Conspiracy Programming

[caption id="attachment_4076" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Conspiracies--Fact or Fiction? photo co corrupt-org"][/caption]

by Kellene

I’ve probably said this before, but one of my favorite conspiracy bumper stickers of all time says “Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after me.”

I find that there is a dangerous and debilitating stigma in our international society.  If a proposed theory has anything to do with the fact that a person or group of persons has actually conspired, plotted, and planned to bring about the demise of another person, then the proposal is discounted as audacious and mentally deficient. “Conspiracy!” they cry—as if

Settling the Cheese Wax Controversy

cheese-wax-controversyIt’s interesting what a seemingly innocuous sounding sentence can do.  Apparently the phrase “you can wax your own cheese and store it” is a vile enough claim to cause some to turn on their evil buttons. Oh the controversy. But the problem is that the misinformed cheese wax controversy is causing some to not have their favorite food group in stock in the event of an emergency. No cheese? That’s practically against my religion. I’d rather be hung by my toes and pummeled with an organic carrot than be forced to survive without chocolate and cheese. So, I consider it my duty to share the sound reasons as to why I’m completely comfortable waxing and storing my own cheese.

Why I DON’T Have a Generator

[caption id="attachment_1067" align="alignright" width="234" caption="Gasonline Generator photo c/o"]Gasonline Generator photo c/o[/caption]

Obviously, given my line of work, I’m frequently told by people that they are prepared because they have a generator.  Well, I see a whole lot of downsides of owning and relying on one, so I thought I’d share my two cents as to why I don’t plan on ever owning a generator.

US Airways Flight 1549 Crashes in the Hudson River


planehudsonx-mediumtopperToday’s catastrophic US Airways flight 1549 plane crash, an airbus A-320,  is the perfect example of what can go RIGHT if you prepare.  Certainly the passengers are horrified having had to experience an emergency landing in the freezing Hudson River waters. But their exit time from the plane happened exactly according to the rehearsed plan.  Airplanes of this nature are inspected and certified based on it’s ability to exit all passengers within 90 seconds.  Even with the real exits obstructed by the river, passengers were able to exit the plane and stand on the wings, in accordance to standard operating procedures.