All-Natural Defenses Against Radiation Poisoning

Hey Folks. Rather than write a big, honkin’ article on this, I elected to simply post the radio show I did Wednesday night that covers it in-depth. Earlier this week I felt that it was appropriate to begin counter-move measures against radiation poisoning. For some of you who are simply limited to a range of iodide/iodade/iodine pills, that may sound a bit radical. However, if you utilize natural remedies, then you don’t need to be concerned about what such option will do against your health, rather what such options will do FOR your health.

Breaking News: Meltdown taking place right now in one of the reactors in Japan

More info posted on our group site on Facebook folks.

Breaking news right now. Two nuclear safety commissions in Japan confirmed there is a meltdown taking place right now. How serious it is will depend on how firm the structure still is that’s containing the aria. Fuel rods are melting. This means there could be a huge mass of molten nuclear mess dumping into the water and then venting steam of highly radioactive material. Venting has been shut down at present in a hope to thwart the travel of radioactive material.