Preparing Wheat Meat

[caption id="attachment_1629" align="alignright" width="224" caption="Italian "Wheat Meat" Dish by"]Italian "Wheat Meat" Dish by[/caption]

Wheat Gluten, commonly called “wheat meat” or Seitan, is a great staple to your food storage. As I addressed some of the whys and wherefores of “wheat meat” yesterday, today I’m going to share with you HOW to create your own wheat gluten. Just to get your imagination going here, you can make countless WONDERFUL dishes with “wheat meat” in place of your traditional fare. “Meatballs,” “ground chicken or beef,” “steak slices,” “ham,” “sausage”, etc., can all be deliciously created from your wheat storage.

Preserving Fresh Eggs

 eggs As I’ve been writing and researching recipes for my Emergency Preparedness cookbook, I’ve had an aversion to using any of my recipes which include eggs except for baking recipes.  While you can use the old egg-substitute concoction of gelatin*, or dry packed eggs, these alternatives are really only good for baking.  Dog gone it.  I KNOW that I’m going to crave real eggs in the midst of a crisis.  So I wanted to figure out a way to preserve fresh eggs for me and my family.