Medically Compromised-A Case for Medical Independence
by Kellene
[caption id="attachment_5075" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Medical supplies"]
As I’ve shared previously, preparedness is primarily about independence from vulnerabilities. After being on nearly a dozen medications regularly for years, I decided to take a closer look at my medical vulnerabilities as a whole in order that I might more fully understand what kind of a battle I’m engaged in—after all, bringing the most effective weapon to the battle is only possible if one knows their opponent well. After doing a great deal of research over the last year for the benefit of my own path towards medical independence, I’ve realized that I’ve essentially attempted to fight the battle with a lot of ammo and no firearm. While a mass of cartridge rounds may appear intimidating to most enemies, it’s downright laughable without the right tool to expend them. Nowadays, it’s my belief that by educating ourselves on just how truly