There are many who I share my expertise with who inevitably ask me, “Come on, Kellene.  Your practices are good in the event that there’s a cataclysmic event, but what’s to say that all of your food storage won’t just be destroyed with the catastrophe?


And so, in appreciation of those who require me to work harder and speak clearer, I dedicate today’s article.

job-lossFirst of all, it’s a myth for you to believe that your food storage is solely for the purpose of surviving a catastrophic event in nature.  Emergency preparedness of food stores is indeed useful for such an event, but it is not isolated to such.  I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s heard stories of individuals who lived off of their food storage as the result of the loss of a job in their family or other hard financial times. While this is a common occurrence I hear in today’s economic climate, it is still not the primary reason why foods should be stored.  It’s merely a scratching of the surface. And besides, even that isn’t reason enough for many because hundreds of thousands may rely on food stamps or help from their church in the event of a job loss anyway.  So such motivation may not be enough to actually initiate food storage action.  Let’s see if the following considerations do the trick for you.


Chemical Tainting or Recall: If you have ample supply of food, then in the event a food has been recalled suddenly or is known to have chemical impairment, you won’t have to do without.


Rationing: Recently big warehouses and grocery stores were rationing the purchase of wheat and rice.  Such a ration has not been implemented in our country since the days of the Depression.  This is in part because many foreigners have been buying up our supplies in order to feed their struggling nations as well as the fact that we have been exporting a significant portion of our wheat and other staples due to the famines which have affected 3rd world countries.  If you have a years supply of food, then you are impervious to the effects of such rationing actions.


Diminishing U.S. Food Production: Over the last 5 years we have lost over 90% of our farmers to exorbitant costs of farming, farming regulations,  bankruptcy, bad seed crops, and many more who have stopped growing food and instead are growing “fuel.”  Fewer members of our population even know how to garden for themselves, let alone the number who actually do.  The small farmers are now under threat with a new intrusion on their way of life, bill HR 875.  This bill threatens to eliminate over 90% of the small farmers and to heavily regulate where they can sell their goods and how.  Again, if you have a years supply as well as some accompanying knowledge of sprouting, then your dinner table will be unaffected by these awful intrusions.


devaluation-of-dollarDevaluation of the Dollar: In addition to the cost of food increasing in the nation, (due to the diminishing supply of it) the money we use to buy the food is becoming worth less.  It boils down to supply and demand.  Since the Federal Reserve is mindlessly printing up trillions and trillions of dollars without any accounting to the public just how much currency is in circulation at one time, the value of the dollar is taking a nose dive.  In fact, thanks to the inflation rate which has been controlled by the Federal Reserve since 1913, the value of the 1913 dollar has now been diminished to a mere four cents today.  So, if you purchase your food now, then when there is finally an economic reckoning in the future, your family will still survive.


Food for thought, folks.  (Yes.  Pun intended)

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pam · April 3, 2009 at 5:31 pm

Great post-thanks. I will be back-linking this on my blog.

pam · April 3, 2009 at 5:31 pm

Great post-thanks. I will be back-linking this on my blog.

Kellene · April 4, 2009 at 5:52 am

Glad you liked it Pam. If there’s a topic that you feel is specifically timely, let us know as well. This is what we do, after all!

Kellene · April 4, 2009 at 5:52 am

Glad you liked it Pam. If there’s a topic that you feel is specifically timely, let us know as well. This is what we do, after all!

Shari · April 14, 2009 at 3:08 pm

well put. rotate, use and replenish.

Shari · April 14, 2009 at 3:08 pm

well put. rotate, use and replenish.

Kris · April 14, 2009 at 4:05 pm

Great post. I agree.

Kris · April 14, 2009 at 4:05 pm

Great post. I agree.

deniseinark · February 6, 2014 at 7:33 pm

Those who subscribe to the
Those who subscribe to the practice of keeping an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses can also keep 3-6 months of nonperishable food or other consumables around the house. If you have these things already on hand and need to start living off of your emergency fund, it could increase the amount of time that the emergency fund would last. Even better, if the financial situation turned around before all of the money was gone, there would be that much more left in the emergency fund that doesn’t have to be re-saved.

deniseinark · February 6, 2014 at 7:33 pm

Those who subscribe to the
Those who subscribe to the practice of keeping an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses can also keep 3-6 months of nonperishable food or other consumables around the house. If you have these things already on hand and need to start living off of your emergency fund, it could increase the amount of time that the emergency fund would last. Even better, if the financial situation turned around before all of the money was gone, there would be that much more left in the emergency fund that doesn’t have to be re-saved.

Kim · July 29, 2014 at 4:30 pm

What is target that time that
What is target that time that one should prepare for? 1 month, 3 months, a year? No one ever talks about that.

    Preparedness Pro · July 29, 2014 at 4:52 pm

    The answer is what is best
    The answer is what is best for YOU and your family in the beginning. But everyone should have at LEAST 1 year supply of food for their family ultimately, which I’ve been sharing with folks for years now. In years past, farmers always prepared for SEVEN years because that’s how long it takes a land/area etc to come back from when there’s been a drought or serious disaster.
    There are over 1000 articles on here, each dealing with the various principles of preparedness. If you were to click on “Food Preparedness” at the top of the page, under the Ten Principles tab, you’ll see all of the articles related to food preparedness.

Kim · July 29, 2014 at 4:30 pm

What is target that time that
What is target that time that one should prepare for? 1 month, 3 months, a year? No one ever talks about that.

    Preparedness Pro · July 29, 2014 at 4:52 pm

    The answer is what is best
    The answer is what is best for YOU and your family in the beginning. But everyone should have at LEAST 1 year supply of food for their family ultimately, which I’ve been sharing with folks for years now. In years past, farmers always prepared for SEVEN years because that’s how long it takes a land/area etc to come back from when there’s been a drought or serious disaster.
    There are over 1000 articles on here, each dealing with the various principles of preparedness. If you were to click on “Food Preparedness” at the top of the page, under the Ten Principles tab, you’ll see all of the articles related to food preparedness.

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