Food Shortage Series Part 4

Course Correction—I Was Wrong

You know you’re in for a bumpy ride when I start out my article saying “PLEASE DO NOT PANIC”, right? Well hang on. And keep your screams muffled in front of the children as well as the non-preparedness-believing spouse, OK? You don’t want to undo any traction you might have gained recently, right?

Food Shortage Series Part III

The Financial Storm Strengthened by Food Shortage

Today I will continue the series of Food Shortage. For starters though, I just want to say thank you for the mounds of e-mails I received from persons over the last couple of days begging me and encouraging me to continue with the series. It was almost as if some felt that I had given up on writing this series due to some of the negative comments that were posted in response.  Now, now, Folks; you should know me better than that. I don’t scare easily.

Food Shortage Series Part II

The Logistics of Supply and Demand:

I’m going to continue with the warning series I began yesterday. I was going to address the economic scene today, but I’ve found some additional information today and think that this topic is more prudent. Keep in mind that this is just ONE component of the Perfect Storm Combination that I’m addressing this week.

Bottom line is that due to the horrific global weather conditions that have hit this past growing season, you need to get your house in order asap so that you can actually afford the food and in some cases, get it while it’s even available.

Food Shortage Series Part 1

Warning: Food Supply and Affordability are Seriously Threatened

The Overview

Why have I not written for several days? Well, believe it or not, it’s not because of the television show that I’ve been preparing to have filmed by TLC, and it’s not because of the extra radio shows lately.  It’s not even been a time management issue and fortunately my health has been great. Unfortunately, my delay in posting something worthwhile is because I’ve been struggling with how to share the information I have in such a way that you’ll be motivated to act, as well as those you love, and not do so in a panic.