Yup. It’s never been done before. But then again, we’re not just anybody, right?  Between now and June 15th, you can win big with…

Preparedness Pro’s $1,500 Giveaway!

I can honestly say that I’ve never seen any preparedness company give away as many goodies as we’re going to over the next few weeks. As such, I’m having just a little bit of trouble sleeping.

How would you like a GREAT chance to win part of a $1,500 Great Preparedness Giveaway?!  We’ve got over 65 awesome prizes and over five different ways that you can win!  Why are we doing this?  Well, it’s not your birthday. And don’t worry, you didn’t forget an anniversary.  It’s because we have a very important goal that we’re committed to but WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Preparedness Pro needs your help in order to meet our community outreach goals this year of touching the lives of 100,000 people. So we’ve rounded up over $1,500 in prizes shipped right to your door in order to entice you to help your family, friend, loved ones, neighbors, or even a complete stranger! After all, that’s the people who make up this 100,000 people that we want to reach out to.

Sure, I should be tickled pink with the 90,000 readers we have every month. But I’m not. There are still too many who have never heard of us, never read us, and don’t even know what real preparedness is. There are too many who are actually looking for the kind of practical, no-nonsense preparedness information but still aren’t able to find it. And there are still so many folks who need to get started getting such information who simply are overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, who to trust, etc.  That’s exactly why we need your help.

While it may seem lofty to some, we firmly resolve to accomplish a goal for this year to affect 100,000 people positively through Preparedness Pro—whether it be our writings on the blog, our live classes, our webinars, or even upcoming programs and books—we truly desire to share the message of “every day preparedness to promote peace instead of panic.” So, today through the 15th of June, we are going to offer a promotion in which you can earn great FREE stuff just for sharing Preparedness Pro with others.  Blue Chip Foods, Chemisan, Five Star Preparedness, and Shirley J’s have graciously offered to reinforce this promotion in order to help us get the word out to everyone. As such they are providing us with some very, very generous giveaway prizes for you!  In fact, we have a total of SIXTY-FIVE prizes totaling over $1,500 to give away for this contest. With so many prizes to give away, your chances of winning are REALLY great! Not only that, but we’re going to give you FIVE different ways you can win one of these incredible prizes!! These aren’t any chintzy lame-o prizes either. These are all some of my favorite preparedness foods and other items that I would LOVE to share with you, just as much as I would share them with my best girlfriend. The retail value of these many prizes range from $15 to over $100 (including shipping).  So let’s cut to the chase. Here’s how you can win one of them!

1) Blog Referral: This is a very easy way that you can win one of these great prizes  All you have to do is refer people to our blog. When some one NEW jumps on our blog, have them register for the RSS feed and post a comment saying that YOU sent them to the blog. They can identify you as your screen name or your real name, whichever you prefer.  Every time you send someone to our blog, your name gets entered to win one of these wonderful prizes. There is no limit to the number of times you can enter to win! The drawing for all of the winners will be held on June 16th and we will happily ship the items out to your home.  Oh, and guess what? When your referral lets us know that you referred them, they will ALSO be registered to win one of the prizes and they can also refer folks too. Only one prize per household.

2) Facebook Referral: Similar to the first way of entering to win, simply refer people to our Facebook page.   Any NEW person you refer that becomes a Fan on our Preparedness Pro Facebook page will ALSO qualify you as another entry to win one of these SIXTY-FIVE great prizes! And for those of you who become fans, all you need to do is comment to enter (remember to tell us who referred you)! Once again, there’s no limit on the number of times you can enter! (Only one winner per household, please)

3) Comment Prize: For every comment you make on our blog or our Facebook page now through the 15th of June, you will be entered to win one of our three grand prizes–an Augason Farms Breakfast Six Pack! The retail value on this product is over $95!  But you’ve got a chance to win the whole enchilada simply by contributing to our blog and/or Facebook page with your comments. Just to be clear, EVERY TIME you comment, ANYWHERE on our blog or Facebook page, you’ll be entered into the drawing for this awesome prize—shipped right to your door! Of course, there’s no limit on the number of times you can enter! How easy is THAT?!!!  (All comments must be acceptable in accordance to the Preparedness Pro guidelines. Keep it nice and clean, folks. *grin*)

4) Mental Preparedness Prize: As you know, Mental Preparedness is the second most important principle of successful preparedness.  To that end we offer high-quality, affordable, webinars (as well as live classes) that you can access regardless of where you live or what you like to run around wearing in you house at night.  Crunch on your popcorn all you want, you won’t bother us when you attend one of  our specialized and information-packed webinars. But, guess what? In honor of this great giveaway, you’ll be entered to with an Augusan Farms Dinner Pack each time you attend one of our webinars between now and June 15th!  This dinner pack is loaded with tasty essentials, including my favorite—the Potato Gems!!  Retail value on this Grand Prize is over $97!!!  Now, isn’t THAT grand?!  Yummm…creamy potato soup, sweet freeze-dried corn, multi-purpose vegetable stew…ooh! I’m getting hungry all of the sudden! Don’t worry, I’ll refrain from helping myself to your prize.

5) KUDOS Prize: This is a great way for you to be guaranteed a GREAT prize, no matter what.  As you may know, Preparedness Pro has been working for over a year to provide quality preparedness information for all levels of preparedness. In addition, we are truly committed to touching the lives of 100,000 persons this year!  But with all of the home- spun, mythical, doomsday, and just plain wrong information available on the internet, it can be quite overwhelming to someone who’s trying to find the right information. So, we’d like these persons to hear from YOU and have you give them your opinion on Preparedness Pro.  So, if you’ll e-mail us your two cents regarding the blog, webinar, or class content provided by Preparedness Pro, I will personally give you a great gift. I will give you a special recorded demonstration of my “Best Bread Ever.” This demonstration shows you how to make awesome, memorable, superior tasting bread in less than 75 minutes and also gives you great tips for making any other kinds of bread you desire.  On this recorded tutorial, I also show you how to use the bread dough for several other great applications such as a breakfast roll, sopapillas, delicious Italian breadsticks, etc. BUT…in addition to this guaranteed gift in exchange for you taking the time to share your thoughts, you will also be entered to win another one of our grand prizes—an On-the-Go Privacy Hut!  This is a great resource for portable privacy when you’re out camping or on the beach and also a great place to use your alternative toilet. The retail value of this prize is $60.00 and it will proudly be shipped to your front door! (you can e-mail us at [email protected].  Comments may be shared in the future marketing messages to encourage the participation of future Preparedness Pro readers.)

So, are you excited?  With over SIXTY-FIVE prizes and five different ways to win, how could you not be?  I know that we sure are excited to give these prizes away!  So, let’s get going, folks.  Let’s start sharing Preparedness Pro with everyone you know!  It’s going to be an exciting few weeks!

If you’re interested, here are just a few of the great prizes that we’ll be giving away…

Spiff-E Whip

Morning Moo’s Milk (#10 can)

Augason Farms Freeze-Dried Peas (#10 can)

Augason Farms Tomato Powder (#10 can)

Shirley J Onion Seasons

Shirley J BBQ Seasoning

Shirley J Pizza Pasta Seasoning

Diatomaceous Earth

Redmond Clay

Water Pasteurization Indicator

Augason Farms Blueberry Pancake Mix (#10 can)

Country Fresh Powdered Milk (#10 can)

Augason Farms Potato Gems (#10 can)

Augason Farms Diced Celery (#10 can)

Augason Farms Almond Poppyseed Muffin Mix (#10 can)

Ultra-Maxi Gel

Vital Wheat Gluten (#10 can)

Augason Farms Freeze Dried Broccoli (#10 can)

Augason Farms Textured Vegetable Protein

Shirley J Universal Sauce

Five Star Preparedness Freeze-Dried Mango Chunks

Five Star Preparedness Freeze-Dried Pineapple Chunks

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To see our upcoming event schedule, click here

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Subscribe to Preparedness Pro today and never miss a thing!

For any questions or comments on this article, please leave a comment on the blog site so that everyone can benefit!

Copyright Protected 2010, Preparedness Pro and Kellene. All Rights Reserved. No portion of any content on this site may be duplicated, transferred, copied, or published without written permission from the author. However, you are welcome to provide a link to the content on your site or in your written works.


Preparedness Pro

Test bio...


stacy · May 12, 2010 at 4:07 am

Awesome prizes!!

Donna C. · May 12, 2010 at 4:27 am

Oh, with that wheat gluten I can make my husband some awesome “ribs”! What a great bunch of prizes. Thank you!

Donna R · May 12, 2010 at 1:07 pm

This Giveaway sound very exciting can’t wait to get started referring people to your site. Thank you!

Julie King · May 12, 2010 at 1:15 pm

You have truly helped me realize where I am underprepared and I will hop on Facebook to see if any of my friends are interested. Keep up the good work!

Carol B. · May 12, 2010 at 2:05 pm

WOW, this is great. I have some ideas right now and I’m going to call some friends.

Debbie · May 12, 2010 at 3:29 pm

Wow Kellene, you are the greatest! Not only does your blog have great and useful information now you are giving a boat load of prizes just for helping to spread the word about preparedness. Thank you.

lon2000 · May 12, 2010 at 5:27 pm

I”ve been following your blog on facebook for a few months now, and it just keeps getting better! I check everyday to see if there is something new. Keep up the good work.

Dawn · May 12, 2010 at 8:36 pm

Oh my gosh! This is SO awesome! I have been plugging your webinars and classes to my friends for weeks now…one of these days they are just going to have to give in and attend one just to get me off of their backs! BTW, I am making Wheat Meat chicken nuggets for the kids for their after school snack today. I’m dying to hear what they have to say about it! (Not too worried though…they’ll eat ANYTHING!)

    Kellene · May 12, 2010 at 9:08 pm

    ooh, those should be really good especially with some great BBQ sauce. I’m sure you’ve now made every mother out there jealous about your kids eating anything. 🙂

razr · May 12, 2010 at 8:39 pm

Wow….This is great! Will try to get all I know to sign up (and mentioning me)….And as I play poker and like to bet,I would be willing to bet that you exceed your expectations!! As you are aware I broke my leg last month (badly, 3places) However…as I have learned so much from you, I got to thinking about my situation, which is non-weight bearing for 8 to 12 weeks……So I went to work insuring my future health and those of friends and family. I bought a great second hand hospital bed … almost new and cheap…The seller also had wheelchair,walker,new pottychair,shower in out chair etc. Even new sheets. Normally, I would not have done this. Thinking ahead and having lots of storage space I will just sit on these as someone will need help down the line and I will be prepared!…I got a great deal. It will be worth waiting to get my new water filter ..I also came up with a new list for self of supplies that will be needed for a hurt or sick friend or relative. Thank you Kellene for teaching me to think ahead!!!!! If and when TSHTF I will be ready! It is not a scary thing anymore. It’s fun to gather info and follow through and you did that for me. I will owe you forever. PS Skip the Aero Garden, light to bright, not enough for the price or the trouble. Will try to catch up on webinares… Connie

Debbie · May 12, 2010 at 9:09 pm

We get so excited each day your email comes. Your site is extremely informative. Thank you for all your hard work. The webinars are on my “to do” list. Great prizes….I will spread the word.

janice brockett · May 12, 2010 at 9:21 pm

I have learned so much already from your site. The prizes are just the icing on the cake.

Cathie in Ut · May 12, 2010 at 9:26 pm

Looks like you are doing all you can to get the word out and I will do my best to help…I will let you know when I get a facebook link and my blog link up and going!
Thanks for the chances to win the great prizes Kellene

jamie · May 12, 2010 at 10:27 pm

I’ve been turning folks onto your site for at least a year now and just sent out to a bunch of folks at ferfal’s surviving in Argentina/Grab the Apple forum.
razr, glad to hear you are doing ok and taking those lemons and making lemonade.
You are one of my heros.
Best of luck to you Kellene on making your goal and then some.

Laura · May 12, 2010 at 10:27 pm

do you think you’d give us a different prize if we can’t have gluten, dairy, or eggs? and happen to get something we can’t eat? even if not–this is great and we could pass the prize on 🙂

    Kellene · May 12, 2010 at 10:30 pm

    In order to keep my hands clean and not give preference to anyone, we’ll be using a software program that randomly draws the winners and matches them up to whatever prize. Hopefully if you win a prize, you’ll be pleased with it. Maybe you would end up with one of the Shirley J spices or the DE or Redmond Clay!

shelly · May 12, 2010 at 10:51 pm

I normally do not comment on your site, but read your blog regularly. This is the best preparedness blog on the net. I was hooked when I read your post, “I worry about you.” (I think this was the name of it) It was so heartfelt and have not missed a post since. Wow! This is the best giveaway I’ve seen yet. Thanks for all you do.

Michelle · May 12, 2010 at 11:51 pm

I can see why you are having trouble sleeping! These prizes are awesome! Thanks for sharing these with us, not to mention all the valuable information you give nearly everyday!
You are just super!!!

Connie · May 13, 2010 at 12:11 am

Wow, This is a great contest and great prizes.

Donna C. · May 13, 2010 at 12:29 am

I posted to my Facebook group, and told them to post on your FB page that I referred them.

    Kellene · May 13, 2010 at 12:34 am

    Wonderful! Be sure you guys all recommend that your friends comment, refer, enroll, etc. because they cna win some of this great stuff too! There’s plenty to go around folks! Peace in preparedness!

Jackie · May 13, 2010 at 1:09 am

Thank you for such devotion and caring to help others!
I having been sending others to your site also.
You are right about other places dooming and glooming it.
If we all bind together and help each other and keep the Lord first we will make it through what ever comes our way!
You have given such great advice!

Peg · May 13, 2010 at 1:12 am

Miss Kellene–This is a wonderful idea and project! My daughter Jamie turned me onto your blog and I have learned so much. It has grounded me and given me more ideas as to what I need for emergencies (earthquakes, wind storms, fires and ect.- We live in Idaho and anything (tornadoes)can happen. I have copied almost all of your blogs. If we have problems the electricty will probably be the first thing to go, and if this happens,computers will be down. I want to be able to get my information.I am really looking forward to your book. P. S. I don’t know how you are able to do everything that you do. When you market the energy pills you take, I definately want to get some! (hee, hee)- Peg

    Kellene · May 13, 2010 at 1:14 am

    ROFL @ Peg. If you only knew, Peg. If you only knew. When I am actually able to create a satisfactory energy supply, I’ll let you know. 🙂

jamie · May 13, 2010 at 2:18 am

It must be a some of the the types of food you eat. Plus just being an incredibly special person Kellene. Learn and love “Wheat meat”
Another great post and you have got folks fired up. I’ll spare you the blushes. 🙂

Kathleen · May 13, 2010 at 2:41 am

Great blog, I enjoy every posting. I learn something new with each posting. Can’t wait to try a webinar.
The prizes are all so exciting.
This is going to be fun.

Nancy S. · May 13, 2010 at 3:24 am

I enjoy reading your blog and have already learned a lot. The prizes are an added bonus.

Vicki 5280 · May 13, 2010 at 3:46 am

What does one say when others have said it all? I’m a faithful reader, but don’t typically comment unless I have something to say. Today, however, I’ll say.you’re clearly doing what you’re meant to be doing. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be able to make the tremendous impact that you’re making. Keep up the great work, and keep the faith. You’re changing lives Kellene.

    Kellene · May 13, 2010 at 3:54 am

    Thank you so much for your kind and heartfelt words, Vicki! *hugs*

Believer · May 13, 2010 at 4:48 am

Thank you for all that you do. I don’t know how you do it. These prizes sound great. It is important to be persistant in our preparedness efforts, but it pays off tremendously. I don’t have to go to the store very often any more, which is a great time, energy and money saver. What YOU do, is help me stay on the ball and not let things slide. It is helpful to stay interested and inspired.

This giveaway is exciting.

Claudia · May 13, 2010 at 10:20 am

This is very kind of you and the sponsors to do this for us. Thank you very much!

Diana R.Smith · May 13, 2010 at 1:45 pm

I keep telling my son about your great blog so will send him the address. I thought I was pretty well set for trouble but really I just had tons of stuff…with your advice I am cooking, at least,two meals from my storage weekly. Make all our bread and,although we always have a big garden plan to make a bigger committment to putting things up in a timely manner. Picking strawberries today . DEE

Sheri D. · May 13, 2010 at 1:53 pm

Good Morning Kellene,

I read every post each morning and I love every word. Put my name in and I’ll send diatomaceous earth vibes out.

Scott · May 13, 2010 at 3:27 pm

Most cool Kellene! I read a number of blogs daily. I ALWAYS look forward to yours, as it is founded in practical preparations for life that are useful even if disaster never strikes! So many other sites “motivate” by preaching the pending doom of global civilization. The information you provide certainly prepares us for that; but it also teaches us a healthy, self-reliant lifestyle that is enjoyable – not fearful! A great day to all!

Lynn · May 13, 2010 at 8:35 pm

I am SO in on this one. Thanks for the awesome chance to win some of these fabulous prizes!! YAY!

Debbie Buckner · May 14, 2010 at 12:56 pm

Well, we tried the cheese waxing Wednesday night as an activity and had a ball doing it and now feel we are on the way to enjoying a little of lifes comfort foods should anything happen, thank you for your information and research into doing some of these things we need on the shelf.

Sherry · May 14, 2010 at 3:41 pm

As I have said so many times before……..THANK YOU! I have referred everyone I know to your blog since the first day I found it! Will have to remind them to go and list me so I can win one of the great prises. LOL! Your down to earth approach to preparing is refreshing. I have learned SO much from you and have finally realized that what I was doing was not ‘hoarding’ as I had been told. The peace of mind I get from being prepared for what ever comes is worth more than anything. Now I know that I can keep my family fed, clean, medically stable and in good spirits no matter what comes. YOU helped make that possible. Give yourself a great big hug!

Vickie · May 14, 2010 at 11:30 pm

As Anne Shirley would say, I feel you are a “kindred spirit.”

susan · May 15, 2010 at 3:12 pm

sounds good. I never win anything, but this might work!

stacy · May 16, 2010 at 3:42 pm

Those prizes look awesome!

Katie · May 17, 2010 at 7:03 pm

Wow, those really are great prizes! I try not to comment on every post so as not to be annoying, but I’ll let them fly now! 😉

So, will you be identifying me by my email address, since my screen name is just ‘Katie’, and I’m sure there will be lots of Katies entering?

    Kellene · May 17, 2010 at 7:07 pm

    Don’t worry Katie. On our comment log, we’ve got e-mails, and IP addresses to keep everyone straight.
    Let the comments fly!

Nat · May 18, 2010 at 4:36 pm

what a great way to get the word out. I just disovered this website and am excited to start looking around.

Kurt · May 19, 2010 at 4:52 pm

Interesting. I like the idea. I followed a link in from thetexasring.com where lynne had posted it in a comment. Nice interesting site ya have here.

Greg · May 21, 2010 at 4:23 pm

Looking forward to reading more.

Sarah Mann · May 26, 2010 at 9:15 pm

WOW! I am so excited to be here, thanks to my friend Jen Kindrick for blogging/facebooking about it. This giveaway is awesome, and I am in total need of being more prepared. Thanks! 🙂

Lynn · May 30, 2010 at 4:40 pm

Spreading the news about YOU! Terrific giveaway and even though I NEVER win anything I’m telling everyone about you for THEIR sake–preparedness!!!

Off to tell more people! Thanks for the chance to win!

John · June 1, 2010 at 11:59 pm

Sounds like a great Giveaway!

Natalia · June 2, 2010 at 7:07 am

great giveaway

DebbieA · June 2, 2010 at 1:13 pm

Please do MORE online classes…

Karen M · June 3, 2010 at 10:27 pm

So fun! I’d love to try out some new stuff!! Thanks for having such a fun website!

Jane · June 3, 2010 at 11:47 pm

I continue to read and learn from your insightful posts, even though I’m in Australia.
Most things apply.

Jane of Janezworld

jo · June 5, 2010 at 11:42 am

What a cool giveaway. Thanks for all the helpful info you provide. You’re a blessing!

Chris Kendall · June 7, 2010 at 1:58 am

Love the preparedness blog & foods they recommend!

Beth Cunningham · June 15, 2010 at 5:35 pm

Awesome prizes!! I’ve been referring folks since I learned about Preparedness Pro myself. In fact, I gave the info out to a handful of people at the deli the other day after I heard them talking about how apocolyptic things seem to them now and that they know they need to do SOMEthing to prepar… 😀
Thx for all the great, non-panic-inducing info you provide us with!

MJ · June 15, 2010 at 9:02 pm

As always, I enjoy your blog and the things I have learned from you. Thanks.

Niccol Flores · June 15, 2010 at 9:24 pm

I am so glad that you were able to come to our Stake RS meeting last week, I learned soooo much!!! I can’t wait to learn about coupons!! I am spending way too much on groceries! I already have a commitment to fulfill during the next webinar, but I don’t want to wait until the end of July to get started. If I pay for the webinar can I get the resource guide even if I can’t log in during the class? Then I can also take the class again in July to get the rest of the info.

Julie Washburn · June 16, 2010 at 12:42 am

Love your site even though I just found it and am following it on facebook. Keep up the great work so we are better off.

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