
The Foreclosure Crisis and What It Means to You—Part I

ForeclosureOk Folks. Sorry, but it’s that time again. Yes, I’m going to address another component of Financial Preparedness today. For those who feel that the topic of Financial Preparedness is about a dry as a bag of 100 year old beans, I apologize. I truly do try to restrain myself so that you aren’t too bored. But in the case of today’s article, there was simply too much that was too obvious (and somewhat alarming) to me, that I couldn’t hold back from trying to educate on this one.


Credit Card Crusade

CreditFor the record, I’m quite certain that this article will be a bit controversial.  And to be honest, I’m a bit saddened to know it. However, I remind myself that such is the case because the people I care about—such as yourself—have long been taught several counterfeit standards when it comes to money, debt, paying interest and being truly prepared. So, if you get a bit grumpy with me for making you squirm a bit in this article, I promise you that I will totally forgive you and even empathize with your position because I’ve certainly been in that same place.