for baking.  Dog gone it.  I KNOW that I’m going to crave real eggs in the midst of a crisis.  So I wanted to figure out a way to preserve fresh eggs for me and my family. (*Note: Egg substitute for use in baking—Before starting a recipe for cookies, cake, etc, combine 1 tsp. of unflavored gelatin with 3 tbsp. of cold water and 2 tbsp. plus 1 tsp. of boiling water.  This mixture will substitute for 1 egg in a baking recipe.)chicken


Raising Chickens for Eggs

Recently I noticed a solid movement of urban communities demanding that their city allow them to raise chickens on their lot for the purpose of having access to fresh eggs.  In fact there’s even an organization formed online that is booming with hundreds of thousands of members specifically to promote this cause.   Personally, I think that a city that would discourage independence of its citizens by forbidding a couple of backyard chickens is an enemy of freedom, but that’s just me.  However, recently a neighboring town just approved a few backyard chickens for residences, and my city is pushing for the same.  So I have hope that I will be raising a couple of chickens in my backyard soon.  (I never would have even entertained such a thought a few years ago.  I’m a far cry from a farmer or even a tomboy.  It’s obvious that I have come a long way in my journey of embracing of the idea that I really DO need to be prepared and as independent as possible.  So there’s hope for the rest of you. *wink*) OK.  So if I can raise the chicken, what good is it if I can’t consume the eggs everyday?  At some point I’ve got to find a way to preserve the eggs without poisoning my family, right?  I’m quite certain that families in “the olden days” had ways of doing so.  So off I went on a mission to discover exactly how this was done.  I’m excited with the information I found and thought I’d pass it on to you.

Here are the basics of preserving eggs:

  1. Be sure to use only fresh eggs.  If any decomposition occurs, you will be unsuccessful.  Also exposure to extreme heat or cold will hinder your preservation process.
  2. eggsYou can use an oil as well, but the oil can go rancid… not exactly what I would want on my eggs.
  3. Store the eggs in a finely ground preservative such as salt, bran, or an equal mix of finely ground charcoal and dry bran or finely ground oats.  You can also store them in finely ground plaster of Paris, but that’s not exactly something that I plan on having on hand regularly.  You can store the eggs layer upon layer, so long as you they don’t touch each other, metal, or wood.  Be sure you have enough finely ground preservative to pack them in.  (You can feed the salt and bran to the cattle afterwards.)
  4. Store the eggs small side down.
  5. Store the eggs in a covered container and keep in a cool, dry place.  You don’t want to store them in freezing temperatures.
  6. Eggs will keep “fresh” for up to 9 months.  In fact, some countries are known to have stored their eggs like this for up to 2 years.

I’ve also read of preserving eggs by placing them in boiling water for 5 to 20 seconds.  I don’t recommend this way as even though they will keep, the texture of the egg is altered a bit from what I want to see when I fry an egg.  And even then they subsequently need to be stored in the salt, etc.  So I see no reason for this particular extra step that would alter the texture. I’m so relieved knowing that this “foodie” doesn’t have to go without her fresh eggs even in a time of crisis now!  Yippee!


Preparedness Pro

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Shreela · May 19, 2009 at 12:35 am

I used that site to check my local laws, which apparently have changed recently. Now Houstonians need to get a note from their doctor to have chickens:

“written certification from a licensed physician that in the opinion of such physician the applicant has need of fresh unfertilized chicken eggs for serious reasons pertaining to said person’s health.”

Then we’d need to be inspected before obtaining a permit.

Shreela · May 19, 2009 at 12:35 am

I used that site to check my local laws, which apparently have changed recently. Now Houstonians need to get a note from their doctor to have chickens:

“written certification from a licensed physician that in the opinion of such physician the applicant has need of fresh unfertilized chicken eggs for serious reasons pertaining to said person’s health.”

Then we’d need to be inspected before obtaining a permit.

highmountainmuse · May 19, 2009 at 1:03 am

What a treat to find your site! Thanks for stopping by mine so I could find you. I never knew about this way to preserve eggs… fascinating and useful, thanks! No matter how you save or preserve them (or don’t in my case but still wait a long while before using them), here’s a trick for testing eggs before use to make sure they are not “bad.” Put the egg or eggs in a pan of cool water. Any eggs that pop to the top are bad – remember, the gas of spoiled eggs is what makes them rise in the water. The good eggs will stay flat in the bottom. Any eggs that raise part way up, I tend to feed those to the dogs…

highmountainmuse · May 19, 2009 at 1:03 am

What a treat to find your site! Thanks for stopping by mine so I could find you. I never knew about this way to preserve eggs… fascinating and useful, thanks! No matter how you save or preserve them (or don’t in my case but still wait a long while before using them), here’s a trick for testing eggs before use to make sure they are not “bad.” Put the egg or eggs in a pan of cool water. Any eggs that pop to the top are bad – remember, the gas of spoiled eggs is what makes them rise in the water. The good eggs will stay flat in the bottom. Any eggs that raise part way up, I tend to feed those to the dogs…

Kellene · May 19, 2009 at 3:08 am

I’d say it’s worth the doctors trip. If there’s a doctor that’s worth his salt, he’d agree that chickens and egg without pesticides, etc is better for you!

Kellene · May 19, 2009 at 3:08 am

I’d say it’s worth the doctors trip. If there’s a doctor that’s worth his salt, he’d agree that chickens and egg without pesticides, etc is better for you!

Marie · May 19, 2009 at 7:42 am

Wow! This information, and the information in the comments about testing eggs to see if they are still good, are going in my emergency notebook so that in the event that I can use it, I will have it. Thanks for finding the info and then sharing it!

    susy q · August 15, 2012 at 5:58 am

    ditto on that. thanks so much for this post:) love your tips. do lots of writing to go in my book.

Marie · May 19, 2009 at 7:42 am

Wow! This information, and the information in the comments about testing eggs to see if they are still good, are going in my emergency notebook so that in the event that I can use it, I will have it. Thanks for finding the info and then sharing it!

    susy q · August 15, 2012 at 5:58 am

    ditto on that. thanks so much for this post:) love your tips. do lots of writing to go in my book.

kelsomom · May 19, 2009 at 2:40 pm

Wow, I had no idea you could ‘keep’ eggs. Can’t wait for my babies to start laying this summer. I found a good site for information about storing. They did an experiment for all the various methods.
Again. You provide such an awesome service 🙂

kelsomom · May 19, 2009 at 2:40 pm

Wow, I had no idea you could ‘keep’ eggs. Can’t wait for my babies to start laying this summer. I found a good site for information about storing. They did an experiment for all the various methods.
Again. You provide such an awesome service 🙂

Milehimama · May 19, 2009 at 7:18 pm

Heh. Stupid HOA gets mad at us for having the GARAGE DOOR open (only allowed for egress or ingress of vehicles; children, bikes, and skateboards don’t count)

And our landlords wonder why we aren’t interesting in buying this house from them…

We are thinking about rabbits, which are allowed… but no eggs there! I did tell the children if we get rabbits, they’re going to have to name them Pork Chop and Chicken Wing, cuz they’ll be food.

Milehimama · May 19, 2009 at 7:18 pm

Heh. Stupid HOA gets mad at us for having the GARAGE DOOR open (only allowed for egress or ingress of vehicles; children, bikes, and skateboards don’t count)

And our landlords wonder why we aren’t interesting in buying this house from them…

We are thinking about rabbits, which are allowed… but no eggs there! I did tell the children if we get rabbits, they’re going to have to name them Pork Chop and Chicken Wing, cuz they’ll be food.

Kimberly · September 2, 2009 at 6:45 am

I just had an idea: What do you think about coating the egg with cheese wax? Then you wouldn’t need vasoline or oil.

Kimberly · September 2, 2009 at 6:45 am

I just had an idea: What do you think about coating the egg with cheese wax? Then you wouldn’t need vasoline or oil.

Kellene · September 2, 2009 at 3:29 pm

Yes, you can do that just fine. Here’s why I don’t though. A)too much more time and energy required. B) Cheese wax is much more expensive C) I use the eggs much more often than the cheese thus removing the wax from teh eggs is more arduous. D) Removing the wax from the eggs and then recycling it for more is very challenging.
By the way, the only reason why I know all of this is because I once had an “idea” much like yours. *wink*

Kellene · September 2, 2009 at 3:29 pm

Yes, you can do that just fine. Here’s why I don’t though. A)too much more time and energy required. B) Cheese wax is much more expensive C) I use the eggs much more often than the cheese thus removing the wax from teh eggs is more arduous. D) Removing the wax from the eggs and then recycling it for more is very challenging.
By the way, the only reason why I know all of this is because I once had an “idea” much like yours. *wink*

Kimberly · September 2, 2009 at 4:18 pm

1. What do you think of coating the eggs with Vaseline? (I read that somewhere.)
2. I can see how a lubricant covering would block air from entering the eggs. How does placing the eggs in salt or bran, etc. block the air?
Thanks Kellen. (All)Your posts are spot on!

Kimberly · September 2, 2009 at 4:18 pm

1. What do you think of coating the eggs with Vaseline? (I read that somewhere.)
2. I can see how a lubricant covering would block air from entering the eggs. How does placing the eggs in salt or bran, etc. block the air?
Thanks Kellen. (All)Your posts are spot on!

Kellene · September 2, 2009 at 5:00 pm

Yes, you can use vaseline. I tried that method as well. It works fine. Again though, I find the mineral oil easier to slather on the egg, less mess when I use the egg and less mess when I store them.
The bran gives them a cool air flow and mimicks hay as well–the method that folks used to use when storing eggs long term to keep them cool. Vaseline and bran don’t mix so well if you’re planning on using the bran.
If you read my 10 Things I Wish I had Known, you’ll see that I’ve come to “see the light” when it comes to using the mineral oil. I use that almost exclusively now.

Kellene · September 2, 2009 at 5:00 pm

Yes, you can use vaseline. I tried that method as well. It works fine. Again though, I find the mineral oil easier to slather on the egg, less mess when I use the egg and less mess when I store them.
The bran gives them a cool air flow and mimicks hay as well–the method that folks used to use when storing eggs long term to keep them cool. Vaseline and bran don’t mix so well if you’re planning on using the bran.
If you read my 10 Things I Wish I had Known, you’ll see that I’ve come to “see the light” when it comes to using the mineral oil. I use that almost exclusively now.

Noelle · September 4, 2009 at 5:25 pm

So, do you use mineral oil AND salt (or whatever) to pack them in?or do you use one or the other. I have chickens, but I would like to preserve extra eggs…

Noelle · September 4, 2009 at 5:25 pm

So, do you use mineral oil AND salt (or whatever) to pack them in?or do you use one or the other. I have chickens, but I would like to preserve extra eggs…

Kellene · September 4, 2009 at 10:41 pm

Just so a search on this blog for preserving eggs…specifically it’s in the article “10 Things I Wish I Had Known.” I use just mineral oil and put them back in the carton they came in.

Kellene · September 4, 2009 at 10:41 pm

Just so a search on this blog for preserving eggs…specifically it’s in the article “10 Things I Wish I Had Known.” I use just mineral oil and put them back in the carton they came in.

Amy · October 8, 2009 at 1:33 pm

Mum mentioned to me the other day they used to preserve their eggs using water glass (sodium silicate). And this was only in the last 40-50 years. I have no idea if it’s still available but it’s interesting to think how quickly things change – this was common practice a generation or two ago & now is almost unheard of.

    CherylOfTheNorthwoods · October 18, 2012 at 1:19 pm

    I have successfully preserved my home grown eggs in waterglass for many years now.. They last well over a year. I use a crock with a 10% waterglass/water ratio. Do not prewash the eggs, but place perfectly clean gently wiped eggs in the solution. Keep the crock in a cool dark location. I use my basement. Just take the number of eggs out that you need, give a quick rinse and they’re ready to use!

      CherylOfTheNorthwoods · October 18, 2012 at 1:21 pm

      Oh, I forgot to tell you where I GOT the waterglass! At Lehman’s of Kidron Ohio. Great mail order service there!

        Kellene Bishop · October 18, 2012 at 5:23 pm

        Any hardware store will carry sodium silicate as well and you can also find it online at Amazons.

Amy · October 8, 2009 at 1:33 pm

Mum mentioned to me the other day they used to preserve their eggs using water glass (sodium silicate). And this was only in the last 40-50 years. I have no idea if it’s still available but it’s interesting to think how quickly things change – this was common practice a generation or two ago & now is almost unheard of.

    CherylOfTheNorthwoods · October 18, 2012 at 1:19 pm

    I have successfully preserved my home grown eggs in waterglass for many years now.. They last well over a year. I use a crock with a 10% waterglass/water ratio. Do not prewash the eggs, but place perfectly clean gently wiped eggs in the solution. Keep the crock in a cool dark location. I use my basement. Just take the number of eggs out that you need, give a quick rinse and they’re ready to use!

      CherylOfTheNorthwoods · October 18, 2012 at 1:21 pm

      Oh, I forgot to tell you where I GOT the waterglass! At Lehman’s of Kidron Ohio. Great mail order service there!

        Kellene Bishop · October 18, 2012 at 5:23 pm

        Any hardware store will carry sodium silicate as well and you can also find it online at Amazons.

Charlene · October 20, 2009 at 12:47 am

I thought I saw somewhere that you indicated your could easily preserve eggs coated in mineral oil in their styrofoam or cardboard containers. However, I can’t find the article – help!
Thanks so much for your wonderful site. Also, If I wax cheese, can I alternately layer them in an open 5 gallon bucket and store them in my basement safely? Do I need to flip them over or keep them from touching like with parchment or something? Would love to see a photo of how you store your waxed cheese. 🙂

    Russell · April 15, 2012 at 3:47 am

    I beleive that was on Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic Chanel at least where I’ve seen it recently mentioned.

    Of course if you get country fresh eggs (not store bought) they can set around in normal tempature for 9 months easy (not sure how long they last in 100 degree weather)

      Kellene Bishop · April 15, 2012 at 9:28 pm

      I’ve not found that to be the case with country eggs lasting that long without any help–certainly not if they are stored in high temps.

Charlene · October 20, 2009 at 12:47 am

I thought I saw somewhere that you indicated your could easily preserve eggs coated in mineral oil in their styrofoam or cardboard containers. However, I can’t find the article – help!
Thanks so much for your wonderful site. Also, If I wax cheese, can I alternately layer them in an open 5 gallon bucket and store them in my basement safely? Do I need to flip them over or keep them from touching like with parchment or something? Would love to see a photo of how you store your waxed cheese. 🙂

    Russell · April 15, 2012 at 3:47 am

    I beleive that was on Doomsday Preppers on National Geographic Chanel at least where I’ve seen it recently mentioned.

    Of course if you get country fresh eggs (not store bought) they can set around in normal tempature for 9 months easy (not sure how long they last in 100 degree weather)

      Kellene Bishop · April 15, 2012 at 9:28 pm

      I’ve not found that to be the case with country eggs lasting that long without any help–certainly not if they are stored in high temps.

Kellene · October 20, 2009 at 1:07 am

Don’t stack the cheese on each other. Let the air circulate around it. One of the two ways I store my cheese is to criss-cross stack it in a bucket. I do not put the lid on the bucket. The most common way I do it though is to wrap it in cheese cloth and hang it from the ceiling.
Here’s the article that talks about the egg preservation.

Kellene · October 20, 2009 at 1:07 am

Don’t stack the cheese on each other. Let the air circulate around it. One of the two ways I store my cheese is to criss-cross stack it in a bucket. I do not put the lid on the bucket. The most common way I do it though is to wrap it in cheese cloth and hang it from the ceiling.
Here’s the article that talks about the egg preservation.

Pinky · February 17, 2011 at 9:34 pm

This is such great information from everybody. We have been keeping chickens for 2 years now. When we have too many eggs, we sell them at church. But we will be getting more chickens and I want to make sure our family is covered first before selling them. It is great to see the different personalities of the different breeds of chickens. They are a lot of fun!

Pinky · February 17, 2011 at 9:34 pm

This is such great information from everybody. We have been keeping chickens for 2 years now. When we have too many eggs, we sell them at church. But we will be getting more chickens and I want to make sure our family is covered first before selling them. It is great to see the different personalities of the different breeds of chickens. They are a lot of fun!

Rachel · May 17, 2011 at 2:38 am

Love all your info and your perspective on being prepared. I agree 100%! Wondering if I try this way to preserve fresh eggs with salt, if I could reuse the salt over and over again? I don’t see why not…. But I’m no expert. Thanks!

    Kellene · May 17, 2011 at 2:38 pm

    since the shells are technically non-porous, I wouldn’t try it with salt. It won’t serve the purpose that mineral oil does. Besides, the mineral oil is cheap and a little bottle goes a long, long way.

Rachel · May 17, 2011 at 2:38 am

Love all your info and your perspective on being prepared. I agree 100%! Wondering if I try this way to preserve fresh eggs with salt, if I could reuse the salt over and over again? I don’t see why not…. But I’m no expert. Thanks!

    Kellene · May 17, 2011 at 2:38 pm

    since the shells are technically non-porous, I wouldn’t try it with salt. It won’t serve the purpose that mineral oil does. Besides, the mineral oil is cheap and a little bottle goes a long, long way.

Denise · June 18, 2011 at 6:28 pm

I have had to start a notebook with all the information I am learning about! You are awesome Kellene and those who post here are awesome as well and ask the questions I am asking!

Denise · June 18, 2011 at 6:28 pm

I have had to start a notebook with all the information I am learning about! You are awesome Kellene and those who post here are awesome as well and ask the questions I am asking!

[email protected] · November 20, 2011 at 6:12 pm

So excited to find you! Do you oil eggs, put back in cartons, and THEN put in bran or salt?

[email protected] · November 20, 2011 at 6:12 pm

So excited to find you! Do you oil eggs, put back in cartons, and THEN put in bran or salt?

KoryN · May 4, 2012 at 6:32 am

Wow what good information. I just found your website and will be a regular reader now. I’m definitely going to try the mineral oil for eggs. Thank you for a great post.

KoryN · May 4, 2012 at 6:32 am

Wow what good information. I just found your website and will be a regular reader now. I’m definitely going to try the mineral oil for eggs. Thank you for a great post.

Echo · December 6, 2012 at 10:38 pm

Okay, I’ve read through the article and the comments, but I’m still unsure of something. Can I buy eggs that have been refrigerated at the grocery store and then use the mineral oil for long term storage? One comment said no, can’t shelf-store an egg once it has been in a refrigerator, but another post discussed buying eggs for sale at walmart and doing this, and I know they will be stored in the frig at wallyworld. I have my mineral oil and have room in my frig for six dozen eggs, so I was planning on just keeping them there and then if the power goes out, put the mineral oil on and store them. Will this work?

Echo · December 6, 2012 at 10:38 pm

Okay, I’ve read through the article and the comments, but I’m still unsure of something. Can I buy eggs that have been refrigerated at the grocery store and then use the mineral oil for long term storage? One comment said no, can’t shelf-store an egg once it has been in a refrigerator, but another post discussed buying eggs for sale at walmart and doing this, and I know they will be stored in the frig at wallyworld. I have my mineral oil and have room in my frig for six dozen eggs, so I was planning on just keeping them there and then if the power goes out, put the mineral oil on and store them. Will this work?

Kellene Bishop · December 7, 2012 at 12:39 am

Yes, you most certainly CAN use this method on eggs which have already been refrigerated. Stick with what I specifically write and you’ll be fine. I’d have to eliminate half of the comments if I deleted every one of them that was mistaken. However, you should know that I only use Waterglass/sodium silicate now instead of mineral oil because it’s not a petroleum product.
The time to put the mineral oil on the eggs is when you first purchase them and the whole reason to preserve the eggs NOW is so that you don’t have to take up refrigerator space.

Kellene Bishop · December 7, 2012 at 12:39 am

Yes, you most certainly CAN use this method on eggs which have already been refrigerated. Stick with what I specifically write and you’ll be fine. I’d have to eliminate half of the comments if I deleted every one of them that was mistaken. However, you should know that I only use Waterglass/sodium silicate now instead of mineral oil because it’s not a petroleum product.
The time to put the mineral oil on the eggs is when you first purchase them and the whole reason to preserve the eggs NOW is so that you don’t have to take up refrigerator space.

Karen Pechin · January 3, 2013 at 10:51 pm

If they are fresh eggs that haven’t been washed, is there a need to coat them with mineral oil? Wouldn’t they still have their natural coating?

Karen Pechin · January 3, 2013 at 10:51 pm

If they are fresh eggs that haven’t been washed, is there a need to coat them with mineral oil? Wouldn’t they still have their natural coating?

Kellene Bishop · January 4, 2013 at 3:23 am

The bloom deteriorates after 7 to 10 days at the most.

Kellene Bishop · January 4, 2013 at 3:23 am

The bloom deteriorates after 7 to 10 days at the most.

Kellie Sanders · July 3, 2013 at 3:47 pm

So I can put mineral oil on my fresh eggs as long as they havent been wash. At what temperature should the room be?

Thank you,

    Kellene Bishop · July 4, 2013 at 5:29 am

    They can be washed. There are other articles that expound on this method too. Best storage conditions though is cool, (less then 70 degrees), dry, and dark.

Kellie Sanders · July 3, 2013 at 3:47 pm

So I can put mineral oil on my fresh eggs as long as they havent been wash. At what temperature should the room be?

Thank you,

    Kellene Bishop · July 4, 2013 at 5:29 am

    They can be washed. There are other articles that expound on this method too. Best storage conditions though is cool, (less then 70 degrees), dry, and dark.

Col McNinch · January 3, 2014 at 5:10 pm

The old folks used to store
The old folks used to store meat in clean,shifted oak wood ash’s from wood stove. Would that not work as well with fresh chicken eggs?Would you need to do the mineral oil also? CM

    Preparedness Pro · January 3, 2014 at 7:17 pm

    Ashes is one of the many ways

    Ashes is one of the many ways that folks used to store eggs, however, they won’t store as long though. Sawdust is another way as well. These are both alternatives to mineral oil. I find that the oil is the method that is easiest and more realistic for me to use, though nowadays I use jojoba oil instead of mineral for health purposes.

Col McNinch · January 3, 2014 at 5:10 pm

The old folks used to store
The old folks used to store meat in clean,shifted oak wood ash’s from wood stove. Would that not work as well with fresh chicken eggs?Would you need to do the mineral oil also? CM

    Preparedness Pro · January 3, 2014 at 7:17 pm

    Ashes is one of the many ways

    Ashes is one of the many ways that folks used to store eggs, however, they won’t store as long though. Sawdust is another way as well. These are both alternatives to mineral oil. I find that the oil is the method that is easiest and more realistic for me to use, though nowadays I use jojoba oil instead of mineral for health purposes.

Nicola Singleton · August 30, 2014 at 5:39 pm

Hi, I’m from the uk. I was
Hi, I’m from the uk. I was just wondering why kind of mineral oil to use. As there are many types on eBay to choose from?

    Preparedness Pro · August 31, 2014 at 6:57 pm

    Use coconut oil or jojoba oil
    Use coconut oil or jojoba oil instead Or, even better, you have broad access to a better product called KePeg. It’s THE BEST.

Nicola Singleton · August 30, 2014 at 5:39 pm

Hi, I’m from the uk. I was
Hi, I’m from the uk. I was just wondering why kind of mineral oil to use. As there are many types on eBay to choose from?

    Preparedness Pro · August 31, 2014 at 6:57 pm

    Use coconut oil or jojoba oil
    Use coconut oil or jojoba oil instead Or, even better, you have broad access to a better product called KePeg. It’s THE BEST.

J · September 12, 2014 at 11:58 pm

Read that eggs that you buy
Read that eggs that you buy in the groceries refrigerated section have already been washed. With that, the original nature-made protective coating is lost. That’s why it’s best to get eggs before they ever get refrigerated. Then I suppose storing them in salt is probably best. That coating is like a water-proofing, so I bet oiling them is unnecessary.

    Preparedness Pro · September 14, 2014 at 6:03 am

    3 reasons why I’m not sure if
    3 reasons why I’m not sure if you read the article…

    1) nowhere do we mention keeping the bloom ON the eggs. Yes, they have been washed an refrigerated at the store, but I don’t’ suggest anything on here that I haven’t already tried or have been doing for a long time.

    2) Even fresh eggs that I purchase have the bloom washed off. The bloom naturally expires after about 10 days anyway, so when you’re talking about keeping eggs for 9 months, the bloom is irrelevant.

    3) “Storing them in salt” is NOT the best. The measures I’ve suggested are the most tried and true methods, many of which are STILL in practice in 1st world nations that don’t have a government that puts its nose into matters that they have no business or authorization to do, and definitely are those which have been practiced for centuries.

    Preparedness Pro · September 14, 2014 at 6:06 am

    3 reasons why I’m not sure if
    3 reasons why I’m not sure if you read the article…

    1) nowhere do we mention keeping the bloom ON the eggs. Yes, they have been washed an refrigerated at the store, but I don’t’ suggest anything on here that I haven’t already tried or have been doing for a long time.

    2) Even fresh eggs that I purchase have the bloom washed off. The bloom naturally expires after about 10 days anyway, so when you’re talking about keeping eggs for 9 months, the bloom is irrelevant.

    3) “Storing them in salt” is NOT the best. Oiling is best because only OIL can fill in all of the micro sized pores in the egg shell. Salt, of course cannot do that. The measures I’ve suggested are the most tried and true methods, many of which are STILL in practice in 1st world nations that don’t have a government that puts its nose into matters that they have no business or authorization to do, and definitely are those which have been practiced for centuries.

    Preparedness Pro · September 14, 2014 at 6:07 am

    3 reasons why I’m not sure if
    3 reasons why I’m not sure if you read the article…

    1) nowhere do we mention keeping the bloom ON the eggs. Yes, they have been washed an refrigerated at the store, but I don’t’ suggest anything on here that I haven’t already tried or have been doing for a long time.

    2) Even fresh eggs that I purchase have the bloom washed off. The bloom naturally expires after about 10 days anyway, so when you’re talking about keeping eggs for 9 months, the bloom is irrelevant.

    3) “Storing them in salt” is NOT the best. Oiling is best because only OIL can fill in all of the micro sized pores in the egg shell. Salt, of course cannot do that. The measures I’ve suggested are the most tried and true methods, many of which are STILL in practice in 1st world nations that don’t have a government that puts its nose into matters that they have no business or authorization to do, and definitely are those which have been practiced for centuries.

J · September 12, 2014 at 11:58 pm

Read that eggs that you buy
Read that eggs that you buy in the groceries refrigerated section have already been washed. With that, the original nature-made protective coating is lost. That’s why it’s best to get eggs before they ever get refrigerated. Then I suppose storing them in salt is probably best. That coating is like a water-proofing, so I bet oiling them is unnecessary.

    Preparedness Pro · September 14, 2014 at 6:03 am

    3 reasons why I’m not sure if
    3 reasons why I’m not sure if you read the article…

    1) nowhere do we mention keeping the bloom ON the eggs. Yes, they have been washed an refrigerated at the store, but I don’t’ suggest anything on here that I haven’t already tried or have been doing for a long time.

    2) Even fresh eggs that I purchase have the bloom washed off. The bloom naturally expires after about 10 days anyway, so when you’re talking about keeping eggs for 9 months, the bloom is irrelevant.

    3) “Storing them in salt” is NOT the best. The measures I’ve suggested are the most tried and true methods, many of which are STILL in practice in 1st world nations that don’t have a government that puts its nose into matters that they have no business or authorization to do, and definitely are those which have been practiced for centuries.

    Preparedness Pro · September 14, 2014 at 6:06 am

    3 reasons why I’m not sure if
    3 reasons why I’m not sure if you read the article…

    1) nowhere do we mention keeping the bloom ON the eggs. Yes, they have been washed an refrigerated at the store, but I don’t’ suggest anything on here that I haven’t already tried or have been doing for a long time.

    2) Even fresh eggs that I purchase have the bloom washed off. The bloom naturally expires after about 10 days anyway, so when you’re talking about keeping eggs for 9 months, the bloom is irrelevant.

    3) “Storing them in salt” is NOT the best. Oiling is best because only OIL can fill in all of the micro sized pores in the egg shell. Salt, of course cannot do that. The measures I’ve suggested are the most tried and true methods, many of which are STILL in practice in 1st world nations that don’t have a government that puts its nose into matters that they have no business or authorization to do, and definitely are those which have been practiced for centuries.

    Preparedness Pro · September 14, 2014 at 6:07 am

    3 reasons why I’m not sure if
    3 reasons why I’m not sure if you read the article…

    1) nowhere do we mention keeping the bloom ON the eggs. Yes, they have been washed an refrigerated at the store, but I don’t’ suggest anything on here that I haven’t already tried or have been doing for a long time.

    2) Even fresh eggs that I purchase have the bloom washed off. The bloom naturally expires after about 10 days anyway, so when you’re talking about keeping eggs for 9 months, the bloom is irrelevant.

    3) “Storing them in salt” is NOT the best. Oiling is best because only OIL can fill in all of the micro sized pores in the egg shell. Salt, of course cannot do that. The measures I’ve suggested are the most tried and true methods, many of which are STILL in practice in 1st world nations that don’t have a government that puts its nose into matters that they have no business or authorization to do, and definitely are those which have been practiced for centuries.

JennB · September 24, 2014 at 1:44 pm

I just found you site, LOVE
I just found you site, LOVE it! I am just confused, have searched through these comments and the different posts, after all the years of preserving eggs, which is it that you would recommend today. I found different things you recommended on different years.
Sept 2009 Mineral Oil
Dec 2012 Sodium Silicate
Aug 2014 Coconut oil or Jojoba oil
Did you try the coconut oil? did you find it to work as well as other oils? And from this post I can not quite understand how exactly to store in salt or bran?
Thanks for any clarification you can give me! I really want to start this!

    Preparedness Pro · September 24, 2014 at 4:53 pm

    ALL choices are viable. I
    ALL choices are viable. I prefer sodium silicate or jojoba oil now as they’ve altered the chemical makeup of the mineral oil and the fact that I actually am better informed about the use of petroleum products which mineral oil is.

JennB · September 24, 2014 at 1:44 pm

I just found you site, LOVE
I just found you site, LOVE it! I am just confused, have searched through these comments and the different posts, after all the years of preserving eggs, which is it that you would recommend today. I found different things you recommended on different years.
Sept 2009 Mineral Oil
Dec 2012 Sodium Silicate
Aug 2014 Coconut oil or Jojoba oil
Did you try the coconut oil? did you find it to work as well as other oils? And from this post I can not quite understand how exactly to store in salt or bran?
Thanks for any clarification you can give me! I really want to start this!

    Preparedness Pro · September 24, 2014 at 4:53 pm

    ALL choices are viable. I
    ALL choices are viable. I prefer sodium silicate or jojoba oil now as they’ve altered the chemical makeup of the mineral oil and the fact that I actually am better informed about the use of petroleum products which mineral oil is.

John Swift · May 5, 2015 at 10:02 pm

I am astonished that you need
I am astonished that you need permission to keep a few chickens in the USA. In the UK you just go out and buy your chickens. The thought of asking a doctor for a chitty to authorize you to buy chickens is bizarre. What about civil liberties? I thought America was “The land of the free”. Doesn’t sound very free to me.

    Preparedness Pro · May 8, 2015 at 3:35 pm

    Unfortunately, America is
    Unfortunately, America is becoming less and less free. I mourn the loss of her liberties daily!

John Swift · May 5, 2015 at 10:02 pm

I am astonished that you need
I am astonished that you need permission to keep a few chickens in the USA. In the UK you just go out and buy your chickens. The thought of asking a doctor for a chitty to authorize you to buy chickens is bizarre. What about civil liberties? I thought America was “The land of the free”. Doesn’t sound very free to me.

    Preparedness Pro · May 8, 2015 at 3:35 pm

    Unfortunately, America is
    Unfortunately, America is becoming less and less free. I mourn the loss of her liberties daily!

Lilly · June 14, 2015 at 10:35 am

If I coat my fresh-laid eggs
If I coat my fresh-laid eggs with mineral oil, won’t it eventually “soak” in and make the eggs taste “oily” when I use them in recipes? I do not wash my eggs and have never had any rotten eggs. As far as some of the other methods, is the sodium silicate the same as the silica that can be used to dry flowers? I have lots of that. I’d rather use that than mineral oil if it would help preserve the eggs. Would coconut oil work as well as mineral oil? I know coconut oil is good for us, and I don’t think it would taste bad if it soaked into the eggs.

    Preparedness Pro · June 15, 2015 at 7:10 pm

    No it doesn’t make the eggs
    No it doesn’t make the eggs taste oily.
    Yes, you can use coconut oil or sodium silicate.
    No, sodium silicate is not quite the same as silica, but at least the SS isn’t a petroleum product like the mineral oil.
    You can also use Jojoba oil.

      Deb · September 28, 2015 at 2:19 am

      I’ve watched how to use
      I’ve watched how to use Sodium Silicate (I think). I thought it was scary. Can you tell me where you find good Jojoba oil? Thank you.

        Preparedness Pro · September 28, 2015 at 4:16 am


Lilly · June 14, 2015 at 10:35 am

If I coat my fresh-laid eggs
If I coat my fresh-laid eggs with mineral oil, won’t it eventually “soak” in and make the eggs taste “oily” when I use them in recipes? I do not wash my eggs and have never had any rotten eggs. As far as some of the other methods, is the sodium silicate the same as the silica that can be used to dry flowers? I have lots of that. I’d rather use that than mineral oil if it would help preserve the eggs. Would coconut oil work as well as mineral oil? I know coconut oil is good for us, and I don’t think it would taste bad if it soaked into the eggs.

    Preparedness Pro · June 15, 2015 at 7:10 pm

    No it doesn’t make the eggs
    No it doesn’t make the eggs taste oily.
    Yes, you can use coconut oil or sodium silicate.
    No, sodium silicate is not quite the same as silica, but at least the SS isn’t a petroleum product like the mineral oil.
    You can also use Jojoba oil.

      Deb · September 28, 2015 at 2:19 am

      I’ve watched how to use
      I’ve watched how to use Sodium Silicate (I think). I thought it was scary. Can you tell me where you find good Jojoba oil? Thank you.

        Preparedness Pro · September 28, 2015 at 4:16 am


jrey · February 6, 2016 at 3:20 am

The article you have written
The article you have written is nice and informative. I have chickens and roosters, which I use for multi-purpose; I raise the roosters for meat, the chickens for eggs and for hatching the fertile eggs ( their viability goes down after the bloom wears off in about 10 days). I have used the preserving method at cool room temp. I didn’t know others were also doing that. Other methods I think are great are to pickle them with chile; and lastly to cook the eggs, make burritos and freeze them. This saves a lot of cooking time in the long run.

jrey · February 6, 2016 at 3:20 am

The article you have written
The article you have written is nice and informative. I have chickens and roosters, which I use for multi-purpose; I raise the roosters for meat, the chickens for eggs and for hatching the fertile eggs ( their viability goes down after the bloom wears off in about 10 days). I have used the preserving method at cool room temp. I didn’t know others were also doing that. Other methods I think are great are to pickle them with chile; and lastly to cook the eggs, make burritos and freeze them. This saves a lot of cooking time in the long run.

Cindy · July 24, 2016 at 6:54 pm

Would using glycerin or
Would using glycerin or castor oil work? I thought I had read somewhere about glycerin being ok…?

    Preparedness Pro · July 25, 2016 at 12:17 am

    I’ve not actually tried
    I’ve not actually tried either of those nor have I come across the use of either in my research, including antiquated methods. So I wouldn’t try it personally.

Cindy · July 24, 2016 at 6:54 pm

Would using glycerin or
Would using glycerin or castor oil work? I thought I had read somewhere about glycerin being ok…?

    Preparedness Pro · July 25, 2016 at 12:17 am

    I’ve not actually tried
    I’ve not actually tried either of those nor have I come across the use of either in my research, including antiquated methods. So I wouldn’t try it personally.

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