Powdered Milk 101

We’ve received a LOT of new readers lately and as such I’m hearing a lot of questions that are also covered in articles in the past. So today I thought I’d help someone find an article on the use and selection of powdered milk that I swore I had written at one time. But I gotta tell ya, I’m not all that impressed with the search features of Wordpress. I figure if I can’t even find the dern-blasted article, then how can I expect anyone else to. So, I’m going to provide some basic powdered milk 101 kind of information today that will hopefully answer a lot of questions.

Forever Foods and More

So, have you had that unopened jar of mayonnaise ever since your husband brought home the wrong brand 7 years ago?  Forget about it *she says in her best Italian mobster accent*

While most persons have heard that a Twinkie last forever on the shelf, but did you know that there are actually some other more common food items that have an unlimited shelf life? A little fact-finding mission with some manufacturers sure did surprise me and I’m sure it will raise an eyebrow or two for you.


Moldy Fruit Nightmare Resolved by Freeze-Dried Fruit!

Freeze-DriedThis week I purchased fresh strawberries at Wal-mart for $2.98 and fresh blueberries at Sunflower Market for .99 cents.  I sifted through them trying to find the best looking packages without too much weeping of the fruit and of course, without any mold. It was my intention to eat healthier and put them on a salad with salmon for several lunches this week. However, I only got to use them on the first day because by the second day of them being in my home, they began to turn horribly moldy. So I asked myself, why in the world was I so foolish, spending money on this kind of garbage produce when I can just use my freeze-dried berries with the same tasty result but without the hassle.  Since I don’t believe in just wasting money, and I also believe in holding people accountable, I will definitely be taking my berries back to their respective stores and have them replaced—can you say more hassle?  So, as if I needed to be reminded once again, I have decided “to heck” with the so-called fresh fruit in our grocery stores. I’m sticking to either homegrown or freeze-dried!

Paranoid Privacy

ParanoidI wonder what would have been the result of the Revolutionary War if the heads of the British Army possessed a list of the names of every patriot and patriot sympathizer, a list of owned firearms, military experience, special wartime skills, who had extensive supplies and where, as well as a listing of what vulnerabilities each head of household had such as wives and children that they cared about.  It might also have been helpful to the British if they had a list of all known relatives and friends of the revolutionists so that they could best determine where the patriots might flee for safety or meet for strategy sessions. In fact, the British were provided with a great deal of this intelligence by cowardly, non-sympathetic citizens who were loyal to the Crown. Thankfully, ultimately it wasn’t enough for them to win the war.  It is my belief that the British’s loss was primarily due to the lack of knowledge they had about the revolutionary citizens.  As a result, the American citizens, their weapons and their resolve were an invaluable element of surprise for the British which defined the outcome of the war. Nothing can be more underestimated in a time of war than the element of surprise combined with a deep passion and commitment.

Time Travel With Coupons

by Kellene

Today I’m going to share with you one of most powerful financial aspects of using coupons AND I’m also going to share with you a couponing tip that will make anyone who’s using coupons, ecstatic!

A couple of weeks ago I taught the first ever live broadcast of my Coupon Training Boot Camp (also known as “Enough and to Spare”).  We received great feedback from the attendees—some of who were even experienced couponers that simply got recharged. Frankly, I even got recharged as I was teaching one of the most powerful financial benefits of using coupons.  For those of you who are interested, you can now purchase my extended in-home program of Enough and to Spare)

Preparedness Pro In Your Kitchen

Hey, it’s Friday! This means that the Preparedness Pro is going to adapt one of your favorite dishes and make it with shelf-stable items that you can use with or without electricity.

Today’s shelf-stable recipe is one of my husband’s favorite. It’s a mild twist on a Shepherds Pie recipe my mom used to make. However, Mom’s recipe took too much time and didn’t consist of items that I could just pull off of my shelf.  Whenever I make this for friends and family, they typically declare it as their favorite version.  Enjoy!