Eggsactly Right

Like many, I tend to be an emotional eater. And dog-gone-it, if I want a fried egg, I want a fried egg. And no amount of seasoning of French name-calling will sufficiently entice me to mentally switch from the envisioned savor of a fried egg to settle for an omelet made from powdered eggs. Yes, this certainly is a problem if I find myself completely out of real, honest to goodness eggs!  Powdered eggs and other egg substitutes are great for baking and such, but there’s just nothing else that compares to a real  fried egg, over medium–not to mention the fact that it’s also been impossible thus far for me to make my sinfully delicious cream puffs with any of the substitutes. So, not one to leave something as important as a hankering for a fried egg to chance, I’m happy to say that there’s a great alternative to powdered eggs or “egg substitutes.

Birch Essential Oil

Essential OilWhen it comes to properly using essential oils, I really like to study them so that I can act quickly and/or confidently in my goal of medical independence.  While most persons are familiar with lavender, lemon, and tea tree oil, I find that birch essential oil is frequently one of my favored selections.

Canola Oil—A Well Crafted Scheme

by Kellene

With a significant background in marketing, I have become convinced time and time again that just about anything—good or bad—can be promoted successfully with the right kind of marketing.  As I’ve watched the political, consumer goods, and news industries over the past year more keenly, I have realized that in some cases strategic marketing is the only reason why some celebrities, consumer products, pharmaceuticals and politicians are familiar to the general populace.  The reason I point this out is because the existence of canola oil and it’s wide acceptance is due solely to some well-funded marketing and public relation schemes–yes–schemes.  It certainly isn’t because it’s a trustworthy or nutritious food.

Coconut Oil Fact and Fiction

by Kellene You may be too young to know this, but a long time ago, coconut oil (and some palm oils) was in virtually everything you ate.  Your French fries were cooked in it, your mayonnaise was made with it, and it was used in many of your processed foods as well.  So what changed? How did coconut oil fall from grace in the food industry? Well, like most instances such as this, the secret behind this switch has to do with money, power, and greed.

Vital Bread Making Tips

breadWhile the topic may sound a bit “ho hum” I assure you that if you’ve ever made bread—successfully or not—you will benefit from this these vital bread making tips.

Last night I took a little “me time” and attended a bread making class. I love to see how other folks do things and I always hope to learn something to “sharpen my saw” along the way as well.