Get Out of Dodge–“Urban Survival”

I was once asked to teach more about urban survival “because all anyone ever says is that you have to get out of the city when disaster strikes.” I also came across a radio show host who ostensibly discusses urban survival every week on her show. Well, I hope she’s got a very creative mind because if I were to address “urban survival” it would last about one hour, because frankly, there’s no such thing as urban survival folks. When it comes to dealing with a bona fide disaster, you need to get out of the city, plain and simple. This means that there’s a reason why you “only hear instructions to get out of the city when disaster strikes assuming you expect to last longer than a couple of weeks, at best. The problem, though, is that the longer you wait to get out of the city, the more dangerous your exit will be and the more problems will confront you as well.


Credit Card Crusade

CreditFor the record, I’m quite certain that this article will be a bit controversial.  And to be honest, I’m a bit saddened to know it. However, I remind myself that such is the case because the people I care about—such as yourself—have long been taught several counterfeit standards when it comes to money, debt, paying interest and being truly prepared. So, if you get a bit grumpy with me for making you squirm a bit in this article, I promise you that I will totally forgive you and even empathize with your position because I’ve certainly been in that same place.

Hydration-Water Preparedness

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4558" align="alignright" width="210" caption="Hydration is more important than you realize"]water[/caption]

When I mention water to folks as being a part of preparedness, I usually get a response that reveals they are thinking solely of storing water for the purposes of drinking, cooking, and sanitation. But what many people do not realize is vital role that consuming water today plays into your Water Preparedness.