Now THAT’S What I Call Bling!

OK Boys and Girls. Today we are going to talk about a very important currency of the future. It’s called AMMO. (Pronounced a-MO, as in MO power, MO security, and MO of it.)

Yeah, I know I sound like a kook here, but sometimes I have a very practical side of me. And frankly, having ammo on hand is practical. But with all of the legends, myths, and political influence out there, it’s getting a bit frustrating trying to find just the right ammo that you rely on being there when you need it. And remember folks,

Items to Hoard (for now AND in case of an Emergency)


You’ve heard the announcement on the TV of a pending emergency.  What’s your first reaction?  Well, if you’re like 95% of the adult population it’s to go to the store and stock up.  But if you already have key items on hand and know how to discern between that which is needful and that which is foolish, you’ll avoid the chaos that will inevitably be present at any store after such an announcement.