
Financial Preparedness Part I

Conspiracy Abounds

conspiracyThere is a bumper sticker that I was indelibly impressed with when I was 13 years old. It said “Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after me.” I share that with you today because people seem to have a heightened sensitivity to the word “conspiracy.” Any time they hear something that sounds like it is a conspiracy, they dismiss it. Well folks, “Just because it’s a conspiracy, doesn’t mean it isn’t real.” You may not like the word or meaning of the word conspiracy, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t upon us. Frankly, it hasn’t left us since Cain killed Abel. (Even earlier than that if you want to delve deeper.)

Preparing for the Ugly Side of Human Nature

[caption id="attachment_961" align="alignright" width="300"]Photo c/o evaxebra Photo c/o evaxebra[/caption]

Who would have ever thought that one could discover the ugly side of human behavior in the meat department of the local grocery store?

This past weekend I went to a local store to snag a great deal on ground beef—only 78 cents a pound. It was a one day sale and clearly I wasn’t the only one who saw the ad. There was a line of customers winding from the back of the store nearly to the front. Unfortunately, the ground beef was no

US Airways Flight 1549 Crashes in the Hudson River


planehudsonx-mediumtopperToday’s catastrophic US Airways flight 1549 plane crash, an airbus A-320,  is the perfect example of what can go RIGHT if you prepare.  Certainly the passengers are horrified having had to experience an emergency landing in the freezing Hudson River waters. But their exit time from the plane happened exactly according to the rehearsed plan.  Airplanes of this nature are inspected and certified based on it’s ability to exit all passengers within 90 seconds.  Even with the real exits obstructed by the river, passengers were able to exit the plane and stand on the wings, in accordance to standard operating procedures.