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Recall!2007 and 2008 were the two biggest years in history for food recalls. Meat, peanut butter, tomatoes, lettuce, spinach and even dog food were among the few that were deemed dangerous or downright deadly for consumption. In my view, this is just another reason for the case in favor of having a year’s supply of food and water provisions.

When our country was made up largely of farmers, it was not unheard of for farmers to have one to two years of grain and other food stuffs stored for the future. They knew from experience that one never could rely on the goodness of Mother Nature, the economy, or world peace to guarantee a profitable harvest each year. Thus having a year’s supply of provisions and surviving on an annual paycheck was a necessary way of life. In this same vein of wisdom, our own government stored several year’s worth of grains, fuel, and other reserves to shore up against a “rainy day.”

Today there our government granaries are completely empty. There are simply NO government owned stores of grains or seeds left. All that remains is false claims by the USDA that this year’s farms will yield “bumper crops” in direct contrast to everything reported from the farmers themselves. As such, the cost of items with sugar, corn, soybeans, or wheat is expected to skyrocket in price this year. Ironically we will have to pay for such items with currency that is no longer backed by anything more than a man behind a curtain saying “all is well.” (Even Fort Knox is empty of its “rainy day” gold stores, folks.)

In addition to prudent planning that our government used to engage in, the safety of our foods was reliable, the ingredients were easily read, and the process used to bring them to the masses was simply a commercialized version of what a housewife could do for herself on a smaller scale. Today, however, we have meat that’s sold by the pound, infused with water (making it heavier) and coloring chemicals; vegetables that are coated in chemicals that require a PhD just to pronounce, and packaged meals and beverages which brag that they contain a whopping “10% of real” food ingredients which are actually recognizable. Environmental groups have more say about your supply than does does any seasoned medical professional. What gets put on our children’s plate in school is influenced by revenues instead of nutrition. While there is one soda pop machine available for every 97 persons in the U.S., fresh, unadulterated food stands are becoming as rare as an honest politician.Grain silo

Hopefully, by realizing the veracity of this scene I’ve painted for you, you realize that having stores of food on hand in your home isn’t just about being ready for an Armageddon-like scenario. It’s not about being some kind of a paranoid survivalist. It has everything to do with being self-reliant and taking responsibility for the preservation, health, and survival of you and your family.  As such, we need to be more aware and vigilant in being self-reliant in the storing of our most vital everyday needs.

I’ve provided “food for thought” when it comes to reasons for food stores. But please do not dismiss the need for safe drinking water. Only a few days without water will bring catastrophic consequences. During the Great Hungarian War, the soldiers would have literally given their right arm for water. They had food. They had clothing. They had safety in their shelters. They had fuel to keep them warm and dry. But when they had to venture out to get water—that is when the Hungarian soldiers were shot and killed. And yet the water was vital to the health of their organs, sanitation, and thirst. Remember, to be safe, have at least ONE gallon of water per person per day. That may sound like a ridiculous amount of water to you right now, but it will go far too quickly if you find yourself without it.

Ask yourself what you can do to have more self-reliant stores on hand to better protect and provide you with safety and survival.

Tomorrow I’ll be writing about how you can better guarantee the quality, safety and nutrition of your foods through sprouting—No, it’s not just for hippies. 🙂 So tune in.

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