101—uh…Make that 20 Ways to Use a Tortilla

Creating a menu based on what you have and then only purchasing what is dramatically on sale is the mental shift I learned to accept over a decade ago.  But I believe that it’s a necessary way for me to live as it required me to be diligent and focused on what I do have, rather than what I may want.  That fits right in with my criteria of being more self-reliant.  Sure there are times when nothing will do

Permission to Be Lazy With Your Water Storage—Sort of

Last night I attended a fascinating medical lecture. The speaker certainly knew his stuff on how to use nutrition and oxygen and plant botanicals to heal the human body. You could tell that he wasn’t some newcomer to the scene of health and science. His 15 years of lecturing came through beautifully. I certainly  know that my health will be better for  having attended.  He also did an amazing job in better illustrating for me about the ills of canola oil and other vegetable oils, synthetics in our food, etc. Anyway, for some reason he was asked a question from the audience about water storage. What the audience member thought that had to do with his topic was beyond me, but he went ahead and took time to give her his opinion about water storage—the only problem was he was just a tad off.

The Win BEFORE the Fight–Self-Defense Preparation

by Kellene

I’ve been reading a great book over the last couple of weeks, “Molon Labe” that covers a lot of self-defense preparedness. In it the author reminds the reader several times that all fights are decided before the battle begins. The point being that it’s the level of self-defense preparation which takes place before a battle which determines the victor.  To me that’s certainly what self-defense preparedness is all about—a way to ensure that we win as many of life’s battles as are thrown at us, but this particular saying comes in full view when it comes to physically defending yourself as well.

Hyperinflation Series: Fighting Fire with Fire

Many moons ago (I think nearly 11 years) my hubby and I decided to go to Walt Disney World for a delayed honeymoon. As a part of our Land/Cruise package, we were given about $300 in the form of a gift card that we could purchase any of our food with as well as any items that the restaurants sold.  We did such a good job in budgeting the use of this card while we were there that we found ourselves still with about $100 left the night before we were to board on the cruise ship. In essence, our gift card would be useless and expired as soon as we left the park. So, my husband,

Do-It-Yourself Cottage Cheese

cottage cheeseWhen it comes to making your own cheese from powdered milk, I decided to start off easy today and address cottage cheese making specifically.

Perhaps you’re thinking that cottage cheese is simply a luxury that you’ll do without in a survival scenario. Ok. That’s fine if you’d prefer not to indulge in it. But I use it strategically in my home.

Preparing Wheat Meat

[caption id="attachment_1629" align="alignright" width="224" caption="Italian "Wheat Meat" Dish by notonlypizza.com"]Italian "Wheat Meat" Dish by notonlypizza.com[/caption]

Wheat Gluten, commonly called “wheat meat” or Seitan, is a great staple to your food storage. As I addressed some of the whys and wherefores of “wheat meat” yesterday, today I’m going to share with you HOW to create your own wheat gluten. Just to get your imagination going here, you can make countless WONDERFUL dishes with “wheat meat” in place of your traditional fare. “Meatballs,” “ground chicken or beef,” “steak slices,” “ham,” “sausage”, etc., can all be deliciously created from your wheat storage.

Get Rid of Your Chase Bank Cards

I don’t usually post on Saturdays, but an important issue came up this morning.  In the name of financial preparedness, I’m sharing it with you as I believe it’s vital to those who are trying to make the best financial decisions to be better prepared.

chase-credit-cardChase Bank has just informed hundreds of thousands of card holders

Preserving Fresh Eggs

 eggs As I’ve been writing and researching recipes for my Emergency Preparedness cookbook, I’ve had an aversion to using any of my recipes which include eggs except for baking recipes.  While you can use the old egg-substitute concoction of gelatin*, or dry packed eggs, these alternatives are really only good for baking.  Dog gone it.  I KNOW that I’m going to crave real eggs in the midst of a crisis.  So I wanted to figure out a way to preserve fresh eggs for me and my family.