I’d like to share just a little bit of perspective that I thought of while watching the events in Joplin unfold over the past couple of weeks. I have to admit, I read everything that was printed on the subject, listened to many radio interviews, watched YouTube videos and viewed many pictures which reflected the unfathomable loss that the people of Joplin suffered so suddenly.  Doing so taught me a few things, reinforced lessons which I had already learned and gave a face and a realistic purpose to much of the preparedness efforts I practice today.

For starters, as I heard countless stories of folks who were taking supplies to the survivors I realized that all that I have accumulated over the years in terms of first-aid and basic hygiene supplies would be completely wiped out with just one similar occurrence in my community.  Here I was thinking that I was superwoman or something when it came to these kinds of supplies, but seeing a possible scenario in which those items would come in handy made me realize that I can still continue in my efforts and still be of benefit to others should the situation ever arise.  This means more couponing and shopping for those items. While free baby wipes, diapers, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorants, soap and shampoo may seem a bit silly to some, my faith that such efforts may be needed some day have been reinforced through this series of events.

Having been a bit under the weather the past couple of weeks, watching the Joplin scenario play out makes me that much more determined to be as proactive as I can in reclaiming my long-term health. If I can help it, I don’t want to be one of those persons who have to be rescued. I want to be able to do the rescuing!  Being proactive is typically a much safer position from which to function rather than being at the mercy of others.

There’s not a single item in the world that can replace the need for Spiritual Preparedness.  It not only helps us differentiate between truth and fiction, but it also helps us to stand upright in the face of adversity and grief. It helps us make sense of the chaos around us and see it in it’s proper perspective.  If I had survived the tornadoes, I think I might just go insane if I wasn’t nurtured by my belief system and faith.

I listened intently as I heard a story of survivors who had actually been sucked up into the tornado at one point while in their car, and then released from its vortex as it their car was thrown against a thick tree.  They spoke of what was going through their minds during this time and how they were planning their next potential move towards safety.  There’s a lot to be said of the person who possesses the mental fortitude to keep pressing on in spite of the visible circumstances around them.  I’m positive that the mentally strong can live off of less food and water in a crisis than the mentally mushy individual. Such a belief has been upheld by survivors and scientists alike.

The last lesson that I wanted to share is that I think the tornadoes that have ripped through various parts of our nation are proof that none of us can really sit back and say “Why bother to prepare? It won’t happen to me.”  I’m sure that the folks in Massachusetts and California were quite surprised that they would have to endure something as rare as a tornado. Things are getting crazy. Even 150 years of history is not sufficient to “prove” that a scenario will “never happen”.  But hundreds, and even thousands of years have proven that those who take responsibility for their own welfare today will survive the curveballs of tomorrow quite well.

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Donnella · June 4, 2011 at 10:53 pm

Amen! And all the more reason to encourage our family, friends, neighbors to prepare. Several may have supplies wiped out but some will be spared and be able to help the others.

You’ve really encouraged me to become physically stronger. I’m short, 5’1″ and 60 years old, but I do have control over what I put in my body and the decision whether to sit in my computer chair or go for a walk.

Debbie · June 4, 2011 at 11:18 pm

I know what you mean Kellene…Joplin really shook me, probably because it’s so close to where I live! But also because I realized as you did that in an instant, everything I’ve been saving and preparing could be wiped out! What if some of those people had a large store of supplies? What good did it do them? But as you say….we can’t stop and hopefully we’ll have enough to help others in need.

CJ · June 5, 2011 at 1:26 am

You said something that touched me to the core… “If I can help it, I don’t want to be one of those persons who have to be rescued. I want to be able to do the rescuing!” I need to start reclaiming my health. I want to be able to do the rescuing too.

Thank you for the inspiration!

John · June 5, 2011 at 2:14 am

Excellent article. Because of Joplin, I have turned my first priority in prepping toward a storm shelter. It is like you said in your article. What good is $3000 worth of Mountain House freezed dried food if it all destroyed by a tornado, flood, hurricane, fire, earthquake. I am thinking that having a survivable shelter has got to be the first priority. It is like you mentioned, people in California and Mass. never consider the possibility of a tornado, and then out of nowhere, they are blasted with a tornado. I have been doing research on tornadoes and every part of North America has been touched by a tornado at one time or another. I think fire prevention would be the first priority. So preppers need to evaluate their homes for possible fires and have fire extinguishers, hoses, and the such ready. We need to protect our homes from fires by doing safety checks and becoming knowledgeable about this kind of disaster. And then after fires would be prepping for tornadoes. Anyhow that is how I prioritize prepping. These things come first before I focus on any other prepping issue.

razr · June 5, 2011 at 2:34 am

Joplin convinced me….I am still in pain with leg everyday…..but, there are lot’s of service members that wish they had my “leg” pain and all…Please God …bless our troops and keep them safe….as for Joplin…..I have had to do some rethinking….Thanks to you and your couponing course…I will coupon more. Not only for myself….but for others! We can all do our part!

Barbara · June 5, 2011 at 3:37 am

The devestations of nature can affect lives in an instant. Spiritual preparedness gives us strength IF we survive and blesses us eternally should we not. I am MOST grateful for my understanding of the Savior and His atonement. I watched a video clip froma conveninece store in Joplin that was shot during the tornado. The electricity was out so it was mostly dark. The winds were howling and there were lots of other noises of things being hurled around. The most significant sounds however were the cries of Help me Jesus and Oh God – over and over again. It has been said that there are no athiests in foxholes.

Kathleen · June 5, 2011 at 3:40 am

Zowie, you sure summed this up well. You can prep and still get hit and suffer. But the wonderful thing about this country is our ability to jump in feet first and help each other in times of real need. Hope it’s a beautiful word, thanks for reminding us of this, doesn’t matter if you are the one who helps or needs help, there is hope. So preppers don’t have tunnel vision, someday you may need to see things with a wider lens.

Scott · June 5, 2011 at 1:35 pm

I’ve been pondering the tornado scenario for a couple of years. Given that every single physical preparation I’ve made could be wiped out instantly (except the bug-out-bag I’d have strapped to me), is setting up caches in alternate locations a good idea?

Donnella · June 5, 2011 at 3:23 pm

Scott, I’ve been pondering the same question regarding alternate locations. In this Texas heat, storing food in other locations on the property may not work well, but water and extra sealed buckets of hygiene items and paper products could certainly be added to the barn and storage shed.

As wildfires are the biggest danger here, we’re also looking at getting a small travel trailer in case we must as a last resort, evacuate. We have three pets we would not leave behind and the trailer could be stocked with at least some of almost everything we have in the house.

Denise Russell · June 5, 2011 at 6:13 pm

Non-governmental local community response agencies who are on the ground of any disaster within a couple of hours bring all those personal hygiene supplies, cots, blankets food, etc. with them. The challenge becomes being strong enough to be able to rapidly re-build your personal capabilities. Accomplished either through caches of supplies in alternatre locations, or fiscal ability to replace your necessities when you need to be on your own feet again. Where or how do you re-establish your own shelter? We all by virtue of being here are those that would be immediately working towards our own recovery and self-reliance. The weakest link in the mix are those who would not, and likely often “choose” to not prepare and be responsible. They are those that cause us to be in a state of heightened situational awareness. Just my thoughts…

heather baldlwin · June 5, 2011 at 8:13 pm

i just want to know kellene, where do you buy your essential oils

    Kellene · June 6, 2011 at 3:48 pm

    I just sent you an e-mail, Heather. 🙂

Jamie · June 6, 2011 at 2:58 am

Look first that might happen. My BOB is in a closet on the way out of my house or to the basement. I’ve placed all food so it can land in a suvivor’s triangle and along the strongest walls I got. I can’t afford to jack up my home and lay a 4 inch concrete slab against earthquakes, tornadoes or a nuke. So I’ll do what I can with what I got on hand.
I’m in a good area for most disaters. Snow storms, A bit of flooding that may take out sewers or power but no flooding should reach my home. Light earthquake activity.
But I’m looking for a bit of land in the desert and I may have found four acres with open water and Geo-thermal at good price. I’m not as big of a believer as Kellene in living in the country is all that. Every place has pluses and minuses. I don’t think it’s a bad idea to to have more than one a bolt hold. Even a rabbit will dig tunnels and have several ways to escape. But she maybe right and I’m wrong and it never hurts to hedge your bets. At worse I got a great vacation spot, close but not in a metro area. It’s not all that safe but it’s no less safe than living in a town/city.

Melissa · June 7, 2011 at 11:04 pm

Would you recommend purchasing the “blends” of essential oils? It seems to me that it would be better to purchase the actual oils and use a variety/your own blend at once b/c the company might cheat on the blend by adding extra of the cheaper oils. What do you think? (talking of course about the only company you purchase from)

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