Some time ago I was greatly disturbed by an article which announced that a state judge ruled that New York Subway  employees who stood by as mere spectators as as a young woman was gang-raped were innocent of any wrong doing.  The judge stated that the workers had no obligation to help the girl regardless of the all of the safe options that such onlookers had to help the woman such as the telephone, walkie-talkies, or at least the intercom system.


When you read of this incident, how does it make you feel?

Subway Rapist Victim’s Shock

She cried rape — and no one helped, Woman attacked on subway platform as workers looked on

Here’s another one for you. In Seattle Washington three uniformed security guards, grown men who appear to have no visible disabilities, apathetically stood by and just watched as a teenage girl was viciously beaten by a single, skinny, scrawny teenage girl.  The victim of the beating deliberately made her way over to the three security guards in an attempt to avoid a physical conflict with the attacker.  At one point the victim specifically stood behind one of the guards only to have him step out of the way in what looked like an attempt to get out of the way as the drama unfolds. You can’t watch the video of this graphic beating without asking yourself WHY? Why did these men do nothing to assist the victim other than make a call on their radios?  I can’t help but thinking “Who are they calling? MORE security guards?”

Guards stand by during brutal attack

The follow-up news on this story indicates that there was no professional or civil accountability required of these “security” guards.  Again I ask, what do you think of this? How does it make you feel? Would you have done anything different if you were in any of the onlookers position?

Lastly, I posted an article recently on the my personal Facebook page about an incident in which law enforcement, firefighter and EMP personnel stand by and simply watch as a man drowns in the San Francisco Bay blaming the recent budget cuts and accompanying policy that prevented them from doing anything to save the man.

Handcuffed by policy,’ fire and police crews watch man drown

Once again I ask, what would you do?  What do you at least hope you would do?

Unfortunately we don’t have to look very hard to find horrific instances of mothers intentionally starving their children, military and civilians alike taking their own lives, or children and caregivers habitually abusing the elderly or mentally ill. While the news articles point to the obvious offenders of these evil acts, we don’t usually see anything mentioned about the OTHERS–the bystanders—such as all of the people who stood by and watched the security officers do nothing to help the teenage girl as her head is being kicked and crushed at their feet.  While it was city employees who did nothing to rescue the drowning man, do any of us shrug our shoulders and absolve the 75 other onlookers of any moral responsibility to help simply because the man was trying to commit suicide?  Would any of us do nothing if we witnessed irrefutable evidence that a parent was intentionally starving their child?  Does anyone empathize with the inaction of all bystanders and dismiss any responsibility of any of the persons in the previous articles to render aid, safety, or protection?

More specifically, are there any of you who are sitting there reading this who are saying to yourself “You know what, if ever I see a person in need of help, I am deliberately making a decision right now that I won’t do a single thing to render any aid to that person.  In fact, I’m in favor of suicide if a person’s life is too tough, I think that too many kids are fat nowadays so a little starvation is actually benevolent, old people are on their way out anyway so they’re dispensable, and I think that teenage girls beating each other should be a new show on cable”?

Then again perhaps you’re thinking “Kellene really shouldn’t attempt to write articles late into the night.” Ah, but if you know me even a tiny bit, you know I’m about to make a significant point here.

If none of these instances I’ve shared with you today are acceptable then how can any of us justify intentionally PLANNING and PREPARING to contribute to such societal ills in the future?  You see, apathy and inaction is not benign—as clearly pointed out in the articles I’ve shared with you today. The adversary would have us all believe that as long as we’re not actively doing anything “wrong” then our hands are clean. But that’s simply not true as clearly illustrated in these accounts.  Apathy, inaction, laziness, etc. all have very serious consequences. If we aren’t proactively preparing for our future safety, security, health, and well-being, then we are literally planning to embrace the serious consequences. Just as there’s plenty of evidence in these stories for us to feel that a WRONG has been committed, so too does the evidence around us indicate that we have need to take action NOW to be prepared for tough times which are surely ahead.

“I don’t have enough room. I don’t have enough time. Money is tight right now. My mother has taken care of everything in that department. Nothing bad is going to happen. I pay my taxes so I expect the government to help. I don’t want to survive if things get really rough anyway. I’m afraid what others will think of me. It’s against the law to “hoard”.  Look at these excuses.  Do you see how each and every one of them clearly parallels the justification held by these apathetic spectators??  Those who justify their lack of preparedness efforts today with ANY of the litany of worn-out excuses used by 99% of this nation’s citizenry are truly no less guilty of harming themselves, their family and their fellowmen than those depicted in these scenarios I’ve provided.

Suppose you could see into the future and you can see that your only grandchild was going to suffer from a terminal illness 3 years from now, would you do anything today to save her or to mitigate any of her suffering?  If you KNEW that you would be jobless 12 months from now, would you live your life any differently today to avoid some of the consequences?  If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, would you select Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan or Iraq? Would you deliberately drive your moped into the worst part of Los Angeles at 3:00 a.m. with hundred dollar bills stuffed in the two-piece string bikini you’re wearing? My point is that we CAN see into the future in these respects. Indisputable evidence of tough times ahead is all around us.  We know that chances are strong that our currency will lose more of its value; 80% of the U.S. is ripe for a massive earthquake; the phrase job security is fast becoming an oxymoron;  a record number of horrible weather in our key farming area means stark increases in all of our food costs; we have no reason to believe that OPEC will ever send gas prices back down below $2. Clearly, I could go on and on here. There are plenty of indicators that tell us that we have cause to strengthen our homes and draw our families closer to us. If we are bluntly honest with ourselves, anything other than this kind of proactive behavior is akin to being an empty, soulless human being.

Lastly, for those of you who do believe that the words of the scriptures are true and that we are warned time and time again therein to “prepare, watch and be ready”, can we possibly expect our hands to be clean if we do nothing today to prepare for the tumultuous times of which He’s warned us? I realize that some of us may be spectators that are scared stiff; scared because we are so overwhelmed with all that we feel must be done, that we  feel defeated before we even begin. But may I suggest that instead we take comfort in all of the scriptural accounts in which all He asks of us is that we do our very best and that He will then meet such efforts with all of the rest. Instead of being paralyzed by the size of the task He’s assigned to us, focus on just the five loaves and fishes, and then add a little more, and a little more.  Frankly, I see that exact promise fulfilled on a regular basis in my home. I contribute 2 measly hours to couponing each week and I have shelves overflowing. I spend an hour writing an article, and I get an e-mail sharing how it’s helped one person’s life. I spend 15 minutes each day watering, weeding, and feeding my plants and I have big beautiful salads to show for it.  Yup, I don’t think I’ll find Him indebted to me any time soon. Just breathe and DO.

Might I suggest also that you use the Ten Principles of Preparedness as your foundation in your preparedness efforts and simply commit to yourself and those who may rely on you someday that you’ll do a little better in being self-reliant every day. We may feel like little grasshoppers up against giant possibilities at times, but as in all of the mournful scenarios I’ve shared today, something—anything—would have made a world of difference to the victims and more importantly will make a world of difference in your own life.

Author’s Note: I’m likely “preaching to the choir” with this article today. However, it’s my hope that perhaps it may help you in your efforts to sway those you love towards understanding and acceptance of a self-reliant life.

Preparedness Pro

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tammy · June 10, 2011 at 7:34 am

Ok wow!!!@ what a great comparison, thanks so much for the perspective and encouragement. and for always being willing to answer my questions 🙂 🙂 🙂

Danielle V · June 10, 2011 at 8:33 am

We are doing the best we can-on $600 a month. That is not extra, that is ALL for a family of 5. I do use coupons to the best I can (wish I lived in your state LOL-we are very limited) It really does help! I wish I could say this great article will help when talking to my family, but it wont. Unless you put it on TV, they wont care. I was couponing for 1 1/2 yrs, but family thought I was nuts. Now they want me to show them since it has been on TLC. My sister made fun of me for buying gallons of water, as she was wanting to borrow food because her power was out for 24 hours and she had NOTHING. Other sister was asking people for gas money after she was talking about renting furniture and a new computer for $500 a month!

I might not have the money for something, but it goes on my ‘to do/get’ list. And slowly I try and get it. Though I suffer from lupus/depression/anxiety, and have flares and spells, I still try and learn as much as I can. Knowledge is power-your posts are all very informative.

    Kellene · June 10, 2011 at 3:23 pm

    Way to go Danielle. People like you are the Heroes of our Society in my book!

TheLight · June 10, 2011 at 12:04 pm

Your main duty is to yourself, then your family, your friends, and finally your community, in that order (my opinion). If you get involved in something where there is significant risk to you, you put your obligations at risk as well. I, for one, will act because I feel a moral obligation to do so. It also doesn’t hurt that I’ve trained to deal with scenarios like that so my physical risk is minimized. However I don’t hold others up to my higher standards: it’s too disappointing, too often. Instead I choose to associate with those of a higher quality and try to push others to be better.
Another major problem with our society is the “sue” reaction. If I, as a security guard, physically restrained a 15 year old I’d be up for all sorts of charges; from assault to kidnapping (no joke). When a first reaction is to sue, is it any wonder people don’t act? It’s a shame, really…

    Sandman · June 10, 2011 at 9:07 pm

    I know that we all talk in terms of our physical existence and I mean no disrespect to The Light. We need to learn that we are not physical beings having a spiritual experience but rather we are spiritual beings having a human experience. While I understand the need to preserve and protect one’s self our main duty is to our creator first and foremost. WE must act to protect those that need our help if at all possible but must first assure our salvation and our eternity.

    Sue · June 10, 2011 at 11:48 pm

    I disagree. If you wear a uniform and call yourself “security”, then security is what you are being paid for – to keep your area secure. You are not only more obligated as a uniformed employee to stop “insecure” or “security risk” situations than the ordinary bystander, that is your job! Anyone wearing a uniform and acting “under color of law” is morally obligated to be security-minded at all times – even when they are off-duty. I say morally. Your actions these days would be on-camera somewhere and if you do your job in a professional manner (there are techniques trained personnel can use that stand up in a court of law), you would be safe from prosecution. Also, when you are on the job and you are doing your paid duty to maintain security, and you are sued for doing so, your employer has to back you up legally because you are their employee doing performing your job duties. When I worked for the prison system, we were told that the Department of Corrections would pay for legal fees if faced with a lawsuit while performing our duties in a proper manner. We had to take unarmed self-defense yearly to refresh and update our skills. Besides that, you are a human being and should have enough natural humanity to come to the rescue of anyone weaker than you in dire need of your help (as long as it does not seriously endanger your own life to do so).

Karen · June 10, 2011 at 1:41 pm

Every day,when I work towards my goals, I feel more powerful, and more peaceful. I’ll be canning meat for the first time come Monday!

tricia · June 10, 2011 at 2:21 pm

Definitely a picture of our culture. Sad and scary at the same time. What’s funny about security guards is that most of the time we as bystanders in an open carry state are usually more armed than they are. In fact, what exactly are they for anyway? They certainly aren’t very intimidating. So why should a would be criminal even think twice of committing a crime in their presence? Thanks for sharing these stories.

Jim · June 10, 2011 at 8:30 pm

One of your better articles, Kellene – it is going to everyone I know. Thanks for all you do.


Cliff · June 10, 2011 at 10:19 pm

I have always believed and always practiced that protection of the family comes first, but protection of innocents is close behind. There is no way that I will stand idly by and watch a woman be raped, a person be stomped, or a store robbed if within my power to prevent (I will take a line from an oath that I took at an altar that stated certain things that I would do “I will fly to the aid (part deleted here) provided their be greater likelihood of saving his life than of losing my own”.) That is a moral imperative.
I have been to war, I know how to end a life. I know how to save a life. I carry my sidearm always, along with backup ammo (Glock 23 with 13 .40 S&W rounds loaded and 2 spare 13 round magazines). I walk funny when I’m not carrying. Bottom line is if I see an innocent being harmed, I will intervene. I won’t intervene with a weapon unless I have to. Many times an aggressive stride towards the offenders with a determined look on your face will cause them to give up their endeavor and depart the area. If that doesn’t work then I will put hands upon the wayward individuals. The only time I will draw my weapon is if it is the last resort and if I draw it I am in fear of my life or someone elses and I feel completely justified in stopping the aggression then and there. Every action should be responded to with the minimal force required to stop it. If deadly force is required, then it too must be employed.
You do not stand idly by while a sniper takes shots at the guy next to you. You do not look down at a gernade some one has tossed in to your position with the first thought of getting away, you look at it, ascertain how best to get rid of it and get people away from it. You don’t stand idly by and let violence be done to other people who may have no ability to defend yourself.
Do not fear the man that may be carrying a gun for he may be the one that saves your life when the police are still 10 minutes away.

Dani · June 10, 2011 at 10:33 pm

Your article makes it plain how much we all need each other. Thanks for another great article and more great thoughts.

John · June 10, 2011 at 11:57 pm

What goes around comes around. You reap what you sew. Karma.

Sue · June 11, 2011 at 12:12 am


You have aptly described the attitudes of people living in the “end times”. Jesus described this time as a time where people would be “lovers of themselves, lovers of money, no natural affection…..” That is because we are living in a world that is being manipulated by greater and hidden evil forces. Apathy, like you described, is being deliberately created by “the powers that be” by various methods such as floride in the water for one. Dr. Rima Laibow from Natural Solutions Foundation stated in one of her You Tubes that floride was experimented with in the Siberian Gulags. They found that if you put it in drinking water to the prisoners, you could do anything you wanted to them and they didn’t care. Now you know the rest of the story about what floride is really for. Combine that with a steady stream of assaults on our minds, morals, beliefs, bodies, food, money, and property,and our country, it’s no wonder that without the steadying counsel of the Scriptures, a vast amount of people have no hope and act like animals.

Pat Havens · June 11, 2011 at 12:45 am

I am more than horrified by these examples and I perfectly understand your comparison.
I hope and pray that I will never stand by and fail to render aid to someone in trouble. Evil is so prevalent and apathy so rampant and corruption so evident in every aspect of life these days how can anyone not recognize we truly are in the last days . I have to tell you ,your articles have been such an encouragement and inspiration to me. The 10 principles have shown me places where I have been deficient in preparation and am working on correcting those areas, I have to thank you and thank God for the research and time you put in for our benefit. You truly are storing up crowns in heaven. God Bless and Keep you and yours .

Lynn · June 11, 2011 at 2:28 am

Ironic that I just came home to find this post when I had just been out running 30 minutes ago and called the police, as I witnessed an assault on someone at the bus stop on my run route. I will admit…I was MAD because I had to stop my run in order to call police, then wait for police and then give statement and details to police. YEs…….my time was taken up. I was inconvenienced. However, I EXPECT others to do the same for me when and if the time comes, so there is NO way I can just stand by (or run by in this case) and NOT do anything.

My heart goes out to all those victims where NO one came to their rescue and WORSE……stood by and watched.

razr · June 11, 2011 at 2:42 am

Thanks Krellene, I needed a kick in the pants to get me up and going. Unfortunatly I grew up in Alameda, California…..where that poor man drowned himself, you have to walk out into the water (in most places) almost a a quarter mile before you get into water over your head. The Officers had plenty of time to go save him….They could have walked out there….However I was not there….and it could have been in a spot that I am not familar with. So, I cannot cast any blame. The nice thing for me is that you shamed me into shape here….I will be up at 6 A.M tomorrow and start exercising,eating properly, and get over my depression….stop sleeping all the time and swing back into action. As I am I am no help to anyone…..So its time for me to get over myself. Make myself useful my friends, my neighbors and to church….You once offered to send me a book….now I am ready to make some changes…I will send you or Vicky a personal message….Again…Thanks for ‘THE KICK IN THE PANTS”

Denise · June 11, 2011 at 3:04 am

It’s hard to believe that these men would just stand by and watch as these things were done. How could we call them men, anyway? Remember the people who took on the terrorists on Flight 93? Now those were men.

Thank you for all you do to help people be more aware of what’s going on and how to deal with it. We started a preparedness group in our little town in rural New York, and just rubbing elbows with each other as we meet every week is helping us in our individual efforts so much. We are branching out into the community and are starting to get others involved in service work, mentoring, volunteering, bartering, gardening, “freecycling”, teaching about emergency preparedness, etc. There are so many ways to build a resilient community.

I don’t do couponing (yet) but I’ve started shopping ONLY the sales for my regular groceries and making do for what isn’t on sale. It’s amazing how much we are accumulating on our pantry shelves, and gives me such a great feeling!

Again, thank you for all the information and help you send our way. It is greatly appreciated.

CJ · June 11, 2011 at 3:48 am

You Say many Pointed and appropriate things. Thank you. This article reminded me I need to renew my first aid and Cpr training. It has been too long.

I am a short, round, close to broke, woman with a lot of heath issues… I would assist anyone and try to stop any fight (or call 911) in any circumstance that I crossed. I am still shocked and amazed at how apathetic so many people are!

The next question is what are we training our Next generation to do?

Thanks Kellene


Kathleen · June 11, 2011 at 6:46 pm

Kelleen, have you seen any of John Quinones program on TV, “What would you do?”, in it he presents actors playing real people in real life situations protraying scenes of people presented with ethical situations ie. a baker refusing to serve a Muslim girl in a store, a woman with a abusive man in a park, a drunk mother getting into a car with children. And he video tapes the passerbys reactions. It’s amazing, 9 times out of 10 people do little or nothing. Unless children are in danger. The other times it is usually Women who step up and say or do something. It’s very thought provoking and makes you think (unlike most of the junk on TV). I was grateful he put out this program.

You are right (give yourself a pat on the back) we do need to think and prepare for unforeseen situations and have a mental mindset to survive. Brain freeze or numbness or “this can’t possilbly be happening” is our biggest danger in a dangerous situation. Thanks again.

    Kellene · June 11, 2011 at 7:41 pm

    Yes I have seen a couple of them but stopped tuning in after being disgusted with how cold, cowardly, and heartless so many people are today. *sigh*

Mary · June 11, 2011 at 8:03 pm

If I saw something happening similar to the examples that you gave, I would step and say something and so would most of the people I know would as well. It’s hard to believe that security guards would stand by and do nothing. It reminds me of that story where the firefighters stood by and let a house with pets in it burn to the ground because a small yearly fee hadn’t been paid.

Encourager · June 12, 2011 at 12:43 am

Sad to say, there is little respect for life today. Anyone’s life. And it will only grow worse according to the Word. In the Old Testament, parents sacrificed their children to an idol by burning them alive at the idol’s altar. Today we do the same, only it is called abortion. Children are sacrificed on the altar of “choice”.

There was recently a news story about an employee at a Walgreen who, when armed robbers came into the store and herded the employees to a back room, used his weapon he always carries and shot at the robbers, sending them scrambling out of the store. What was the result? Was he honored as a hero? Nope, Walgreen fired him. He was a hero in my eyes, and I am sure in his fellow employees’ eyes. I can not understand why anyone, male or female, would stand around watching someone else be hurt and not intervene or at the least, call 911. There but for the grace of God…

chihuahua momma · June 12, 2011 at 11:36 am

Sometimes, employees like the security guards cannot act because they would loose their jobs.
My husband was a fireman for many years. He was not trained as a paramedic, he was not trained for search and rescue. He could not give medical care even if he was on the scene first. It would have been illegal. Same with entering a burning building. He could not go in. There was a specific team for search and rescue, the others on the dept were not allowed to do it. My husband ran the pumps, drove the truck. He set up the landing area for the helicopter if they called it for transport. That was his job. Some people couldn’t do that. They were not allowed to do those things. They were not trained for those specific tasks. If they stepped out of their place to do something they were not allowed to do, they would have been dismissed from the department.
One night there was a call just down the street. A teen running from the police, hit a tree, and had been thrown from the car. He was lying in the road dying. My husband was the first on the scene because we lived a block away. But he didn’t have paramedic bags in the truck. He was not legally allowed to treat the patient. Instead, he held his hand and kept saying, “they are coming”. And the boy died. My husband sat with him while the police stood back at their 2 cars blocking traffic from hitting the boy or my husband. Each person did their jobs. That’s just the protocol they were demanded to do.

I do understand why the fire dept and police didn’t go into the water after the victims that drown. They were waiting on the search and rescue team. They were not allowed to go into the water. If they had, they would have been in trouble with their own jobs. I understand why the security guards didn’t pull off the other girl. They were probably not allowed to touch people. They could have been fired for “assaulting” the killer if they pulled her off. And they were just people, worried about their own jobs, their own families too. What would happen to their kids if they lost their jobs? I’m not saying it is right, but I understand it.

In cases like this, we need to have a law or rule that says people who do try to help cannot be fired or prosecuted if they intervene to help. Because, in many cases, that is why people don’t step in to help. They simply feel they are not allowed to do it.

    Kellene · June 12, 2011 at 6:05 pm

    We already have a law that says that. It’s called God’s law and in my opinion it’s the only one that counts and the only one we should be worried about upholding in times like these.

    AutumnGal · June 12, 2011 at 11:24 pm

    The laws protecting the guilty were quitely put into place several years ago “using” the bleeding heart guilt trips process. The same process being used today in a lot of “similiar situations for all those poor people”. Like it or not, those laws ARE there and are enforced. I especially feel for those who work in a capacity of law enforcement who are bound by those laws. Unless we as individuals are willing to assume the responsibility of helping that person’s family if they do choose to intervene, then end up in jail and most probably prison, then I have a real problem with anyone standing in judgement of them.
    If everyone who is bothered by this behavior would become involved on a local level we might be able to change some of these laws. Unfortunately we “don’t have the time, they won’t listen to me, it won’t do any good” set of excuses are used to dismiss personal responsibility on that level. So, chihuahua momma this is my long way around to say, I understand your point. What would “I” do if I found myself in a similiar situation as a “citizen”? I don’t know because I have a lot of extenduating circumstances and could very well end up being a victim also. I’m not saying it’s right to not become involved, I’m just saying the person we are responsible for is our self and in all circumstances. There’s also a scripture that says, “Judge not lest you be judged by the same judgement”.

Holly Grossman · June 12, 2011 at 10:56 pm

Kellene makes an excellent point, but there are also laws of the land which cover people – they’re called Good Samaritan laws, and do protect those who do the right thing within the scope of their training. So don’t do brain surgery on the street if you’re not a brain surgeon… it’s fairly straightforward. A simple CPR and first aid class – every first responding professional is required to have at least those. I’m a teacher, and we’re required to have them every year. Fear is a terrible place to live, and does not absolve any of us from responsbility for doing the right thing. I think Kellene is right – love of men waxing cold (I think you said that somewhere – if not, I apologize for misquoting- could have been my Sunday School lesson this morning, too!?!) Love and fear cannot exist in the same sphere at the same time. While there are some minor variations between states, the gist of the laws is the same…google “good Samaritan laws”…enlightening… and freeing.

Sarah · June 13, 2011 at 5:24 am

The sad thing it, just like with any other reaction, you don’t know until you’re in the moment how you will react unless you have trained for it.
Several months ago I was in DI when one of the employees started having a seizure. Two other employees were with him, so I figured it was covered. I felt bad, but kept walking. But I kept looking back, and finally realized that one of them had left (to get help?) and the other was looking around frantically asking for help. And none of us were helping. Finally I went back and asked what I could do, but someone else was already on the phone calling for help, and someone else was getting a cushion for his head. I felt so helpless, and had no idea what to do to help. I was paralyzed, and my reaction terrified me. I had been studying health and remedies for two years, and yet none of the things I had learned were of any value.
I think that if we want to say that we will help when necessary, then we need to prepare ourselves to do so. Learn self-defense, first-aid, water rescue, intervention, and then practice them all, so that when a situation comes up, you can actually do what you hope you would do.

Denise · June 15, 2011 at 9:59 pm

Awesome article. There are many in the response world that get fed up with this sue happy climate and let their licensure go because sometimes you can just do more with less. Moral responsibility seems to be nearly absent now. I now subscribe to your shortest line…. Just breathe and DO….

Terrell · July 27, 2011 at 8:48 pm

In the subway rape case, the judge’s ruling was that the workers had no obligation to the victim, other than to inform their superiors that the police were needed at the station. The 2 MTA workers did just that, so I do think it’s inaccurate to say they didn’t do anything. The MTA workers did summon help from the police, albeit indirectly. They simply chose not to get physically involved, and IMO shouldn’t be obligated to.

I don’t think Maria should have been able to win a lawsuit against the workers, and agree with the judge’s ruling. Whether or not making a PA announcement would have deterred a rapist brazen enough to not be deterred by a train approaching is at best questionable. IMO to try and hold them accountable for not doing said PA announcment is questionable on that nature, as what would have happened is at best speculation.

I also don’t think that they should be legally required to intervene physically. Any physical intervention comes with it the risk of physical injury or even death to the intervener, or possibly the victim. Since the MTA workers are not Transit Police, or otherwise sworn law enforcement officers, I oppose requiring them to do anything more than contact police.

    Kellene · July 27, 2011 at 10:02 pm

    You are so missing the point and frighteningly proving my point of concern as well. I would have a hard time having much respect for a man or woman who would not instinctively feel inclined to do SOMETHING. I know 100% that I would certainly act in both instances. That is my nature which I have fortunately failed to squelch amidst my all-to-common associations with vacant souls. The law cannot dictate internal virtue, thus the ruling MAY be accurate technically, however, this nation was specifically and deliberately built on the foundation of the assumption that all persons would act with the premise of moral virtue. You’re correct in that external laws cannot dictate internal virtues. As I said in the article, a lay judge of this world may not have had any problem with the outcome of these instances, but I am quite certain that the Ultimate Judge certainly will.

Terrell · July 28, 2011 at 2:02 am

Sorry for the double post, accidently hit something wrong and posted before I intended to.

I’d disagree, Kellene, The United States was founded on the premise of inalienable individual rights. People have differing opinions on what constitutes moral virtue, in particular situations.

I would argue that my right as an individual to make my own decisions, w/r/t how much risk I should take on in such a situation. Point is I’m not a 20 year old, and I’m not jumping into fights with violent men nearly 15 years my junior. It’s a good way to get killed, because you never know whether or not the perp has a weapon, nor do you know what lengths the violent individual is willing to go. I’m especially not going to do this for a stranger.

Instead my course of action will be a bit safer, namely finding a safe place, and reaching into my pocket, pulling out my cell phone, and dialing 911. Now if I can’t get a signal, which may be the case for those underground, then I’d call as soon as I could get one.

In the subway case, the MTA men did do something. Maybe they didn’t do what you would have liked them to do, but they did summon help for Maria. For that reason alone, I see no reason why Maria should get any money from either the individual MTA members, or the MTA itself. That’s my point.

The judge should not be handing down criminal or civil sanctions for people who haven’t violated the law.

Even if a court were to decide that they didn’t do enough, where does the court draw the line? Who would be really be a good judge of how much danger any particular individual should be willing to face, on no notice, with no training and without the legal backing that law enforcement officers have? I’d argue that the individual in question would be a far better judge than any Jury or any judge to his own abilities and tolerance for danger.

The bystanders in most cases are probably going to have less information than anyone analyzing the situation after the fact. I don’t think it’s fair to hold them legally accountable for only calling for help.

Kristina Thomas · July 26, 2013 at 12:33 am

Great article. It made me sick at first to hear all those horrible stories, but you make excellent points. And I can’t even fathom watching someone in need and not trying to do something….Our world is getting so sick.

Katrina · July 10, 2014 at 6:43 am

I see what you’re saying and
I see what you’re saying and would definitely want to help and would help in many situations. However, there are some realities that must be kept in mind. If you pull someone from a burning car who has a back or neck injury, they can turn around and sue you for paralyzing them. It can and has happened. Being in a burning car does not suddenly make bad people nice. If you are a man and touch a 15 year old girl for any reason, your life is over as you will find yourself charged and registered as a sex monster for life. Even as a woman, I refuse to help any child because of this possibility. The world has gone completely nuts when it comes to kids. A phone call or beating off an attacking dog is the most I will do but I will not touch a child to help them. I know someone who works in security and they were specifically told not to touch anyone. A simple touch on the hand can be considered assault and as placing someone under arrest. The problem is not necessarily with the guards or bystanders. This is the world we have allowed insurance companies, legislators, and out of control cops and prosecutors to create.

    Preparedness Pro · July 10, 2014 at 7:41 pm

    I will NEVER permit the
    I will NEVER permit the ungodly actions of mankind to impact a stewardship given to ALL of us by God himself. IF any of the situations are to happen, then I know that my Lord will be bound to assist me through the challenge.

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