Preparedness Pro Weekly Update

On the radio show this past Saturday we did a “Best of” replay as it was my 12 year wedding anniversary so I took some time off.However, I don’t believe that I ever provided you folks with the link for the show prior to that one which was on the topic of hoarding.  In this particular show I discussed the realities of so-called anti-hoarding laws, highlighted your rights and freedoms in this regard, and I also shared with you some ways that you can be more careful in keeping your preparedness information more private. Every once in a while I do a show in which I feel really good about it after I’m finished. This was one of those kinds of shows so I hope that you’ll take the time to listen to it. Here’s the link. Hoarding: PP blog radio show

Resources for Mental Preparedness

The second most important aspect of preparedness is your Mental Preparedness. This category isn’t just about attitude, it’s about knowledge as well. Today you will receive some resources for mental preparedness that I have found incredibly useful, all in one article.

[caption id="attachment_2576" align="alignright" width="300" caption="James Wesley, Rawles, author of"]James Wesley, Rawles, author of[/caption]

To start with, yes, there is an abundance of information available on the internet. However, a word of warning. In order to get the most reliable information for your mental preparedness,

Honey, O, Honey

[caption id="attachment_1089" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Honey photo c/o Getty"]Honey photo c/o Getty[/caption]

My drug of choice?  Well, I could say chocolate, or a Dr. Pepper, or even a sweet kiss from my hubby (those make my knees buckle).  But there’s nothing like a small spoonful of honey to put me in a happy, delicious mood.  Seriously.  Perhaps it’s because each time I steal a taste, I’m not just tasting the substance of honey, but its overwhelming value everyday, and in an emergency.  Honey not only tastes good, but it has numerous medicinal and comfort uses as well.  You know me, I love items that have multiple uses.  Honey is one of the super stars of my food storage AND first-aid supplies.