Why Did I Finally Give in to a Generator?

One of the first articles I ever posted on here was entitled “Why I Don’t Have a Generator”.   When it comes to enduring a serious life scenario in which food, money, and human decency may be scarce, the typical generator is not a friend. It makes too much noise, thus attracting unnecessary attention, most of them require fuel which is very difficult to store and use safely; they only run for a short period of time, they can easily be destroyed with a strong solar flare or an EMP, they are bulky, cumbersome, and require lots of room for storage, they are wicked expensive for what you get, and even the solar generator versions use a lead-based battery which is simply not suitable to endure a year of full charges and full power exhaustion everyday–plus they have that pesky problem of bulging or having a “memory problem” in which if you use it a little and charge it a little then it gradually loses its capacity to be fully charged and fully drained. Sounds like an awful lot of expense for so much hassle. 

Practice Makes Peaceful

“The unknown always equates fear” says Cody Lundin, author of “When All Hell Breaks Loose.” While I suspect that Mr. Lundin will never successfully convince me that I should walk barefoot all the time nor am I likely to take his culinary advice on how to serve up road kill the next time the in-laws come for dinner, I must say that I wholeheartedly agree with him on this one.  In fact, it’s for this very reason why I’m constantly begging our readers and listeners to practice using their preparedness knowledge and tools.

Just Breathe

by Kellene

[caption id="attachment_4608" align="alignleft" width="285" caption="Fear? Stress? Breathe."]breathe[/caption]

Fact: Most people, when exposed to a threatening, frightful scenario, will inhale and then hold it; when what they really should do is just breathe.

Have you ever heard some sudden disturbing news?  What do you hear next? Inward gasps, right?

Take target shooting for example.