Kicking Up the Dishes-What’s For Dinner Syndrome

by Kellene

We’ve got lots going on today and dinner is on my mind, so I’m just going to share a little tidbit with you today—not profound, or highly significant, but something to gnaw on nonetheless.

[caption id="attachment_4405" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="What's for dinner?"]dinner[/caption]

Yesterday was a very busy and draining day. I’m not ashamed to say that when it came time to cook dinner, I was not up to creating some gourmet, drool-worthy dish. I didn’t even want to go downstairs to my pantry to get some inspiration. Seriously, I didn’t want to even walk the 12 stair steps.  So I decided to forage right in my immediate cabinets to see what I could make do with for dinner.  Chicken in the refrigerator. Ok, so I just throw that into the pressure cooker with a couple cups of water, and presto–Dinner is served!

Easy Recipe Day

Today I’ve been doing a lot of research on future articles while my stomach grumbled—I’m ignoring it for now. But for some reason I’ve been fantasizing about all kinds of quick meals that I wanted to make tonight for dinner. And if it’s a quick, nutritious meal, then it’s bound to have a pressure cooker involved (at least in my house). So I realized that I could share some of these recipes with you. The first two are made in a pressure cooker, the other two are made simply in regular pans. They are recipes that I would make from my pantry for the most part. So I hope you enjoy them.

Great Wheat Meat Recipes

[caption id="attachment_1705" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Doesn't that look delicious?"]Doesn't that look delicious?[/caption]

Ribs, meatballs, steak, corned beef and ground beef–made from wheat? You bet! And it’s tasty too!!!

As covered in the last 2 days of our articles, “wheat meat” is a GREAT alternative for traditional protein sources in your food storage. It’s also healthy for you and requires less energy for your body to process than “regular meat.”

The Magic Number 12





Friday before last I decided to throw a party at my home. I wanted it to be an enjoyable night for the girlfriends in my life, so I threw in some paraffin hand treatments and made tons of food from my food storage supplies.  We had 3 main dishes, 2 side dishes, an appetizer and 2 desserts.  Would you believe, the food disappeared rapidly with countless requests for recipes?