Pressure Cooker Delivers Ham and Beans in Minutes!

Gotta Love That Pressure Cooker!

Two weeks ago I had to make a meal, pronto, for my husband and I.  Since I had been writing most of the day, I hadn’t exactly planned anything. So at 4:30 p.m., I finally decided to rummage in my freezer to see what was available. I saw a freezer-burned ham bone. While that may not sound very appetizing to most of you, I assure you that freezer-burned meat is no problem when you have a pressure cooker.  So I placed the ham bone in some water and a couple

Beans for Dessert

beansYou bet.  Even in an emergency you can feed your kids healthy, but scrumptious desserts!  Beans are incredibly versatile.  As you know they are also an excellent source of protein and Vitamin B, folic acid, niacin, and thiamine.  The human body even thrives when this particular food is relied upon.  It’s great for aiding digestive problems (ergo the creation of “Beano”), circulation, diabetes, and weight control.

Beans Under Pressure

kuhn-rikon-pressure-cookerSince I know that anyone who is serious about having an emergency preparedness supply of food is bound to have beans, I thought that this would be a vital article today.

Besides, I was craving yummy beans today, so I decided to share with you yet another e-z p-z pressure cooker recipe.