Could You Endure Power Outage for 24 Hours?

A couple of weekends ago our neighborhood decided to do a little test run to help everyone better assess their level of preparedness. Since there have been several instances in our nation in which people have had to go without electricity for weeks at a time, the assignment was to go without power for a full 24 hours with the exception of our refrigerators. (Bunch of sissies. *grin*)

DIY Home Solar System

By Guest Author: Scott Bishop

Want a solar system big enough to do the work, without having to drop a mint all at once? Yes, they really do exist. Today’s article is brought to you by Scott Bishop, the better half of Kellene–The Preparedness Pro. While the article is lengthier than most, there really wasn’t a good “break” point. Besides, I’ve also got to include a follow-up piece on how to assemble the solar panels. Enjoy!


My homemade version of a solar electricity system for alternative and backup power

Increasing Your Buying Power with Coupons

I’ve been winding down my Coupons Training Boot Camp classes for this couponsyear. This Saturday will mark the last one I teaching this year before I start charging folks to attend this particular class. As a result, the classes this week have been quite full. (Many, of course, waited until the last minute to register only to have to be told that we were full to capacity—bummer.) In spite of full classes, I’ve still been a bit disappointed in the turn out. Let me expound on why I feel that way.